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before embedding check that the destination basis matches the operato…
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…r basis (#246)

* before embedding check that the destination basis matches the operator basis

* Change embed to handle composite operators

* perform embedding of an operator in a joint hilbert space

* functional embedding with new syntax

* more tests for composite bases

* code review and a few more tests

* Change Int64 to Int in type checks for x86
atombear authored and david-pl committed Mar 26, 2019
1 parent 40d0231 commit fff4db5
Showing 5 changed files with 172 additions and 7 deletions.
89 changes: 86 additions & 3 deletions src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export AbstractOperator, DataOperator, length, basis, dagger, ishermitian, tenso

import Base: ==, +, -, *, /, ^, length, one, exp, conj, conj!, transpose
import LinearAlgebra: tr, ishermitian
import SparseArrays: sparse
import ..bases: basis, tensor, ptrace, permutesystems,
samebases, check_samebases, multiplicable
import ..states: dagger, normalize, normalize!
@@ -94,16 +95,98 @@ tensor(operators::AbstractOperator...) = reduce(tensor, operators)
Tensor product of operators where missing indices are filled up with identity operators.
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
indices::Vector{Int}, operators::Vector{T}) where T<:AbstractOperator
indices::Vector, operators::Vector{T}) where T<:AbstractOperator

@assert sortedindices.check_embed_indices(indices)

N = length(basis_l.bases)
@assert length(basis_r.bases) == N
@assert length(indices) == length(operators)

# Embed all single-subspace operators.
idxop_sb = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if typeof(x[1]) <: Int]
indices_sb = [x[1] for x in idxop_sb]
ops_sb = [x[2] for x in idxop_sb]

for (idxsb, opsb) in zip(indices_sb, ops_sb)
(opsb.basis_l == basis_l.bases[idxsb]) || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())
(opsb.basis_r == basis_r.bases[idxsb]) || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())

embed_op = tensor([i indices_sb ? ops_sb[indexin(i, indices_sb)[1]] : identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i=1:N]...)

# Embed all joint-subspace operators.
idxop_comp = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if typeof(x[1]) <: Array]
for (idxs, op) in idxop_comp
embed_op *= embed(basis_l, basis_r, idxs, op)

return embed_op

embed(basis1[, basis2], indices::Vector, operators::Vector)
Embed operator acting on a joint Hilbert space where missing indices are filled up with identity operators.
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
indices::Vector{Int}, op::T) where T<:AbstractOperator
N = length(basis_l.bases)
@assert length(basis_r.bases) == N

reduce(tensor, basis_l.bases[indices]) == op.basis_l || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())
reduce(tensor, basis_r.bases[indices]) == op.basis_r || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())

index_order = [idx for idx in 1:length(basis_l.bases) if idx indices]
all_operators = AbstractOperator[identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i in index_order]

for idx in indices
pushfirst!(index_order, idx)
push!(all_operators, op)

sortedindices.check_indices(N, indices)
tensor([i indices ? operators[indexin(i, indices)[1]] : identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i=1:N]...)

# Create the operator.
permuted_op = tensor(all_operators...)

# Create a copy to fill with correctly-ordered objects (basis and data).
unpermuted_op = copy(permuted_op)

# Create the correctly ordered basis.
unpermuted_op.basis_l = basis_l
unpermuted_op.basis_r = basis_r

# Reorient the matrix to act in the correctly ordered basis.
# Get the dimensions necessary for index permuting.
dims_l = [b.shape[1] for b in basis_l.bases]
dims_r = [b.shape[1] for b in basis_r.bases]

# Get the order of indices to use in the first reshape. Julia indices go in
# reverse order.
expand_order = index_order[end:-1:1]
# Get the dimensions associated with those indices.
expand_dims_l = dims_l[expand_order]
expand_dims_r = dims_r[expand_order]

# Prepare the permutation to the correctly ordered basis.
perm_order_l = [indexin(idx, expand_order)[1] for idx in 1:length(dims_l)]
perm_order_r = [indexin(idx, expand_order)[1] for idx in 1:length(dims_r)]

# Perform the index expansion, the permutation, and the index collapse.
M = (reshape(, tuple([expand_dims_l; expand_dims_r]...)) |>
x -> permutedims(x, [perm_order_l; perm_order_r .+ length(dims_l)]) |>
x -> sparse(reshape(x, (prod(dims_l), prod(dims_r))))) = M

return unpermuted_op
embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, index::Int, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis_l, basis_r, Int[index], [op])
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, index::Int, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis, basis, Int[index], [op])
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector{Int}, operators::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, indices, operators)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector, operators::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, indices, operators)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector{Int}, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis, basis, indices, op)

embed(basis1[, basis2], operators::Dict)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/operators_sparse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ function operators.permutesystems(rho::SparseOperator{B1,B2}, perm::Vector{Int})

operators.identityoperator(::Type{T}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where {T<:SparseOperator} = SparseOperator(b1, b2, sparse(ComplexF64(1)*I, length(b1), length(b2)))
operators.identityoperator(::Type{T}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where {T<:DataOperator} = SparseOperator(b1, b2, sparse(ComplexF64(1)*I, length(b1), length(b2)))
operators.identityoperator(b1::Basis, b2::Basis) = identityoperator(SparseOperator, b1, b2)
operators.identityoperator(b::Basis) = identityoperator(b, b)

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/sortedindices.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -176,4 +176,31 @@ function check_sortedindices(imax::Int, indices::Vector{Int})

