$ make update
- HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractClass - Abstract class can't be instantiated directly
( 2020-02-14 / 4 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractFactory - Abstract Factory Pattern
( 2022-10-13 / 16 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractionLayers - Abstraction Layers
( 2022-10-13 / 32 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Abstractions - Programming is abstract thinking
( 2022-10-14 / 43 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
( 2020-02-06 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ActorModel - Actor model (concurrent computation model)
( 2023-04-30 / 25 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Adapter - Pattern Adapter Implementations
( 2022-10-13 / 21 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Antipatterns - Antipatterns as a Worst Practices
( 2023-06-05 / 51 commits / 15 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/API - Application Interface with HTTP Transport and JSON serialization
( 2023-04-30 / 40 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Application - Browser application loader example
( 2020-12-12 / 2 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Arrays - Arrays
( 2023-04-30 / 40 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Articles - Links to Articles
( 2018-06-06 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Association - Associations: Aggregation and Composition
( 2022-10-02 / 21 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAdapter - Asynchronous Adapters
( 2021-09-02 / 11 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAwait - Async/Await
( 2023-04-19 / 19 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncCompose - Asynchronous Function Composition
( 2021-09-04 / 19 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncGenerator - Asynchronous Generators
( 2021-09-04 / 19 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsynchronousProgramming - Asynchronous Programming
( 2022-10-10 / 60 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncIterator - Asynchronous Iterator and Iterable protocols
( 2021-09-04 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Atomics - Atomic Operations API
( 2022-10-16 / 15 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Automata - Automata-based programming
( 2022-10-17 / 19 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Benchmark - Performance testing for different techniques
( 2022-10-16 / 58 commits / 17 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Bridge - Use bridge to decouple an abstraction from its implementation
( 2022-09-09 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Buffers - Binary Buffers
( 2022-09-12 / 13 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Builder - Separates the construction of a complex object from its representation
( 2022-09-12 / 10 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Callbacks - Callbacks, Listeners and Events
( 2022-10-14 / 27 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cancelable - Cancelable Asynchronous Abstractions
( 2022-10-03 / 21 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Certification - Certificates of Qualification in Software Engineering
( 2022-05-06 / 19 commits / 39 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Chaining - Chaining with classes, ptototypes and functors
( 2022-10-14 / 38 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ChainOfResponsibility - Pattern: Chain of responsibility
( 2022-10-03 / 13 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cheatsheet - Language Cheatsheet
( 2021-09-01 / 26 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Closure - Function closures and storing data in function scope
( 2023-05-06 / 56 commits / 25 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CodeReview - Code Review Examples
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collections - Different types of Associative Collections
( 2022-10-13 / 13 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collector - Data Collectors for Asynchronous Programming
( 2022-09-08 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Command - Pattern Command
( 2022-08-24 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CommandLine - CLI, Command Line Interface and Console
( 2022-10-14 / 26 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Complexity - Computational complexity including Big O notation
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composite - Composite pattern
( 2021-01-20 / 11 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composition - Function composition
( 2023-05-13 / 72 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Concurrency - ConcurrentQueue, throttling, etc.
( 2018-11-03 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ConcurrentQueue - Asynchronous Concurrent Queue with Priority and Factor
( 2022-10-17 / 19 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Configuration - Application configuration
( 2020-10-27 / 7 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Contract - Programming by contract, Design by contract (DbC), Contract-based Programming
( 2022-10-15 / 14 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Controller - GRASP: Controller principle
( 2022-11-27 / 31 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CouplingCohesion - GRASP: Low coupling and High cohesion
( 2022-10-13 / 10 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
( 2022-10-18 / 16 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQS - CQS - Command-query separation principle
( 2022-08-24 / 10 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CRDT - Conflict-free Data Types
( 2019-05-27 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Creator - GRASP: Creator principle
( 2022-10-13 / 9 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Databases - Work with Database Management Systems
( 2021-01-20 / 29 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataDrivenProgramming - Data-driven Programming
( 2018-01-16 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataStructures - Data structures basics
( 2021-09-01 / 21 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataSync - Inter-process Data Structures Synchronization
( 2017-09-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataTypes - Built-in data types
( 2023-05-13 / 83 commits / 36 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DDD - Domain-driven design
( 2022-12-09 / 72 commits / 66 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deadlock - Deadlock and Livelock Examples
( 2022-10-17 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Decomposition - Decomposition and refactoring
( 2021-12-05 / 7 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deferred - Deferred (and comparison to Future and Promise)
( 2022-10-18 / 17 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInjection - Resolving dependencies with dependency injection
( 2022-10-12 / 26 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInversion - The Dependency Inversion Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dequeue - Stack, Queue and Dequeue
( 2022-09-08 / 18 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DesignPatterns - Design Patterns
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dictionary - Programming Dictionary
( 2020-06-28 / 119 commits / 633 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DoS - Denial of Service (DoS)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DSL - Language-oriented programming and domain-specific languages
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EMail - Send emails
( 2018-12-11 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Enum - Enumerated type
( 2022-09-12 / 26 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Eratosthenes - Sieve of Eratosthenes
( 2018-09-23 / 2 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Errors - Error handling
( 2021-08-27 / 19 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ESNext - ES.Next Examples
( 2022-10-17 / 14 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventDrivenProgramming - Event-driven programming
( 2022-10-12 / 27 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventEmitter - Simple EventEmitter with multiple listeners
( 2022-10-10 / 69 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventSourcing - Event Sourcing
( 2022-10-10 / 13 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Exams - Exams readiness test
( 2022-12-30 / 50 commits / 62 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Expirable - Expirable Promises
( 2022-09-09 / 10 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FaaS - Function as a Service
( 2020-03-02 / 5 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Facade - Pattern Facade Implementations
( 2022-10-18 / 18 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Factory - Factory for FP, OOP, other paradigms and metaprogramming
( 2022-09-06 / 26 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FactoryMethod - Factory method
( 2022-10-14 / 12 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Files - Files and file system
( 2022-10-11 / 31 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FileStorage - File Storage
( 2017-09-14 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FilesystemWatch - Watch filesystem for changes
( 2022-10-02 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Flyweight - Minimizes memory usage by sharing data with other similar objects
( 2019-03-19 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Function - Functions as a method to raise level of code abstraction
( 2023-05-06 / 79 commits / 40 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FunctionalProgramming - Functional Programming
( 2022-02-15 / 17 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Functor - Mappable objects
( 2022-10-13 / 54 commits / 20 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Future - Future as Asynchronous Abstraction
( 2022-10-10 / 23 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GarbageCollection - Garbage collection
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generator - Generators, coroutines and some monads examples
( 2023-04-27 / 55 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generics - Generic Programming
( 2022-04-11 / 13 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GeoIP -
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Global - Global context pollution problem
( 2020-06-08 / 5 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/go-meetups - Lectures of Go meetups at HowProgrammingWorks
( 2017-12-22 / 7 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GracefulShutdown - Graceful shutdown for network servers
( 2023-04-28 / 15 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Graph - Directed graph implementations
( 2020-02-05 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GRASP - General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Higher-code - Higher-code concept and skills
( 2023-05-22 / 2 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HigherOrderFunction - Higher-order functions having functions as arguments or result
( 2022-12-04 / 49 commits / 20 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HttpRequest - HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, fetch
( 2022-10-03 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Immutable - Immutable data structures
( 2018-12-16 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ImperativeProgramming - Imperative, non-structured, structured and procedural programming
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Index - Metarhia educational program index 📖
( 2023-05-28 / 451 commits / 3057 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Indirection - GRASP: Indirection pronciple
( 2021-03-10 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationExpert - GRASP: Information Expert
( 2021-03-10 / 14 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationHiding - Information Hiding
( 2022-10-17 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Inheritance - Inheritance in Different Paradigms
( 2022-02-16 / 19 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/IntegrationTesting - Integration testing
( 2022-10-05 / 23 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Interface - Structure defining class external members names and types
( 2022-10-19 / 7 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterfaceSegregation - The Interface Segregation Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterProcessCommunication - Inter-process Communication
( 2023-04-28 / 34 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introduction - Introduction to programming
( 2019-09-06 / 13 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introspection - Introspection is a Runtime Examinations of Program Components
( 2022-09-08 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InversionOfControl - IoC: dependency injection, module sandboxing, framework wrappers, etc.
