pynae is a Python 2 string encoder. It is possible to create Python 2 strings using only non-alphanumeric characters. This is a quick implementation I've hacked together after finding a way to create arbitrary strings with this. Creating such strings manually will give you shorter results most of the time, but this script should do well enough to save you some time.
So why would you want to encode your Python strings with nonalpha characters? I really don't have a clue yet, but it might help you obfuscating your script or do something else stupid ;-).
Finally some words on nonalpha code in Python: After investigating this topic a little bit I think I'm pretty sure that it is not possible to execute arbitrary code with nonalpha characters (like it has been done in JavaScript or PHP). There is just no way of executing __builtins__.eval or something like that with only nonalpha characters at your hand. If you proove me wrong please contact me ;-).
You can either import the as a module or call it directly from the command line. If you do the latter you have to pass your string as the first command line argument. This script should work with Python 3.x and 2.x.
The created nonalpha code will only work under Python 2.x (because of the backticks).