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functional embedding with new syntax
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alexander papageorge committed Mar 23, 2019
1 parent 2a0e0b3 commit c97c568
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 37 deletions.
84 changes: 47 additions & 37 deletions src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,48 +90,58 @@ tensor(op::AbstractOperator) = op
tensor(operators::AbstractOperator...) = reduce(tensor, operators)

function check_indices(indices::Array)
status = true
# Check that no sub-list contains duplicates.
for i in filter(x -> typeof(x) <: Array, indices)
status &= (length(Set(i)) == length(i))
# Check that there are no duplicates across `indices`
for (idx, i) in enumerate(indices[1:end-1])
for j in indices[idx+1:end]
status &= (length(intersect(i, j)) == 0)
return status

embed(basis1[, basis2], indices::Vector, operators::Vector)
Tensor product of operators where missing indices are filled up with identity operators.
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
indices::Vector{Int}, operators::Vector{T}) where T<:AbstractOperator
indices::Vector, operators::Vector{T}) where T<:AbstractOperator

@assert check_indices(indices)

N = length(basis_l.bases)
@assert length(basis_r.bases) == N
@assert length(indices) >= length(operators)
op_b_len = Int[isa(op.basis_l, CompositeBasis) ? length(op.basis_l.bases) : 1 for op=operators]

# Neglect indices covered by composite operators
k = 1
new_idx = Int[]
for i=1:length(operators)
push!(new_idx, indices[k])
ptr_index = filter(p->!(p indices[k:k+op_b_len[i]-1]), 1:N)
operators[i].basis_l == ptrace(basis_l, ptr_index) || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())
operators[i].basis_r == ptrace(basis_r, ptr_index) || throw(bases.IncompatibleBases())
k += op_b_len[i]
# Recursively lower index to fit length
for i=1:length(operators)-1
new_idx[i+1:end] .-= (op_b_len[i] - 1)
@assert length(indices) == length(operators)

n = N-sum(op_b_len) + length(operators)
# Assign operators according to their position
out = Array{AbstractOperator,1}(undef, n)
for i=1:length(operators)
out[new_idx[i]] = operators[i]
idxop_sb = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if typeof(x[1]) <: Int64]
indices_sb = [x[1] for x in idxop_sb]
ops_sb = [x[2] for x in idxop_sb]

for (idxsb, opsb) in zip(indices_sb, ops_sb)
@assert opsb.basis_l == basis_l.bases[idxsb] || bases.IncompatibleBases
@assert opsb.basis_r == basis_r.bases[idxsb] || bases.IncompatibleBases
# Find positions and assign identities
id_idx = filter(p->!(p indices), 1:N)
new_id_idx = filter(p->!(p new_idx), 1:n)
@assert length(id_idx) == length(new_id_idx)
for i=1:length(id_idx)
out[new_id_idx[i]] = identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[id_idx[i]], basis_r.bases[id_idx[i]])

embed_op = tensor([i indices_sb ? ops_sb[indexin(i, indices_sb)[1]] : identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i=1:N]...)

idxop_comp = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if typeof(x[1]) <: Array]

for (idxs, op) in idxop_comp
embed_op *= embed(basis_l, basis_r, idxs, op)

return tensor(out...)
return embed_op

Expand All @@ -151,10 +161,10 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
index_order = [idx for idx in 1:length(basis_l.bases) if idx indices]
all_operators = AbstractOperator[identityoperator(T, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i in index_order]

for idx in indices[end:-1:1]
for idx in indices
pushfirst!(index_order, idx)
pushfirst!(all_operators, op)
push!(all_operators, op)

sortedindices.check_indices(N, indices)

Expand All @@ -165,8 +175,8 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
unpermuted_op = copy(permuted_op)

# Create the correctly ordered basis.
unpermuted_op.basis_l = permutesystems(permuted_op.basis_l, index_order)
unpermuted_op.basis_r = permutesystems(permuted_op.basis_r, index_order)
unpermuted_op.basis_l = basis_l
unpermuted_op.basis_r = basis_r

# Reorient the matrix to act in the correctly ordered basis.
# Get the dimensions necessary for index permuting.
Expand All @@ -181,8 +191,8 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
expand_dims_r = dims_r[expand_order]

# Prepare the permutation to the correctly ordered basis.
perm_order_l = [indexin(idx, length(dims_l):-1:1)[1] for idx in expand_order]
perm_order_r = [indexin(idx, length(dims_r):-1:1)[1] for idx in expand_order]
perm_order_l = [indexin(idx, expand_order)[1] for idx in 1:length(dims_l)]
perm_order_r = [indexin(idx, expand_order)[1] for idx in 1:length(dims_r)]

# Perform the index expansion, the permutation, and the index collapse.
M = (reshape(, tuple([expand_dims_l; expand_dims_r]...)) |>
Expand All @@ -195,7 +205,7 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, index::Int, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis_l, basis_r, Int[index], [op])
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, index::Int, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis, basis, Int[index], [op])
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector{Int}, operators::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, indices, operators)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector, operators::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, indices, operators)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices::Vector{Int}, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis, basis, indices, op)

Expand Down

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