( 2022-09-22 / 34 commits / 23 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Isolation - Request isolation
( 2023-04-28 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iteration - Different implementation of iterations as a code abstraction
( 2023-05-13 / 62 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iterator - Iterator and Iterable protocols
( 2022-10-17 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KeyValue - KeyValue Collections
( 2017-09-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KnowledgeMap - Knowledge dependency map visualization tool
( 2018-09-17 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LawOfDemeter - Law of Demeter (LoD) principle of least knowledge in component coupling
( 2019-05-20 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lazy - Lazy Operations and Data Transformations
( 2018-01-22 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LCM-GCD - Least Common Multiple and Greatest common divisor
( 2018-09-02 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lenses - Lenses, fp getter & setter
( 2021-08-24 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Letters - Письма к студентам курса
( 2021-01-02 / 120 commits / 106 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LinkedList - Linked list data structure
( 2022-10-17 / 32 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiskovSubstitution - The Liskov Substitution Principle
( 2022-10-18 / 15 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveCoding - Live Coding Server
( 2018-07-10 / 8 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveQA - Programming, JavaScript, Node.js, Architecture Seminars
( 2022-10-05 / 4 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveReload - Serve static files with live reload filesystem changes
( 2022-10-03 / 12 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveTable - Multiuser spreadsheet example
( 2022-11-27 / 34 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LockFree - Lock-free Data Structures
( 2019-05-27 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Logging - Logging in Node.js and JavaScript
( 2022-10-10 / 25 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lowcode - Low-code simplified JavaScript
( 2023-05-08 / 13 commits / 17 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Map - Map as Associative Array
( 2022-10-10 / 23 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mediator - Define an interaction between instances as a separate instance
( 2020-02-07 / 11 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memento - Memento Pattern
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memoization - Memoization of synchronous and asynchronous functions
( 2023-05-13 / 54 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/MemoryLeaks - Memory Leaks
( 2022-10-02 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Metaprogramming - Metaprogramming examples
( 2022-10-15 / 31 commits / 29 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mixin - Mixin behavior, structure and relations
( 2022-08-21 / 34 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Modularity - Modularity and Dependency
( 2023-06-22 / 47 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monitor - Synchronization Monitor
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monomorphism - Monomorphism and Polymorphism
( 2021-03-29 / 26 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mutex - Preventing race conditions with Mutual Exclusion
( 2023-06-21 / 39 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Node.js-2020 - Node.js in 2020: Get out and come back again
( 2020-03-01 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
( 2023-02-12 / 272 commits / 439 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
( 2023-02-12 / 272 commits / 439 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodeServer - Compare node.js servers
( 2023-06-13 / 55 commits / 70 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NonBlocking - Non blocking loops
( 2022-10-17 / 21 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Null - NPE, Null object, Optional, Maybe
( 2020-03-01 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectComposition - Object Composition or Aggregation
( 2019-05-20 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectOrientedProgramming - Object-oriented programming
( 2022-10-13 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Observer - Pattern Observer
( 2022-10-10 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/OpenClosed - The Open Closed Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Packages - Node.js Packages
( 2022-09-22 / 7 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PartialApplication - Partial function application and Currying
( 2023-05-06 / 51 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PathTraversal - Path Traversal Attack
( 2022-10-03 / 14 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Polymorphism -
( 2022-04-08 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Pool - Object Pool
( 2022-10-17 / 31 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Principles - General Programming Principles
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrivateFields - Private Fields
( 2019-08-14 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Profile - Personal profile of software engineering skills
( 2022-07-13 / 28 commits / 59 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Project - Example project
( 2022-04-08 / 33 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Projection - Data structures projection
( 2022-09-01 / 50 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Promise - Asynchronous Programming with Promises
( 2023-04-27 / 34 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseError - Catch, unhandledRejection, rejectionHandled and multipleResolves
( 2023-04-28 / 18 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseExperiments - Experimental code examples with promises
( 2020-07-06 / 4 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ProtectedVariations - GRASP: Protected Variations principle
( 2021-03-10 / 3 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Prototype - Prototype-oriented programming
( 2021-09-01 / 27 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrototypeChain - Chain of Prototype Inheritance
( 2020-07-06 / 6 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Proxy - Proxy
( 2022-10-16 / 19 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PureFabrication - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
( 2022-10-12 / 9 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RaceCondition - Race Condition
( 2022-10-02 / 17 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ReactiveProgramming - Reactive Programming
( 2022-10-10 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Recursion - Recursion - define a function using itself
( 2022-08-23 / 17 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Refactoring - Refactoring — changing the code without changing its external behavior
( 2022-10-03 / 13 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflect - Reflect API
( 2021-12-26 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflection - Reflection allows programs to introspect and modify its structure and behavior at runtime
( 2021-12-26 / 11 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RegExp - Regular Expression is a Syntax to Define String Pattern
( 2021-12-26 / 26 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ResourceStarvation - Resource Starvation Examples
( 2019-08-18 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reusable - Reusable abstractions
( 2021-09-01 / 50 commits / 31 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RevealingConstructor - Revealing Constructor Pattern
( 2022-10-13 / 23 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Review - Projects for Review
( 2021-12-07 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/rust-meetups -
( 2017-12-13 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Rx - Reactive Extensions (Rx)
( 2022-10-16 / 27 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sandboxes - VM Sandboxes
( 2022-09-23 / 16 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Scaffolding - Scaffolding for UI, API, Classes, etc.
( 2022-09-24 / 14 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Schema - Schema for APIs, Data structures and Databases
( 2021-12-06 / 6 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/School - Modern school program
( 2022-12-16 / 15 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Semaphore - Binary Semaphore, Counting Semaphore
( 2023-06-21 / 37 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Serialization - Translating data structures into syntactic structures or binary format
( 2023-01-11 / 26 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServeStatic - Serve static content with HTTP
( 2023-04-04 / 29 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServiceWorker - Service Workers for PWA caching, proxy and offline
( 2022-10-02 / 29 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Session - HTTP server with sessions, tokens, cookies
( 2022-10-03 / 24 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Set - Set is a Collection of Distinct Values or Objects
( 2021-12-06 / 16 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SingleResponsibility - The Single Responsibility Principle
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Singleton - Single instance
( 2023-06-21 / 20 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Socket - Network Socket Endpoint Interface
( 2023-04-27 / 25 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SOLID - Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation и Dependency inversion
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sorting - Sorting Algorithms
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQL - Structured Query Language
( 2021-12-06 / 20 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLConstraints - SQL constraints: indexes, checks, nullable, primary and foreign keys
( 2019-11-15 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLInjection - SQL Injection
( 2022-10-03 / 26 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLJoins - SQL Joins: CROSS, LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, OUTER, FULL
( 2019-11-15 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLWebClient - SQL Web Client
( 2019-11-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StackTrace - Stack Trace problem in Node.js
( 2022-10-02 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/State - Pattern State
( 2020-01-21 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StateMachine - Finite-State Machine or Finite-State Automaton
( 2020-01-21 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Strategy - Strategy Pattern
( 2021-11-13 / 18 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Streams - Read, write, transform data streams
( 2022-09-23 / 18 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/String - String is a Sequence of Characters and Manipulation Methods
( 2022-10-03 / 20 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Struct - Record, struct or structure
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Stub - Stub function, method, object
( 2022-10-17 / 8 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Symbol - Unique identifier for special object properties
( 2023-03-14 / 26 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Testing - «Why Testing» in examples
( 2022-10-15 / 22 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Thenable - Thenable contract
( 2022-10-10 / 34 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ThesisTopics - Students Thesis Topics List
( 2019-04-15 / 14 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Threads - Multithreading: WorkerThreads, Workers, SheredWorkers
( 2022-10-12 / 21 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Timers - Timers: setImmediate, setTimeout, setInterval, nextTick
( 2023-04-30 / 37 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Tools - Development tools and environment configuration
( 2020-01-22 / 36 commits / 29 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
( 2022-09-07 / 37 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
( 2022-09-07 / 37 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Trees - Tree node with 5 pointers
( 2021-10-21 / 26 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/TypedArrays - ArrayBuffer, DataView, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array
( 2021-10-21 / 10 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Unittesting - Unit Testing
( 2022-10-15 / 12 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Vectors - Vector Collections
( 2017-09-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/VersionControl - Git Version Control System and GitHub Usage Recommendations
( 2021-11-07 / 15 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Visitor - Visitor Pattern
( 2019-07-09 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAPI - Web API overview
( 2019-08-11 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAssembly - JavaScript WebAssembly API
( 2018-02-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebsocketChat - Simple browser chat with websocket and node.js
( 2023-06-12 / 43 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Workers - Node.js workers and Web workers
( 2022-10-17 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Wrapper - Wrapper functions, Interface wrappers, etc.
( 2021-10-21 / 45 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/XSS - Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars )
- HowProgrammingWorks/Index - Metarhia educational program index 📖
(451 commits / 3057 stars / 2023-05-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
(272 commits / 439 stars / 2023-02-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
(272 commits / 439 stars / 2023-02-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Letters - Письма к студентам курса
(120 commits / 106 stars / 2021-01-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dictionary - Programming Dictionary
(119 commits / 633 stars / 2020-06-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataTypes - Built-in data types
(83 commits / 36 stars / 2023-05-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Function - Functions as a method to raise level of code abstraction
(79 commits / 40 stars / 2023-05-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composition - Function composition
(72 commits / 18 stars / 2023-05-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DDD - Domain-driven design
(72 commits / 66 stars / 2022-12-09 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventEmitter - Simple EventEmitter with multiple listeners
(69 commits / 19 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iteration - Different implementation of iterations as a code abstraction
(62 commits / 11 stars / 2023-05-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsynchronousProgramming - Asynchronous Programming
(60 commits / 22 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Benchmark - Performance testing for different techniques
(58 commits / 17 stars / 2022-10-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Closure - Function closures and storing data in function scope
(56 commits / 25 stars / 2023-05-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generator - Generators, coroutines and some monads examples
(55 commits / 16 stars / 2023-04-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodeServer - Compare node.js servers
(55 commits / 70 stars / 2023-06-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Functor - Mappable objects
(54 commits / 20 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memoization - Memoization of synchronous and asynchronous functions
(54 commits / 18 stars / 2023-05-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Antipatterns - Antipatterns as a Worst Practices
(51 commits / 15 stars / 2023-06-05 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PartialApplication - Partial function application and Currying
(51 commits / 19 stars / 2023-05-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Exams - Exams readiness test
(50 commits / 62 stars / 2022-12-30 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Projection - Data structures projection
(50 commits / 14 stars / 2022-09-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reusable - Reusable abstractions
(50 commits / 31 stars / 2021-09-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HigherOrderFunction - Higher-order functions having functions as arguments or result
(49 commits / 20 stars / 2022-12-04 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Modularity - Modularity and Dependency
(47 commits / 16 stars / 2023-06-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Wrapper - Wrapper functions, Interface wrappers, etc.
