A node.js library for creating map images with polylines and markers. This library is a node.js implementation of Static Map.
Image manupulation is based on GraphicsMagick. You need to install it before using staticmaps.
> npm i staticmaps -S
const StaticMaps = require('staticmaps');
const options = {
width: 600,
height: 400
const map = new StaticMaps(options);
Parameter | Description |
width | Width of the output image in px |
height | Height of the output image in px |
quality | (optional) Set quality of output JPEG, 0 - 100 (default: 100) |
paddingX | (optional) Minimum distance in px between map features and map border |
paddingY | (optional) Minimum distance in px between map features and map border |
tileUrl | (optional) Tile server URL for the map base layer |
tileSize | (optional) tile size in pixel (default: 256) |
tileRequestTimeout | (optional) timeout for the tiles request |
imageMagick | (optional) Use ImageMagick instead of GraphicsMagick (default: false) |
Adds a marker to the map.
Parameter | Description |
coord | Coordinates of the marker ([Lng, Lat]) |
img | Marker image path or URL |
height | Height of the marker image |
width | Width of the marker image |
offsetX | (optional) X offset of the marker image (default: width/2) |
offsetY | (optional) Y offset of the marker image (default: height) |
const marker = {
img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL
offsetX: 24,
offsetY: 48,
width: 48,
height: 48,
coord = [13.437524,52.4945528]
Adds a polyline to the map.
Parameter | Description |
coord | Coordinates of the polyline ([[Lng, Lat], ... ,[Lng, Lat]]) |
color | Stroke color of the polyline (Default: '#000000BB') |
width | Stroke width of the polyline (Default: 3) |
simplify | TODO |
const polyline = {
coords: [
color: '#0000FFBB',
width: 3
Adds a polygon to the map. Polygon is the same as a polyline but first and last coordinate are equal.
Parameter | Description |
coord | Coordinates of the polygon ([[Lng, Lat], ... ,[Lng, Lat]]) |
color | Stroke color of the polygon (Default: '#000000BB') |
width | Stroke width of the polygon (Default: 3) |
fill | Fill color of the polygon (Default: '#000000BB') |
simplify | TODO |
const polygon = {
coords: [
color: '#0000FFBB',
width: 3
Renders the map.
Parameter | Description |
center | (optional) Set center of map to a specific coordinate ([Lng, Lat]) |
zoom | (optional) Set a specific zoom level. |
Saves the image to a file. If callback is undefined it return a Promise.
Parameter | Description |
fileName | Name of the output file. Specify output format (png, jpg) by adding file extension. |
callback | (optional) Callback function. If undefined, Promise will returned. |
Saves the image to a file. If callback is undefined it return a Promise.
Parameter | Description |
mime | Mime type of the output buffer (default: 'image/png') |
callback | (optional) Callback function. If undefined, Promise will returned. |
const zoom = 13;
const center = [13.437524,52.4945528];
map.render(center, zoom)
.then(() => map.image.save('center.png'))
.then(() => console.log('File saved!'))
.catch(function(err) { console.log(err); });
If specifying a bounding box instead of a center, the optimal zoom will be calculated.
const bbox = [
11.414795,51.835778, // lng,lat of first point
11.645164,51.733833 // lng,lat of second point, ...
.then(() => map.image.save('bbox.png'))
.then(() => console.log('File saved!'))
const marker = {
img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL,
offsetX: 24,
offsetY: 48,
width: 48,
height: 48,
coord: [13.437524, 52.4945528],
.then(() => map.image.save('single-marker.png'))
.then(() => { console.log('File saved!'); })
You're free to specify a center as well, otherwise the marker will be centered.
const marker = {
img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL
offsetX: 24,
offsetY: 48,
width: 48,
height: 48
marker.coord = [13.437524,52.4945528];
marker.coord = [13.430524,52.4995528];
marker.coord = [13.410524,52.5195528];
.then(() => map.image.save('multiple-marker.png'))
.then(() => { console.log('File saved!'); })
var line = {
coords: [
color: '#0000FFBB',
width: 3
.then(() => map.image.save('test/out/polyline.png')
.then(() => console.log('File saved!'))