Lazybox is a jQuery-based, lightbox that can display entire remote pages, images and confirmation dialogs. Replace standard rails confirmations with lazybox just added several rows to your project. Use lazybox with rails assets pipeline.
LazyBox implemented using only css and jquery without images. This is high perfomance modal dialogs. All unpacked files take only 5 kb. This is simplest solution for popup windows and custom confirmation dialogs.
Add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'lazybox'
Then run bundle install
to update your application's bundle.
Include in your application.css
* ...
*= require lazybox
* ...
And in application.js
//= require lazybox
###Remote pages Usual remote link:
- link_to 'Lazybox', new_model_path, :remote => true
In your controller:
def new
@model =
def create
@model =[:model])
render :action => :new unless
$.lazybox("#{j(render :partial => 'form')}");
You can replace standard rails confirmations with lazybox
And in application.js
$.rails.allowAction = $.lazybox.confirm;
for options use global lazybox settings:
$.lazybox.settings = {cancelClass: "button gray", submitClass: 'button gray', overlay: false}
or instance settings
$.lazybox("<div>It works!</div>",{onTop: true, opacity: 0.7, modal: false})
- link_to 'Image', image.url, :rel => :lazybox
Include in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js
$(document).ready(function() {
// or with options
$('a[rel*=lazybox]').lazybox({overlay: true, esc: true, close: true, modal: true, klass: 'class'});
If there are more than one link to image you can click on image in the lazybox to show the next one
= link_to image.url, :rel => :lazybox do
= image_tag image.url, :height => 100
= link_to image2.url, :rel => :lazybox do
= image_tag image2.url, :height => 100
Set 'closeImg' option to true.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.images a').lazybox({closeImg: true});
Style your close:
#lazybox_close.img {
background: url('close.png') no-repeat;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
top: -17px;
right: -17px;
overlay: true|false //default true. Show lazybox overlay
esc: true|false //default true. Close lazybox on esc press
close: true|false //default true. Show close lazybox button
niceClose: true|false //default true. Show nice close button like in fancybox(IE always shows simple close button)
onClose: callback //no default Callback to trigger after lazybox fades out
modal: true|false //default true. Close lazybox on overlay click
closeImg: true|false //default false. Use image for close link
onTop: true|false //default false. Show lazybox on top instead of on center. It will use slide animation instead of fade.
fixed: true|false //default false. Set fixed position.
opacity: 0.6 //default 0.3. Set opacity for lazybox overlay
speed: 400 //default 300. Set animation speed
klass: 'class' Set class for lazybox. <div id='lazybox' class='class'>...</div>
//confirmation options
cancelText: //default 'Cancel'. Cancel button text
submitText: //default 'Ok'. Confirm button text
cancelClass: //default 'button'. Cancel button class
submitClass: //default 'button'. Confirm button class
ie7 + Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Copyright© Alex Galushka