(45 commits / 12 stars / 2021-10-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Abstractions - Programming is abstract thinking
(43 commits / 12 stars / 2022-10-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebsocketChat - Simple browser chat with websocket and node.js
(43 commits / 19 stars / 2023-06-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/API - Application Interface with HTTP Transport and JSON serialization
(40 commits / 22 stars / 2023-04-30 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Arrays - Arrays
(40 commits / 6 stars / 2023-04-30 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mutex - Preventing race conditions with Mutual Exclusion
(39 commits / 16 stars / 2023-06-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Chaining - Chaining with classes, ptototypes and functors
(38 commits / 7 stars / 2022-10-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Semaphore - Binary Semaphore, Counting Semaphore
(37 commits / 10 stars / 2023-06-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Timers - Timers: setImmediate, setTimeout, setInterval, nextTick
(37 commits / 5 stars / 2023-04-30 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
(37 commits / 6 stars / 2022-09-07 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
(37 commits / 6 stars / 2022-09-07 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Tools - Development tools and environment configuration
(36 commits / 29 stars / 2020-01-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterProcessCommunication - Inter-process Communication
(34 commits / 16 stars / 2023-04-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InversionOfControl - IoC: dependency injection, module sandboxing, framework wrappers, etc.
(34 commits / 23 stars / 2022-09-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveTable - Multiuser spreadsheet example
(34 commits / 9 stars / 2022-11-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mixin - Mixin behavior, structure and relations
(34 commits / 7 stars / 2022-08-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Promise - Asynchronous Programming with Promises
(34 commits / 18 stars / 2023-04-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Thenable - Thenable contract
(34 commits / 8 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Project - Example project
(33 commits / 8 stars / 2022-04-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractionLayers - Abstraction Layers
(32 commits / 22 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LinkedList - Linked list data structure
(32 commits / 12 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Controller - GRASP: Controller principle
(31 commits / 13 stars / 2022-11-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Files - Files and file system
(31 commits / 10 stars / 2022-10-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Metaprogramming - Metaprogramming examples
(31 commits / 29 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Pool - Object Pool
(31 commits / 6 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Databases - Work with Database Management Systems
(29 commits / 13 stars / 2021-01-20 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServiceWorker - Service Workers for PWA caching, proxy and offline
(29 commits / 16 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServeStatic - Serve static content with HTTP
(29 commits / 8 stars / 2023-04-04 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Profile - Personal profile of software engineering skills
(28 commits / 59 stars / 2022-07-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Callbacks - Callbacks, Listeners and Events
(27 commits / 10 stars / 2022-10-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventDrivenProgramming - Event-driven programming
(27 commits / 14 stars / 2022-10-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Prototype - Prototype-oriented programming
(27 commits / 8 stars / 2021-09-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Rx - Reactive Extensions (Rx)
(27 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cheatsheet - Language Cheatsheet
(26 commits / 9 stars / 2021-09-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CommandLine - CLI, Command Line Interface and Console
(26 commits / 8 stars / 2022-10-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInjection - Resolving dependencies with dependency injection
(26 commits / 9 stars / 2022-10-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Enum - Enumerated type
(26 commits / 5 stars / 2022-09-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Factory - Factory for FP, OOP, other paradigms and metaprogramming
(26 commits / 1 stars / 2022-09-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monomorphism - Monomorphism and Polymorphism
(26 commits / 4 stars / 2021-03-29 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RegExp - Regular Expression is a Syntax to Define String Pattern
(26 commits / 7 stars / 2021-12-26 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Serialization - Translating data structures into syntactic structures or binary format
(26 commits / 5 stars / 2023-01-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLInjection - SQL Injection
(26 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Symbol - Unique identifier for special object properties
(26 commits / 4 stars / 2023-03-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Trees - Tree node with 5 pointers
(26 commits / 3 stars / 2021-10-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ActorModel - Actor model (concurrent computation model)
(25 commits / 16 stars / 2023-04-30 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FilesystemWatch - Watch filesystem for changes
(25 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HttpRequest - HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, fetch
(25 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Logging - Logging in Node.js and JavaScript
(25 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/MemoryLeaks - Memory Leaks
(25 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectOrientedProgramming - Object-oriented programming
(25 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Socket - Network Socket Endpoint Interface
(25 commits / 8 stars / 2023-04-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Session - HTTP server with sessions, tokens, cookies
(24 commits / 13 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Future - Future as Asynchronous Abstraction
(23 commits / 8 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/IntegrationTesting - Integration testing
(23 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-05 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Map - Map as Associative Array
(23 commits / 6 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RevealingConstructor - Revealing Constructor Pattern
(23 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Testing - «Why Testing» in examples
(22 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Adapter - Pattern Adapter Implementations
(21 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Association - Associations: Aggregation and Composition
(21 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cancelable - Cancelable Asynchronous Abstractions
(21 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataStructures - Data structures basics
(21 commits / 6 stars / 2021-09-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Graph - Directed graph implementations
(21 commits / 12 stars / 2020-02-05 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NonBlocking - Non blocking loops
(21 commits / 8 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Observer - Pattern Observer
(21 commits / 12 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Threads - Multithreading: WorkerThreads, Workers, SheredWorkers
(21 commits / 11 stars / 2022-10-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Singleton - Single instance
(20 commits / 5 stars / 2023-06-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQL - Structured Query Language
(20 commits / 6 stars / 2021-12-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/String - String is a Sequence of Characters and Manipulation Methods
(20 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncCompose - Asynchronous Function Composition
(19 commits / 4 stars / 2021-09-04 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncGenerator - Asynchronous Generators
(19 commits / 3 stars / 2021-09-04 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAwait - Async/Await
(19 commits / 9 stars / 2023-04-19 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Automata - Automata-based programming
(19 commits / 6 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Certification - Certificates of Qualification in Software Engineering
(19 commits / 39 stars / 2022-05-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ConcurrentQueue - Asynchronous Concurrent Queue with Priority and Factor
(19 commits / 7 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Errors - Error handling
(19 commits / 1 stars / 2021-08-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Inheritance - Inheritance in Different Paradigms
(19 commits / 1 stars / 2022-02-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Proxy - Proxy
(19 commits / 9 stars / 2022-10-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dequeue - Stack, Queue and Dequeue
(18 commits / 4 stars / 2022-09-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Facade - Pattern Facade Implementations
(18 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-18 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseError - Catch, unhandledRejection, rejectionHandled and multipleResolves
(18 commits / 6 stars / 2023-04-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Strategy - Strategy Pattern
(18 commits / 4 stars / 2021-11-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Streams - Read, write, transform data streams
(18 commits / 6 stars / 2022-09-23 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Command - Pattern Command
(17 commits / 5 stars / 2022-08-24 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deferred - Deferred (and comparison to Future and Promise)
(17 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-18 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FunctionalProgramming - Functional Programming
(17 commits / 11 stars / 2022-02-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introspection - Introspection is a Runtime Examinations of Program Components
(17 commits / 5 stars / 2022-09-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lenses - Lenses, fp getter & setter
(17 commits / 5 stars / 2021-08-24 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RaceCondition - Race Condition
(17 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Recursion - Recursion - define a function using itself
(17 commits / 4 stars / 2022-08-23 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractFactory - Abstract Factory Pattern
(16 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CodeReview - Code Review Examples
(16 commits / 7 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
(16 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-18 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KnowledgeMap - Knowledge dependency map visualization tool
(16 commits / 2 stars / 2018-09-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sandboxes - VM Sandboxes
(16 commits / 13 stars / 2022-09-23 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Set - Set is a Collection of Distinct Values or Objects
(16 commits / 5 stars / 2021-12-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SingleResponsibility - The Single Responsibility Principle
(16 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StackTrace - Stack Trace problem in Node.js
(16 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Struct - Record, struct or structure
(16 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Atomics - Atomic Operations API
(15 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GracefulShutdown - Graceful shutdown for network servers
(15 commits / 9 stars / 2023-04-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiskovSubstitution - The Liskov Substitution Principle
(15 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-18 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/School - Modern school program
(15 commits / 11 stars / 2022-12-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/VersionControl - Git Version Control System and GitHub Usage Recommendations
(15 commits / 8 stars / 2021-11-07 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncIterator - Asynchronous Iterator and Iterable protocols
(14 commits / 4 stars / 2021-09-04 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collector - Data Collectors for Asynchronous Programming
(14 commits / 4 stars / 2022-09-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Contract - Programming by contract, Design by contract (DbC), Contract-based Programming
(14 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ESNext - ES.Next Examples
(14 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationExpert - GRASP: Information Expert
(14 commits / 2 stars / 2021-03-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PathTraversal - Path Traversal Attack
(14 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflect - Reflect API
(14 commits / 4 stars / 2021-12-26 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/rust-meetups -
(14 commits / 4 stars / 2017-12-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Scaffolding - Scaffolding for UI, API, Classes, etc.
