Review and edit data with a local copy in a lektor web instance
Adding conferences to PyVideo data is a process rather painful. Data gathering is already covered in PyVideo tools, but data reviewing is what PyVideo Lektor is intended to ease. With PyVideo Lektor you can:
- Convert this new data to a Lektor project.
- Then use Lektor to:
- Review the data.
- Correct the data using Lektor built-in editor.
- Convert the reviewed data back to PyVideo data format.
Beta. Seems to work OK. Interface is spartan.
- Conversion:
- Convert pyvideo data to lektor format
- Convert lektor format to pyvideo data
- Editor (lektor local web):
- Navigate from events to videos in edit and view mode
- List of events and videos in view mode
- Edit events and videos
Fork this repository and pyvideo data repository to (as example) ~/git
Convert pyvideo data to lektor
# Installing lektor. See:
curl -sf | sh
# Cloning the repos (Use yours here if you forked it).
cd ~/git/
git clone "[email protected]:$MY_GITHUB_USER/pyvideo_lektor.git"
git clone "[email protected]:$MY_GITHUB_USER/data.git" pyvideo_data # More clear name in local, renamed as pyvideo_data
# Converting pyvideo_data to lektor
# only two events as example.
cd ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/bin
pipenv shell
# Optionally, clean pyvideo lektor formated data
rm -fr ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/review_web/content/events/!(*.lr)
./ ~/git/pyvideo_data ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/review_web/ --events pyday-galicia-2017,pycon-us-2018 -v --pyvideo_to_lektor
Edit PyVideo data with lektor
cd ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/review_web/
lektor serve
# Open in a web browser
To navigate this web, while constructing, use the builtin editor: To navigate between videos in view mode use the acces keys P (Previous) N (Next)
Convert lektor to pyvideo data (Work in progress)
cd ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/bin
pipenv shell
./ ~/git/pyvideo_data ~/git/pyvideo_lektor/review_web/ -v --lektor_to_pyvideo