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The default PyroCMS Plus Theme skin template for Pyro Builder
To create a new skin you'll first need to install Pyro Builder then run the following command,
php artisan make:addon vendor.skin.slug
For more details, read the Builder documentation.
This template will trigger the user to provide the following parameters,
- slug, the skin identifier,
- vendor, the provider of the skin, i.e.
, - description, a description of the skin,
- docblock, comment that can provide copyright and other information about the code.
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Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.
Contributions to this project are accepted in the form of feedback, bugs reports and even better - pull requests.
For more details read the Builder documentation.
- Pyro Builder, Scaffold your PyroCMS apps in style for a more pleasurable and productive coding experience.
- PyroCMS Plus Theme, Skinnable, responsive and highly customizable admin theme for PyroCMS 3.
- Template Template, The default Pyro Builder template for building Pyro Builder templates.
- Auto Pyro, PyroCMS deploy tool for faster development experience.
- Awesome PyroCMS, a curated list of PyroCMS addons and resources.
- PyroCMS, MVC PHP Content Management System built to be easy to use, theme and develop with. It is used by individuals and organizations of all sizes around the world.
MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.