(14 commits / 5 stars / 2022-09-24 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ThesisTopics - Students Thesis Topics List
(14 commits / 3 stars / 2019-04-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Buffers - Binary Buffers
(13 commits / 3 stars / 2022-09-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ChainOfResponsibility - Pattern: Chain of responsibility
(13 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collections - Different types of Associative Collections
(13 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventSourcing - Event Sourcing
(13 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generics - Generic Programming
(13 commits / 4 stars / 2022-04-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introduction - Introduction to programming
(13 commits / 8 stars / 2019-09-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lowcode - Low-code simplified JavaScript
(13 commits / 17 stars / 2023-05-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Refactoring - Refactoring — changing the code without changing its external behavior
(13 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FactoryMethod - Factory method
(12 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationHiding - Information Hiding
(12 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Isolation - Request isolation
(12 commits / 2 stars / 2023-04-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iterator - Iterator and Iterable protocols
(12 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveReload - Serve static files with live reload filesystem changes
(12 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ReactiveProgramming - Reactive Programming
(12 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Unittesting - Unit Testing
(12 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAdapter - Asynchronous Adapters
(11 commits / 7 stars / 2021-09-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composite - Composite pattern
(11 commits / 1 stars / 2021-01-20 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mediator - Define an interaction between instances as a separate instance
(11 commits / 1 stars / 2020-02-07 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflection - Reflection allows programs to introspect and modify its structure and behavior at runtime
(11 commits / 4 stars / 2021-12-26 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Builder - Separates the construction of a complex object from its representation
(10 commits / 1 stars / 2022-09-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CouplingCohesion - GRASP: Low coupling and High cohesion
(10 commits / 4 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQS - CQS - Command-query separation principle
(10 commits / 3 stars / 2022-08-24 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Expirable - Expirable Promises
(10 commits / 2 stars / 2022-09-09 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/TypedArrays - ArrayBuffer, DataView, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array
(10 commits / 5 stars / 2021-10-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Bridge - Use bridge to decouple an abstraction from its implementation
(9 commits / 1 stars / 2022-09-09 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Creator - GRASP: Creator principle
(9 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deadlock - Deadlock and Livelock Examples
(9 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Polymorphism -
(9 commits / 1 stars / 2022-04-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PureFabrication - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
(9 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveCoding - Live Coding Server
(8 commits / 4 stars / 2018-07-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Stub - Stub function, method, object
(8 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Configuration - Application configuration
(7 commits / 1 stars / 2020-10-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Decomposition - Decomposition and refactoring
(7 commits / 5 stars / 2021-12-05 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/go-meetups - Lectures of Go meetups at HowProgrammingWorks
(7 commits / 14 stars / 2017-12-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Interface - Structure defining class external members names and types
(7 commits / 1 stars / 2022-10-19 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Packages - Node.js Packages
(7 commits / 10 stars / 2022-09-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrototypeChain - Chain of Prototype Inheritance
(6 commits / 9 stars / 2020-07-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Schema - Schema for APIs, Data structures and Databases
(6 commits / 0 stars / 2021-12-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FaaS - Function as a Service
(5 commits / 0 stars / 2020-03-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Global - Global context pollution problem
(5 commits / 2 stars / 2020-06-08 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StateMachine - Finite-State Machine or Finite-State Automaton
(5 commits / 1 stars / 2020-01-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractClass - Abstract class can't be instantiated directly
(4 commits / 1 stars / 2020-02-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Concurrency - ConcurrentQueue, throttling, etc.
(4 commits / 2 stars / 2018-11-03 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveQA - Programming, JavaScript, Node.js, Architecture Seminars
(4 commits / 9 stars / 2022-10-05 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Node.js-2020 - Node.js in 2020: Get out and come back again
(4 commits / 0 stars / 2020-03-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseExperiments - Experimental code examples with promises
(4 commits / 1 stars / 2020-07-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Workers - Node.js workers and Web workers
(4 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-17 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2019-12-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DoS - Denial of Service (DoS)
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2019-12-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Indirection - GRASP: Indirection pronciple
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2021-03-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lazy - Lazy Operations and Data Transformations
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2018-01-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectComposition - Object Composition or Aggregation
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2019-05-20 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ProtectedVariations - GRASP: Protected Variations principle
(3 commits / 3 stars / 2021-03-10 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ResourceStarvation - Resource Starvation Examples
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2019-08-18 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/State - Pattern State
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2020-01-21 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Visitor - Visitor Pattern
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2019-07-09 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/XSS - Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2019-12-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Application - Browser application loader example
(2 commits / 6 stars / 2020-12-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Eratosthenes - Sieve of Eratosthenes
(2 commits / 0 stars / 2018-09-23 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Higher-code - Higher-code concept and skills
(2 commits / 3 stars / 2023-05-22 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
(1 commits / 2 stars / 2020-02-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Articles - Links to Articles
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2018-06-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Complexity - Computational complexity including Big O notation
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-02-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CRDT - Conflict-free Data Types
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-05-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataDrivenProgramming - Data-driven Programming
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2018-01-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataSync - Inter-process Data Structures Synchronization
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-09-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInversion - The Dependency Inversion Principle
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-06-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DesignPatterns - Design Patterns
(1 commits / 2 stars / 2020-01-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DSL - Language-oriented programming and domain-specific languages
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-10-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EMail - Send emails
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2018-12-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FileStorage - File Storage
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2017-09-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Flyweight - Minimizes memory usage by sharing data with other similar objects
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-03-19 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GarbageCollection - Garbage collection
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-10-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GRASP - General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2020-01-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Immutable - Immutable data structures
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2018-12-16 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ImperativeProgramming - Imperative, non-structured, structured and procedural programming
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-10-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterfaceSegregation - The Interface Segregation Principle
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-06-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KeyValue - KeyValue Collections
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-09-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LawOfDemeter - Law of Demeter (LoD) principle of least knowledge in component coupling
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-05-20 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LCM-GCD - Least Common Multiple and Greatest common divisor
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2018-09-02 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LockFree - Lock-free Data Structures
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-05-27 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memento - Memento Pattern
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-06-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monitor - Synchronization Monitor
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-02-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Null - NPE, Null object, Optional, Maybe
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2020-03-01 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/OpenClosed - The Open Closed Principle
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-06-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Principles - General Programming Principles
(1 commits / 2 stars / 2020-01-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrivateFields - Private Fields
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-08-14 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Review - Projects for Review
(1 commits / 2 stars / 2021-12-07 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SOLID - Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation и Dependency inversion
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2020-01-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sorting - Sorting Algorithms
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-02-06 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLConstraints - SQL constraints: indexes, checks, nullable, primary and foreign keys
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-11-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLJoins - SQL Joins: CROSS, LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, OUTER, FULL
(1 commits / 2 stars / 2019-11-15 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLWebClient - SQL Web Client
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2019-11-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Vectors - Vector Collections
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2017-09-12 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAPI - Web API overview
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2019-08-11 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAssembly - JavaScript WebAssembly API
(1 commits / 0 stars / 2018-02-28 ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GeoIP -
(0 commits / 0 stars / --- )
- HowProgrammingWorks/Modularity - Modularity and Dependency
( 2023-06-22 / 47 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Semaphore - Binary Semaphore, Counting Semaphore
