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Readit - Command Line Tool

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Readit is command line bookmark manager. It is a command line utility to add, delete, update and display the bookmarks. It is a powerful bookmark manager written in Python. It uses SQLite3 database to store the bookmarks.


  • Bookmark multiple URLs at a time
  • Bookmark URL with respective Tags at the same time [NEW]
  • Search and display Bookmarks by TAG and URL's substring
  • Display all Bookmarks in table format
  • Remove single or all Bookmarked URL
  • Update a Bookmarked URL with a specific ID
  • URL validation
  • Open multiple URLs in the browser
  • Choose specific folder and Export bookmarks into the CSV file [NEW]
  • Show all Tags available in the database
  • Bookmark URLs either online or offline


Features Dependancy
Scripting Language Python 3.0+
HTTP(S) requests
Command-line parsing click
Database SQLite3
Display Bookmarks in Table beautifultable


Readit is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip3:

pip3 install readit

Command line options

Usage: readit [OPTIONS] [INSERT]...

    Readit - Command-line bookmark manager tool.
-a, --add TEXT          Add urls --> readit -a <url1> <url2>
-t, --tag TEXT          Use to tag url --> readit -a <url1> -t <tag1>
-d, --delete TEXT       Remove a URL of particular ID --> readit -d <url_id>
-c, --clear TEXT        Clear bookmarks --> readit -c
-u, --update TEXT       Update a URL for specific ID --> readit -u
                        <existing_id> <new_url>
-s, --search TEXT       Search for bookmarks using either a tag or a
                        substring of the URL --> readit -s <tag> or
-v, --view TEXT...      Show bookmarks --> readit -v
-o, --openurl TEXT      Open a URL in your browser by entering a part of the
                        URL. --> readit -o <url_substring>
-V, --version           Check latest version --> readit -V
-e, --export TEXT...    Export URLs in csv file --> readit -e
-tl, --taglist TEXT...  Show all Tags --> readit -tl
--help                  Show this message and exit.


  1. Bookmark multiple URLs:
$ readit <url1> <url2> ...
$ readit --add <url1> <url2> ...
$ readit -a <url1> <url2> ...
  1. Bookmark urls and tags at the same time
$ readit -a <url1> -t <tag1>
  1. View all available bookmarks:
$ readit -v
$ readit --view
  1. Update a bookmark using its ID:
$ readit -u <url_id> <url>
$ readit --update <url_id> <url>
  1. Delete a bookmarked URL using its ID:
$ readit -d <url_id>
$ readit --delete <url_id>
  1. Clear all the bookmarks:
$ readit -c
$ readit --clear
  1. Search and Display all bookmarks using the TAG or URL's substring:
$ readit -s <tag_name> or <url_substring>
$ readit --search <tag_name> or <url_substring>
  1. Open URL in the Browser using URL's substring:
$ readit -o <url_substring>
$ readit --openurl <url_substring>
  1. Export bookmarks into the CSV file:
$ readit --export
$ readit -e
  1. Show all Tags available in the database
$ readit -tl
$ readit --taglist

How to install source code for development

  • Clone project from github:
$ git clone
  • We recommend to create and activate a virtualenv first:
$ cd readit/

$ python3 -m venv env

$ source env/bin/activate

$ pip3 install setuptools
  • To install using file:
(env) $ python install
  • To make a build of the project:
(env) $ python build

Readit - Command line tool is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.