Determine whether a collection of indices, written as a list of (integers or lists of integers) is unique.
This assures that the embedded operators are in non-overlapping subspaces.
function check_embed_indices(indices::Array)
# Check whether `indices` is empty.
(length(indices) == 0) ? (return true) : nothing

err_str = "Variable `indices` comes in an unexpected form. Expecting `Array{Union{Int, Array{Int, 1}}, 1}`"
@assert mapreduce(x -> typeof(x)<:Array || typeof(x)<:Int, &, indices) err_str

isunique = true
# Check that no sub-list contains duplicates.
for i in filter(x -> typeof(x) <: Array, indices)
isunique &= (length(Set(i)) == length(i))
# Check that there are no duplicates across `indices`
for (idx, i) in enumerate(indices[1:end-1])
for j in indices[idx+1:end]
isunique &= (length(Base.intersect(i, j)) == 0)
return isunique

end # module
57 changes: 53 additions & 4 deletions test/test_operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ end


b1 = GenericBasis(5)
b2 = GenericBasis(3)
b1 = GenericBasis(3)
b2 = GenericBasis(2)
b = b1 b2
op1 = randoperator(b1)
op2 = randoperator(b2)
op = randoperator(b, b)
op_test = test_operators(b, b,
op_test2 = test_operators(b1, b, randoperator(b1, b).data)
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ op_test3 = test_operators(b1 ⊗ b2, b2 ⊗ b1, randoperator(b, b).data)
ρ = randoperator(b)

@test basis(op1) == b1
@test length(op1) == length( == 25
@test length(op1) == length( == length(b1)^2

@test_throws ArgumentError op_test*op_test
@test_throws ArgumentError -op_test
@@ -59,8 +60,56 @@ op_test3 = test_operators(b1 ⊗ b2, b2 ⊗ b1, randoperator(b, b).data)
@test_throws ArgumentError tensor(op_test, op_test)
@test_throws ArgumentError permutesystems(op_test, [1, 2])

@test embed(b, b, 1, op) == embed(b, 1, op)
@test embed(b, b, [1,2], op) == embed(b, [1,2], op)
@test embed(b, Dict{Vector{Int}, SparseOperator}()) == identityoperator(b)
@test_throws bases.IncompatibleBases embed(b1b2, [2], [op1])

b_comp = bb
@test embed(b_comp, [1,[3,4]], [op1,op]) == dense(op1 one(b2) op)
@test embed(b_comp, [[1,2],4], [op,op2]) == dense(op one(b1) op2)
@test_throws bases.IncompatibleBases embed(b_comp, [[1,2],3], [op,op2])
@test_throws bases.IncompatibleBases embed(b_comp, [[1,3],4], [op,op2])

function basis_vec(n, N)
x = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
x[n+1] = 1
return x
function basis_maker(dims...)
function bm(ns...)
bases = [basis_vec(n, dim) for (n, dim) in zip(ns, dims)][end:-1:1]
return reduce(kron, bases)

embed_op = embed(b_comp, [1,4], op)
bv = basis_maker(3,2,3,2)
all_idxs = [(idx, jdx) for (idx, jdx) in [Iterators.product(0:1, 0:2)...]]

m11 = reshape([Bra(b_comp, bv(0,idx,jdx,0)) * embed_op * Ket(b_comp, bv(0,kdx,ldx,0))
for ((idx, jdx), (kdx, ldx)) in Iterators.product(all_idxs, all_idxs)], (6,6))
@test isapprox(m11 /[1, 1], diagm(0=>ones(Complex{Float64}, 6)))

m21 = reshape([Bra(b_comp, bv(1,idx,jdx,0)) * embed_op * Ket(b_comp, bv(0,kdx,ldx,0))
for ((idx, jdx), (kdx, ldx)) in Iterators.product(all_idxs, all_idxs)], (6,6))
@test isapprox(m21 /[2,1], diagm(0=>ones(Complex{Float64}, 6)))

m12 = reshape([Bra(b_comp, bv(0,idx,jdx,0)) * embed_op * Ket(b_comp, bv(1,kdx,ldx,0))
for ((idx, jdx), (kdx, ldx)) in Iterators.product(all_idxs, all_idxs)], (6,6))
@test isapprox(m12 /[1,2], diagm(0=>ones(Complex{Float64}, 6)))

b_comp = b_compb_comp
OP_test1 = dense(tensor([op1,one(b2),op,one(b1),one(b2),op1,one(b2)]...))
OP_test2 = embed(b_comp, [1,[3,4],7], [op1,op,op1])
@test isapprox(,

b8 = b2b2b2
cnot = [1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 0]
op_cnot = DenseOperator(b2b2, cnot)
OP_cnot = embed(b8, [1,3], op_cnot)
@test ptrace(OP_cnot, [2])/2. == op_cnot
@test_throws AssertionError embed(b2b2, [1,1], op_cnot)

@test_throws ErrorException QuantumOptics.operators.gemm!()
@test_throws ErrorException QuantumOptics.operators.gemv!()
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/test_sortedindices.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,4 +52,9 @@ s.reducedindices!(x, [2, 3, 5, 6])
@test s.check_sortedindices(5, Int[]) == nothing
@test s.check_sortedindices(5, [1, 3]) == nothing

@test s.check_embed_indices([1,[3,5],10,2,[70,11]]) == true
@test s.check_embed_indices([1,3,1]) == false
@test s.check_embed_indices([1,[10,11],7,[3,1]]) == false
@test s.check_embed_indices([[10,3],5,6,[3,7]]) == false
@test s.check_embed_indices([]) == true
end # testset

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