( 2023-06-21 / 37 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mutex - Preventing race conditions with Mutual Exclusion
( 2023-06-21 / 39 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Singleton - Single instance
( 2023-06-21 / 20 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodeServer - Compare node.js servers
( 2023-06-13 / 55 commits / 70 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebsocketChat - Simple browser chat with websocket and node.js
( 2023-06-12 / 43 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Antipatterns - Antipatterns as a Worst Practices
( 2023-06-05 / 51 commits / 15 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Index - Metarhia educational program index 📖
( 2023-05-28 / 451 commits / 3057 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Higher-code - Higher-code concept and skills
( 2023-05-22 / 2 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataTypes - Built-in data types
( 2023-05-13 / 83 commits / 36 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composition - Function composition
( 2023-05-13 / 72 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iteration - Different implementation of iterations as a code abstraction
( 2023-05-13 / 62 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memoization - Memoization of synchronous and asynchronous functions
( 2023-05-13 / 54 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lowcode - Low-code simplified JavaScript
( 2023-05-08 / 13 commits / 17 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Closure - Function closures and storing data in function scope
( 2023-05-06 / 56 commits / 25 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Function - Functions as a method to raise level of code abstraction
( 2023-05-06 / 79 commits / 40 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PartialApplication - Partial function application and Currying
( 2023-05-06 / 51 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Timers - Timers: setImmediate, setTimeout, setInterval, nextTick
( 2023-04-30 / 37 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Arrays - Arrays
( 2023-04-30 / 40 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/API - Application Interface with HTTP Transport and JSON serialization
( 2023-04-30 / 40 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ActorModel - Actor model (concurrent computation model)
( 2023-04-30 / 25 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseError - Catch, unhandledRejection, rejectionHandled and multipleResolves
( 2023-04-28 / 18 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GracefulShutdown - Graceful shutdown for network servers
( 2023-04-28 / 15 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Isolation - Request isolation
( 2023-04-28 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterProcessCommunication - Inter-process Communication
( 2023-04-28 / 34 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Socket - Network Socket Endpoint Interface
( 2023-04-27 / 25 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Promise - Asynchronous Programming with Promises
( 2023-04-27 / 34 commits / 18 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generator - Generators, coroutines and some monads examples
( 2023-04-27 / 55 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAwait - Async/Await
( 2023-04-19 / 19 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServeStatic - Serve static content with HTTP
( 2023-04-04 / 29 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Symbol - Unique identifier for special object properties
( 2023-03-14 / 26 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
( 2023-02-12 / 272 commits / 439 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
( 2023-02-12 / 272 commits / 439 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Serialization - Translating data structures into syntactic structures or binary format
( 2023-01-11 / 26 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Exams - Exams readiness test
( 2022-12-30 / 50 commits / 62 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/School - Modern school program
( 2022-12-16 / 15 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DDD - Domain-driven design
( 2022-12-09 / 72 commits / 66 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HigherOrderFunction - Higher-order functions having functions as arguments or result
( 2022-12-04 / 49 commits / 20 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Controller - GRASP: Controller principle
( 2022-11-27 / 31 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveTable - Multiuser spreadsheet example
( 2022-11-27 / 34 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Interface - Structure defining class external members names and types
( 2022-10-19 / 7 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiskovSubstitution - The Liskov Substitution Principle
( 2022-10-18 / 15 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Facade - Pattern Facade Implementations
( 2022-10-18 / 18 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deferred - Deferred (and comparison to Future and Promise)
( 2022-10-18 / 17 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
( 2022-10-18 / 16 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NonBlocking - Non blocking loops
( 2022-10-17 / 21 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationHiding - Information Hiding
( 2022-10-17 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iterator - Iterator and Iterable protocols
( 2022-10-17 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Automata - Automata-based programming
( 2022-10-17 / 19 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Stub - Stub function, method, object
( 2022-10-17 / 8 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ConcurrentQueue - Asynchronous Concurrent Queue with Priority and Factor
( 2022-10-17 / 19 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ESNext - ES.Next Examples
( 2022-10-17 / 14 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deadlock - Deadlock and Livelock Examples
( 2022-10-17 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Workers - Node.js workers and Web workers
( 2022-10-17 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LinkedList - Linked list data structure
( 2022-10-17 / 32 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Pool - Object Pool
( 2022-10-17 / 31 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Atomics - Atomic Operations API
( 2022-10-16 / 15 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Rx - Reactive Extensions (Rx)
( 2022-10-16 / 27 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Benchmark - Performance testing for different techniques
( 2022-10-16 / 58 commits / 17 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Proxy - Proxy
( 2022-10-16 / 19 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Metaprogramming - Metaprogramming examples
( 2022-10-15 / 31 commits / 29 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Struct - Record, struct or structure
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SingleResponsibility - The Single Responsibility Principle
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CodeReview - Code Review Examples
( 2022-10-15 / 16 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Contract - Programming by contract, Design by contract (DbC), Contract-based Programming
( 2022-10-15 / 14 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Unittesting - Unit Testing
( 2022-10-15 / 12 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Testing - «Why Testing» in examples
( 2022-10-15 / 22 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Abstractions - Programming is abstract thinking
( 2022-10-14 / 43 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FactoryMethod - Factory method
( 2022-10-14 / 12 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CommandLine - CLI, Command Line Interface and Console
( 2022-10-14 / 26 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Callbacks - Callbacks, Listeners and Events
( 2022-10-14 / 27 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Chaining - Chaining with classes, ptototypes and functors
( 2022-10-14 / 38 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Creator - GRASP: Creator principle
( 2022-10-13 / 9 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RevealingConstructor - Revealing Constructor Pattern
( 2022-10-13 / 23 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CouplingCohesion - GRASP: Low coupling and High cohesion
( 2022-10-13 / 10 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectOrientedProgramming - Object-oriented programming
( 2022-10-13 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Functor - Mappable objects
( 2022-10-13 / 54 commits / 20 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collections - Different types of Associative Collections
( 2022-10-13 / 13 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractionLayers - Abstraction Layers
( 2022-10-13 / 32 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractFactory - Abstract Factory Pattern
( 2022-10-13 / 16 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Adapter - Pattern Adapter Implementations
( 2022-10-13 / 21 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Threads - Multithreading: WorkerThreads, Workers, SheredWorkers
( 2022-10-12 / 21 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventDrivenProgramming - Event-driven programming
( 2022-10-12 / 27 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PureFabrication - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
( 2022-10-12 / 9 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInjection - Resolving dependencies with dependency injection
( 2022-10-12 / 26 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Files - Files and file system
( 2022-10-11 / 31 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventSourcing - Event Sourcing
( 2022-10-10 / 13 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Observer - Pattern Observer
( 2022-10-10 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ReactiveProgramming - Reactive Programming
( 2022-10-10 / 12 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsynchronousProgramming - Asynchronous Programming
( 2022-10-10 / 60 commits / 22 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventEmitter - Simple EventEmitter with multiple listeners
( 2022-10-10 / 69 commits / 19 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Future - Future as Asynchronous Abstraction
( 2022-10-10 / 23 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Thenable - Thenable contract
( 2022-10-10 / 34 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Map - Map as Associative Array
( 2022-10-10 / 23 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Logging - Logging in Node.js and JavaScript
( 2022-10-10 / 25 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/IntegrationTesting - Integration testing
( 2022-10-05 / 23 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveQA - Programming, JavaScript, Node.js, Architecture Seminars
( 2022-10-05 / 4 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cancelable - Cancelable Asynchronous Abstractions
( 2022-10-03 / 21 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveReload - Serve static files with live reload filesystem changes
( 2022-10-03 / 12 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ChainOfResponsibility - Pattern: Chain of responsibility
( 2022-10-03 / 13 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Refactoring - Refactoring — changing the code without changing its external behavior
( 2022-10-03 / 13 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Session - HTTP server with sessions, tokens, cookies
( 2022-10-03 / 24 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLInjection - SQL Injection
( 2022-10-03 / 26 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/String - String is a Sequence of Characters and Manipulation Methods
( 2022-10-03 / 20 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PathTraversal - Path Traversal Attack
( 2022-10-03 / 14 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HttpRequest - HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, fetch
( 2022-10-03 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StackTrace - Stack Trace problem in Node.js
( 2022-10-02 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServiceWorker - Service Workers for PWA caching, proxy and offline
( 2022-10-02 / 29 commits / 16 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RaceCondition - Race Condition
( 2022-10-02 / 17 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FilesystemWatch - Watch filesystem for changes
( 2022-10-02 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Association - Associations: Aggregation and Composition
( 2022-10-02 / 21 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/MemoryLeaks - Memory Leaks
( 2022-10-02 / 25 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Scaffolding - Scaffolding for UI, API, Classes, etc.
( 2022-09-24 / 14 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Streams - Read, write, transform data streams
( 2022-09-23 / 18 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sandboxes - VM Sandboxes
( 2022-09-23 / 16 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InversionOfControl - IoC: dependency injection, module sandboxing, framework wrappers, etc.
