Imageview with elevation shadow
Add this to your app build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.qhutch.elevationimageview:elevationimageview:2.4'
You will also need support renderscript, also in your build.gradle :
android {
defaultConfig {
renderscriptTargetApi 18
renderscriptSupportModeEnabled true
Use as any ImageView, set your image and add elevation (either with elevation attribute, or compatEvelation if your minSdk is below 21)
The clipShadow attribute is set to false by default, if true, it will clip the shadow to the View boundaries.
To set the elevation programmatically, you can use setElevation() and pass a value in pixels or setElevationDp() and pass a value in dp.
Use translucent attribute or setTranslucent() method to make the shadow keep the color of the image
V2.4 : fixed clipped shadows and migrate to androidX
V2.3 : fixed npe when drawable was null
V2.1 : support for android P (thanks to @jlurena)
V2.0 : Boolean attribute 'forceClip' to use another clipping method if set as true
V1.7 : Fixed NPE when no drawable was set
V1.6 : Use color matrix instead of custom script
V1.5 : Added translucent attribute
V1.4 : Opened ElevationImageView class
V1.3 : Fixed crash in edit mode by disabling renderscript
V1.2 : Extend AppCompatImageView to allow usage of
attribute -
V1.1 : Fixed NPE when view was detached from window and the reattached
Pull requests are more than welcome.
- Email: [email protected]
- Medium:
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