( 2022-09-22 / 34 commits / 23 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Packages - Node.js Packages
( 2022-09-22 / 7 commits / 10 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Builder - Separates the construction of a complex object from its representation
( 2022-09-12 / 10 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Buffers - Binary Buffers
( 2022-09-12 / 13 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Enum - Enumerated type
( 2022-09-12 / 26 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Bridge - Use bridge to decouple an abstraction from its implementation
( 2022-09-09 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Expirable - Expirable Promises
( 2022-09-09 / 10 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introspection - Introspection is a Runtime Examinations of Program Components
( 2022-09-08 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collector - Data Collectors for Asynchronous Programming
( 2022-09-08 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dequeue - Stack, Queue and Dequeue
( 2022-09-08 / 18 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
( 2022-09-07 / 37 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
( 2022-09-07 / 37 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Factory - Factory for FP, OOP, other paradigms and metaprogramming
( 2022-09-06 / 26 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Projection - Data structures projection
( 2022-09-01 / 50 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Command - Pattern Command
( 2022-08-24 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQS - CQS - Command-query separation principle
( 2022-08-24 / 10 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Recursion - Recursion - define a function using itself
( 2022-08-23 / 17 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mixin - Mixin behavior, structure and relations
( 2022-08-21 / 34 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Profile - Personal profile of software engineering skills
( 2022-07-13 / 28 commits / 59 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Certification - Certificates of Qualification in Software Engineering
( 2022-05-06 / 19 commits / 39 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generics - Generic Programming
( 2022-04-11 / 13 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Polymorphism -
( 2022-04-08 / 9 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Project - Example project
( 2022-04-08 / 33 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Inheritance - Inheritance in Different Paradigms
( 2022-02-16 / 19 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FunctionalProgramming - Functional Programming
( 2022-02-15 / 17 commits / 11 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflect - Reflect API
( 2021-12-26 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflection - Reflection allows programs to introspect and modify its structure and behavior at runtime
( 2021-12-26 / 11 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RegExp - Regular Expression is a Syntax to Define String Pattern
( 2021-12-26 / 26 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Review - Projects for Review
( 2021-12-07 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQL - Structured Query Language
( 2021-12-06 / 20 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Schema - Schema for APIs, Data structures and Databases
( 2021-12-06 / 6 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Set - Set is a Collection of Distinct Values or Objects
( 2021-12-06 / 16 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Decomposition - Decomposition and refactoring
( 2021-12-05 / 7 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Strategy - Strategy Pattern
( 2021-11-13 / 18 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/VersionControl - Git Version Control System and GitHub Usage Recommendations
( 2021-11-07 / 15 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Trees - Tree node with 5 pointers
( 2021-10-21 / 26 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/TypedArrays - ArrayBuffer, DataView, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array
( 2021-10-21 / 10 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Wrapper - Wrapper functions, Interface wrappers, etc.
( 2021-10-21 / 45 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncCompose - Asynchronous Function Composition
( 2021-09-04 / 19 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncIterator - Asynchronous Iterator and Iterable protocols
( 2021-09-04 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncGenerator - Asynchronous Generators
( 2021-09-04 / 19 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAdapter - Asynchronous Adapters
( 2021-09-02 / 11 commits / 7 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataStructures - Data structures basics
( 2021-09-01 / 21 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Prototype - Prototype-oriented programming
( 2021-09-01 / 27 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cheatsheet - Language Cheatsheet
( 2021-09-01 / 26 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reusable - Reusable abstractions
( 2021-09-01 / 50 commits / 31 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Errors - Error handling
( 2021-08-27 / 19 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lenses - Lenses, fp getter & setter
( 2021-08-24 / 17 commits / 5 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monomorphism - Monomorphism and Polymorphism
( 2021-03-29 / 26 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationExpert - GRASP: Information Expert
( 2021-03-10 / 14 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ProtectedVariations - GRASP: Protected Variations principle
( 2021-03-10 / 3 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Indirection - GRASP: Indirection pronciple
( 2021-03-10 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Databases - Work with Database Management Systems
( 2021-01-20 / 29 commits / 13 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composite - Composite pattern
( 2021-01-20 / 11 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Letters - Письма к студентам курса
( 2021-01-02 / 120 commits / 106 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Application - Browser application loader example
( 2020-12-12 / 2 commits / 6 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Configuration - Application configuration
( 2020-10-27 / 7 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseExperiments - Experimental code examples with promises
( 2020-07-06 / 4 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrototypeChain - Chain of Prototype Inheritance
( 2020-07-06 / 6 commits / 9 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dictionary - Programming Dictionary
( 2020-06-28 / 119 commits / 633 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Global - Global context pollution problem
( 2020-06-08 / 5 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FaaS - Function as a Service
( 2020-03-02 / 5 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Node.js-2020 - Node.js in 2020: Get out and come back again
( 2020-03-01 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Null - NPE, Null object, Optional, Maybe
( 2020-03-01 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractClass - Abstract class can't be instantiated directly
( 2020-02-14 / 4 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mediator - Define an interaction between instances as a separate instance
( 2020-02-07 / 11 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
( 2020-02-06 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Graph - Directed graph implementations
( 2020-02-05 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Principles - General Programming Principles
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DesignPatterns - Design Patterns
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SOLID - Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation и Dependency inversion
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GRASP - General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
( 2020-01-28 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Tools - Development tools and environment configuration
( 2020-01-22 / 36 commits / 29 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StateMachine - Finite-State Machine or Finite-State Automaton
( 2020-01-21 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/State - Pattern State
( 2020-01-21 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/XSS - Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DoS - Denial of Service (DoS)
( 2019-12-14 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLConstraints - SQL constraints: indexes, checks, nullable, primary and foreign keys
( 2019-11-15 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLJoins - SQL Joins: CROSS, LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, OUTER, FULL
( 2019-11-15 / 1 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLWebClient - SQL Web Client
( 2019-11-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introduction - Introduction to programming
( 2019-09-06 / 13 commits / 8 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ResourceStarvation - Resource Starvation Examples
( 2019-08-18 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrivateFields - Private Fields
( 2019-08-14 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAPI - Web API overview
( 2019-08-11 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Visitor - Visitor Pattern
( 2019-07-09 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInversion - The Dependency Inversion Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterfaceSegregation - The Interface Segregation Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/OpenClosed - The Open Closed Principle
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memento - Memento Pattern
( 2019-06-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CRDT - Conflict-free Data Types
( 2019-05-27 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LockFree - Lock-free Data Structures
( 2019-05-27 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LawOfDemeter - Law of Demeter (LoD) principle of least knowledge in component coupling
( 2019-05-20 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectComposition - Object Composition or Aggregation
( 2019-05-20 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ThesisTopics - Students Thesis Topics List
( 2019-04-15 / 14 commits / 3 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Flyweight - Minimizes memory usage by sharing data with other similar objects
( 2019-03-19 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monitor - Synchronization Monitor
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sorting - Sorting Algorithms
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Complexity - Computational complexity including Big O notation
( 2019-02-06 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Immutable - Immutable data structures
( 2018-12-16 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EMail - Send emails
( 2018-12-11 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Concurrency - ConcurrentQueue, throttling, etc.
( 2018-11-03 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Eratosthenes - Sieve of Eratosthenes
( 2018-09-23 / 2 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KnowledgeMap - Knowledge dependency map visualization tool
( 2018-09-17 / 16 commits / 2 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LCM-GCD - Least Common Multiple and Greatest common divisor
( 2018-09-02 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveCoding - Live Coding Server
( 2018-07-10 / 8 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Articles - Links to Articles
( 2018-06-06 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAssembly - JavaScript WebAssembly API
( 2018-02-28 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lazy - Lazy Operations and Data Transformations
( 2018-01-22 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataDrivenProgramming - Data-driven Programming
( 2018-01-16 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/go-meetups - Lectures of Go meetups at HowProgrammingWorks
( 2017-12-22 / 7 commits / 14 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/rust-meetups -
( 2017-12-13 / 14 commits / 4 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GarbageCollection - Garbage collection
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DSL - Language-oriented programming and domain-specific languages
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ImperativeProgramming - Imperative, non-structured, structured and procedural programming
( 2017-10-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FileStorage - File Storage
( 2017-09-14 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Vectors - Vector Collections
( 2017-09-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KeyValue - KeyValue Collections
( 2017-09-12 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataSync - Inter-process Data Structures Synchronization
( 2017-09-11 / 1 commits / 0 stars ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GeoIP -
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars )
- HowProgrammingWorks/Index - Metarhia educational program index 📖
(3057 stars / 2023-05-28 / 451 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dictionary - Programming Dictionary
(633 stars / 2020-06-28 / 119 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
(439 stars / 2023-02-12 / 272 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodejsStarterKit - Starter Kit for Node.js 16 or later, minimum dependencies 🚀
(439 stars / 2023-02-12 / 272 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Letters - Письма к студентам курса
(106 stars / 2021-01-02 / 120 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NodeServer - Compare node.js servers
(70 stars / 2023-06-13 / 55 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DDD - Domain-driven design
(66 stars / 2022-12-09 / 72 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Exams - Exams readiness test
(62 stars / 2022-12-30 / 50 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Profile - Personal profile of software engineering skills
(59 stars / 2022-07-13 / 28 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Function - Functions as a method to raise level of code abstraction
(40 stars / 2023-05-06 / 79 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Certification - Certificates of Qualification in Software Engineering
(39 stars / 2022-05-06 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataTypes - Built-in data types
(36 stars / 2023-05-13 / 83 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reusable - Reusable abstractions
(31 stars / 2021-09-01 / 50 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Metaprogramming - Metaprogramming examples
(29 stars / 2022-10-15 / 31 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Tools - Development tools and environment configuration
(29 stars / 2020-01-22 / 36 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Closure - Function closures and storing data in function scope
(25 stars / 2023-05-06 / 56 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InversionOfControl - IoC: dependency injection, module sandboxing, framework wrappers, etc.
(23 stars / 2022-09-22 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractionLayers - Abstraction Layers
(22 stars / 2022-10-13 / 32 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/API - Application Interface with HTTP Transport and JSON serialization
(22 stars / 2023-04-30 / 40 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsynchronousProgramming - Asynchronous Programming
(22 stars / 2022-10-10 / 60 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Functor - Mappable objects
(20 stars / 2022-10-13 / 54 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HigherOrderFunction - Higher-order functions having functions as arguments or result
(20 stars / 2022-12-04 / 49 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventEmitter - Simple EventEmitter with multiple listeners
(19 stars / 2022-10-10 / 69 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PartialApplication - Partial function application and Currying
(19 stars / 2023-05-06 / 51 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebsocketChat - Simple browser chat with websocket and node.js
(19 stars / 2023-06-12 / 43 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composition - Function composition
(18 stars / 2023-05-13 / 72 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memoization - Memoization of synchronous and asynchronous functions
(18 stars / 2023-05-13 / 54 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Promise - Asynchronous Programming with Promises
(18 stars / 2023-04-27 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Benchmark - Performance testing for different techniques
(17 stars / 2022-10-16 / 58 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lowcode - Low-code simplified JavaScript
(17 stars / 2023-05-08 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ActorModel - Actor model (concurrent computation model)
(16 stars / 2023-04-30 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generator - Generators, coroutines and some monads examples
(16 stars / 2023-04-27 / 55 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterProcessCommunication - Inter-process Communication
(16 stars / 2023-04-28 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Modularity - Modularity and Dependency
(16 stars / 2023-06-22 / 47 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mutex - Preventing race conditions with Mutual Exclusion
(16 stars / 2023-06-21 / 39 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServiceWorker - Service Workers for PWA caching, proxy and offline
(16 stars / 2022-10-02 / 29 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Antipatterns - Antipatterns as a Worst Practices
(15 stars / 2023-06-05 / 51 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventDrivenProgramming - Event-driven programming
(14 stars / 2022-10-12 / 27 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/go-meetups - Lectures of Go meetups at HowProgrammingWorks
(14 stars / 2017-12-22 / 7 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Projection - Data structures projection
(14 stars / 2022-09-01 / 50 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Controller - GRASP: Controller principle
(13 stars / 2022-11-27 / 31 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Databases - Work with Database Management Systems
(13 stars / 2021-01-20 / 29 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sandboxes - VM Sandboxes
(13 stars / 2022-09-23 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Session - HTTP server with sessions, tokens, cookies
(13 stars / 2022-10-03 / 24 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Abstractions - Programming is abstract thinking
(12 stars / 2022-10-14 / 43 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Graph - Directed graph implementations
(12 stars / 2020-02-05 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LinkedList - Linked list data structure
(12 stars / 2022-10-17 / 32 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Observer - Pattern Observer
(12 stars / 2022-10-10 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Wrapper - Wrapper functions, Interface wrappers, etc.
(12 stars / 2021-10-21 / 45 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FunctionalProgramming - Functional Programming
(11 stars / 2022-02-15 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iteration - Different implementation of iterations as a code abstraction
(11 stars / 2023-05-13 / 62 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/School - Modern school program
(11 stars / 2022-12-16 / 15 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Threads - Multithreading: WorkerThreads, Workers, SheredWorkers
(11 stars / 2022-10-12 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Callbacks - Callbacks, Listeners and Events
(10 stars / 2022-10-14 / 27 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Files - Files and file system
(10 stars / 2022-10-11 / 31 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Packages - Node.js Packages
(10 stars / 2022-09-22 / 7 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Semaphore - Binary Semaphore, Counting Semaphore
(10 stars / 2023-06-21 / 37 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAwait - Async/Await
(9 stars / 2023-04-19 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cheatsheet - Language Cheatsheet
(9 stars / 2021-09-01 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInjection - Resolving dependencies with dependency injection
(9 stars / 2022-10-12 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GracefulShutdown - Graceful shutdown for network servers
(9 stars / 2023-04-28 / 15 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveQA - Programming, JavaScript, Node.js, Architecture Seminars
(9 stars / 2022-10-05 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveTable - Multiuser spreadsheet example
(9 stars / 2022-11-27 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrototypeChain - Chain of Prototype Inheritance
(9 stars / 2020-07-06 / 6 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Proxy - Proxy
(9 stars / 2022-10-16 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CommandLine - CLI, Command Line Interface and Console
(8 stars / 2022-10-14 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Future - Future as Asynchronous Abstraction
(8 stars / 2022-10-10 / 23 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introduction - Introduction to programming
(8 stars / 2019-09-06 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/NonBlocking - Non blocking loops
(8 stars / 2022-10-17 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Project - Example project
(8 stars / 2022-04-08 / 33 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Prototype - Prototype-oriented programming
(8 stars / 2021-09-01 / 27 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ServeStatic - Serve static content with HTTP
(8 stars / 2023-04-04 / 29 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Socket - Network Socket Endpoint Interface
(8 stars / 2023-04-27 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Thenable - Thenable contract
(8 stars / 2022-10-10 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/VersionControl - Git Version Control System and GitHub Usage Recommendations
(8 stars / 2021-11-07 / 15 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncAdapter - Asynchronous Adapters
(7 stars / 2021-09-02 / 11 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Chaining - Chaining with classes, ptototypes and functors
(7 stars / 2022-10-14 / 38 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CodeReview - Code Review Examples
(7 stars / 2022-10-15 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ConcurrentQueue - Asynchronous Concurrent Queue with Priority and Factor
(7 stars / 2022-10-17 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mixin - Mixin behavior, structure and relations
(7 stars / 2022-08-21 / 34 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RegExp - Regular Expression is a Syntax to Define String Pattern
(7 stars / 2021-12-26 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Application - Browser application loader example
(6 stars / 2020-12-12 / 2 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Arrays - Arrays
(6 stars / 2023-04-30 / 40 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Automata - Automata-based programming
(6 stars / 2022-10-17 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataStructures - Data structures basics
(6 stars / 2021-09-01 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Map - Map as Associative Array
(6 stars / 2022-10-10 / 23 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Pool - Object Pool
(6 stars / 2022-10-17 / 31 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseError - Catch, unhandledRejection, rejectionHandled and multipleResolves
(6 stars / 2023-04-28 / 18 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQL - Structured Query Language
(6 stars / 2021-12-06 / 20 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Streams - Read, write, transform data streams
(6 stars / 2022-09-23 / 18 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
(6 stars / 2022-09-07 / 37 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Transaction - Atomic transaction container for struct or object
(6 stars / 2022-09-07 / 37 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Cancelable - Cancelable Asynchronous Abstractions
(5 stars / 2022-10-03 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Command - Pattern Command
(5 stars / 2022-08-24 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
(5 stars / 2022-10-18 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Decomposition - Decomposition and refactoring
(5 stars / 2021-12-05 / 7 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Enum - Enumerated type
(5 stars / 2022-09-12 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FilesystemWatch - Watch filesystem for changes
(5 stars / 2022-10-02 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/HttpRequest - HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, fetch
(5 stars / 2022-10-03 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Introspection - Introspection is a Runtime Examinations of Program Components
(5 stars / 2022-09-08 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lenses - Lenses, fp getter & setter
(5 stars / 2021-08-24 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/MemoryLeaks - Memory Leaks
(5 stars / 2022-10-02 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectOrientedProgramming - Object-oriented programming
(5 stars / 2022-10-13 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Rx - Reactive Extensions (Rx)
(5 stars / 2022-10-16 / 27 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Scaffolding - Scaffolding for UI, API, Classes, etc.
(5 stars / 2022-09-24 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Serialization - Translating data structures into syntactic structures or binary format
(5 stars / 2023-01-11 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Set - Set is a Collection of Distinct Values or Objects
(5 stars / 2021-12-06 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Singleton - Single instance
(5 stars / 2023-06-21 / 20 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Timers - Timers: setImmediate, setTimeout, setInterval, nextTick
(5 stars / 2023-04-30 / 37 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/TypedArrays - ArrayBuffer, DataView, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array
(5 stars / 2021-10-21 / 10 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncCompose - Asynchronous Function Composition
(4 stars / 2021-09-04 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncIterator - Asynchronous Iterator and Iterable protocols
(4 stars / 2021-09-04 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collector - Data Collectors for Asynchronous Programming
(4 stars / 2022-09-08 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CouplingCohesion - GRASP: Low coupling and High cohesion
(4 stars / 2022-10-13 / 10 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Dequeue - Stack, Queue and Dequeue
(4 stars / 2022-09-08 / 18 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EventSourcing - Event Sourcing
(4 stars / 2022-10-10 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Generics - Generic Programming
(4 stars / 2022-04-11 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveCoding - Live Coding Server
(4 stars / 2018-07-10 / 8 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Logging - Logging in Node.js and JavaScript
(4 stars / 2022-10-10 / 25 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monomorphism - Monomorphism and Polymorphism
(4 stars / 2021-03-29 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RaceCondition - Race Condition
(4 stars / 2022-10-02 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Recursion - Recursion - define a function using itself
(4 stars / 2022-08-23 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflect - Reflect API
(4 stars / 2021-12-26 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Reflection - Reflection allows programs to introspect and modify its structure and behavior at runtime
(4 stars / 2021-12-26 / 11 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/RevealingConstructor - Revealing Constructor Pattern
(4 stars / 2022-10-13 / 23 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/rust-meetups -
(4 stars / 2017-12-13 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Strategy - Strategy Pattern
(4 stars / 2021-11-13 / 18 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/String - String is a Sequence of Characters and Manipulation Methods
(4 stars / 2022-10-03 / 20 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Symbol - Unique identifier for special object properties
(4 stars / 2023-03-14 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Unittesting - Unit Testing
(4 stars / 2022-10-15 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Adapter - Pattern Adapter Implementations
(3 stars / 2022-10-13 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Association - Associations: Aggregation and Composition
(3 stars / 2022-10-02 / 21 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AsyncGenerator - Asynchronous Generators
(3 stars / 2021-09-04 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Atomics - Atomic Operations API
(3 stars / 2022-10-16 / 15 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Buffers - Binary Buffers
(3 stars / 2022-09-12 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CQS - CQS - Command-query separation principle
(3 stars / 2022-08-24 / 10 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Creator - GRASP: Creator principle
(3 stars / 2022-10-13 / 9 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deferred - Deferred (and comparison to Future and Promise)
(3 stars / 2022-10-18 / 17 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ESNext - ES.Next Examples
(3 stars / 2022-10-17 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Facade - Pattern Facade Implementations
(3 stars / 2022-10-18 / 18 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Higher-code - Higher-code concept and skills
(3 stars / 2023-05-22 / 2 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiskovSubstitution - The Liskov Substitution Principle
(3 stars / 2022-10-18 / 15 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LiveReload - Serve static files with live reload filesystem changes
(3 stars / 2022-10-03 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ProtectedVariations - GRASP: Protected Variations principle
(3 stars / 2021-03-10 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Refactoring - Refactoring — changing the code without changing its external behavior
(3 stars / 2022-10-03 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Struct - Record, struct or structure
(3 stars / 2022-10-15 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Testing - «Why Testing» in examples
(3 stars / 2022-10-15 / 22 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ThesisTopics - Students Thesis Topics List
(3 stars / 2019-04-15 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Trees - Tree node with 5 pointers
(3 stars / 2021-10-21 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
(2 stars / 2020-02-06 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ChainOfResponsibility - Pattern: Chain of responsibility
(2 stars / 2022-10-03 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Collections - Different types of Associative Collections
(2 stars / 2022-10-13 / 13 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Concurrency - ConcurrentQueue, throttling, etc.
(2 stars / 2018-11-03 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Contract - Programming by contract, Design by contract (DbC), Contract-based Programming
(2 stars / 2022-10-15 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DesignPatterns - Design Patterns
(2 stars / 2020-01-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Expirable - Expirable Promises
(2 stars / 2022-09-09 / 10 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Global - Global context pollution problem
(2 stars / 2020-06-08 / 5 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationExpert - GRASP: Information Expert
(2 stars / 2021-03-10 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InformationHiding - Information Hiding
(2 stars / 2022-10-17 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/IntegrationTesting - Integration testing
(2 stars / 2022-10-05 / 23 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Isolation - Request isolation
(2 stars / 2023-04-28 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Iterator - Iterator and Iterable protocols
(2 stars / 2022-10-17 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KnowledgeMap - Knowledge dependency map visualization tool
(2 stars / 2018-09-17 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Principles - General Programming Principles
(2 stars / 2020-01-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PureFabrication - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
(2 stars / 2022-10-12 / 9 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ReactiveProgramming - Reactive Programming
(2 stars / 2022-10-10 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Review - Projects for Review
(2 stars / 2021-12-07 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SingleResponsibility - The Single Responsibility Principle
(2 stars / 2022-10-15 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLInjection - SQL Injection
(2 stars / 2022-10-03 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLJoins - SQL Joins: CROSS, LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, OUTER, FULL
(2 stars / 2019-11-15 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StackTrace - Stack Trace problem in Node.js
(2 stars / 2022-10-02 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Workers - Node.js workers and Web workers
(2 stars / 2022-10-17 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractFactory - Abstract Factory Pattern
(1 stars / 2022-10-13 / 16 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/AbstractClass - Abstract class can't be instantiated directly
(1 stars / 2020-02-14 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Bridge - Use bridge to decouple an abstraction from its implementation
(1 stars / 2022-09-09 / 9 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Builder - Separates the construction of a complex object from its representation
(1 stars / 2022-09-12 / 10 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Complexity - Computational complexity including Big O notation
(1 stars / 2019-02-06 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Composite - Composite pattern
(1 stars / 2021-01-20 / 11 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Configuration - Application configuration
(1 stars / 2020-10-27 / 7 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CRDT - Conflict-free Data Types
(1 stars / 2019-05-27 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataDrivenProgramming - Data-driven Programming
(1 stars / 2018-01-16 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Deadlock - Deadlock and Livelock Examples
(1 stars / 2022-10-17 / 9 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/EMail - Send emails
(1 stars / 2018-12-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Errors - Error handling
(1 stars / 2021-08-27 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Factory - Factory for FP, OOP, other paradigms and metaprogramming
(1 stars / 2022-09-06 / 26 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FactoryMethod - Factory method
(1 stars / 2022-10-14 / 12 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FileStorage - File Storage
(1 stars / 2017-09-14 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GRASP - General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
(1 stars / 2020-01-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Immutable - Immutable data structures
(1 stars / 2018-12-16 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Inheritance - Inheritance in Different Paradigms
(1 stars / 2022-02-16 / 19 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Interface - Structure defining class external members names and types
(1 stars / 2022-10-19 / 7 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LawOfDemeter - Law of Demeter (LoD) principle of least knowledge in component coupling
(1 stars / 2019-05-20 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Lazy - Lazy Operations and Data Transformations
(1 stars / 2018-01-22 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LockFree - Lock-free Data Structures
(1 stars / 2019-05-27 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Mediator - Define an interaction between instances as a separate instance
(1 stars / 2020-02-07 / 11 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Monitor - Synchronization Monitor
(1 stars / 2019-02-06 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ObjectComposition - Object Composition or Aggregation
(1 stars / 2019-05-20 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PathTraversal - Path Traversal Attack
(1 stars / 2022-10-03 / 14 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Polymorphism -
(1 stars / 2022-04-08 / 9 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PrivateFields - Private Fields
(1 stars / 2019-08-14 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/PromiseExperiments - Experimental code examples with promises
(1 stars / 2020-07-06 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ResourceStarvation - Resource Starvation Examples
(1 stars / 2019-08-18 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SOLID - Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation и Dependency inversion
(1 stars / 2020-01-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Sorting - Sorting Algorithms
(1 stars / 2019-02-06 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLConstraints - SQL constraints: indexes, checks, nullable, primary and foreign keys
(1 stars / 2019-11-15 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/StateMachine - Finite-State Machine or Finite-State Automaton
(1 stars / 2020-01-21 / 5 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Stub - Stub function, method, object
(1 stars / 2022-10-17 / 8 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Visitor - Visitor Pattern
(1 stars / 2019-07-09 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAPI - Web API overview
(1 stars / 2019-08-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Articles - Links to Articles
(0 stars / 2018-06-06 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
(0 stars / 2019-12-14 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DataSync - Inter-process Data Structures Synchronization
(0 stars / 2017-09-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DependencyInversion - The Dependency Inversion Principle
(0 stars / 2019-06-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DoS - Denial of Service (DoS)
(0 stars / 2019-12-14 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/DSL - Language-oriented programming and domain-specific languages
(0 stars / 2017-10-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Eratosthenes - Sieve of Eratosthenes
(0 stars / 2018-09-23 / 2 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/FaaS - Function as a Service
(0 stars / 2020-03-02 / 5 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Flyweight - Minimizes memory usage by sharing data with other similar objects
(0 stars / 2019-03-19 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GarbageCollection - Garbage collection
(0 stars / 2017-10-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/GeoIP -
(0 stars / --- / 0 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/ImperativeProgramming - Imperative, non-structured, structured and procedural programming
(0 stars / 2017-10-11 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Indirection - GRASP: Indirection pronciple
(0 stars / 2021-03-10 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/InterfaceSegregation - The Interface Segregation Principle
(0 stars / 2019-06-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/KeyValue - KeyValue Collections
(0 stars / 2017-09-12 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/LCM-GCD - Least Common Multiple and Greatest common divisor
(0 stars / 2018-09-02 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Memento - Memento Pattern
(0 stars / 2019-06-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Node.js-2020 - Node.js in 2020: Get out and come back again
(0 stars / 2020-03-01 / 4 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Null - NPE, Null object, Optional, Maybe
(0 stars / 2020-03-01 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/OpenClosed - The Open Closed Principle
(0 stars / 2019-06-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Schema - Schema for APIs, Data structures and Databases
(0 stars / 2021-12-06 / 6 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/State - Pattern State
(0 stars / 2020-01-21 / 3 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/SQLWebClient - SQL Web Client
(0 stars / 2019-11-12 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/Vectors - Vector Collections
(0 stars / 2017-09-12 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/WebAssembly - JavaScript WebAssembly API
(0 stars / 2018-02-28 / 1 commits ) - HowProgrammingWorks/XSS - Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
(0 stars / 2019-12-14 / 3 commits )