Earthquake Moment Magnitude Estimation from Peak Ground Motion
Chimer is a framework for earthquake moment magnitude estimation from observed peak ground motions (PGM). It builds on top of
Green's function data bases for forward modelling seismic sources and waveforms.
Key features include:
- Creation of synthetic ground motion databases
- Caluclation of statistical peak acceleration, velocity and displacement
- Forward modelling of PGM
from chimer.magnitude_store import PeakAmplitudesBase, PeakAmplitudesStore
from pyrocko import gf
KM = 1e3
engine = gf.LocalEngine(use_config=True)
peak_amplitudes = PeakAmplitudesBase(
store = PeakAmplitudesStore.from_selector(peak_amplitudes)
await store.compute_site_amplitudes(source_depth=2 * KM, reference_magnitude=1.0)
await store.find_moment_magnitude(
source_depth=2 * KM,
distance=10 * KM,
Simple installation from GitHub.
pip install git+
Please cite chimer as:
Torsten Dahm, Daniela Kühn, Simone Cesca, Marius Paul Isken, Sebastian Heimann, Earthquake Moment Magnitudes from Peak Ground Displacements and Synthetic Green's Functions, Seismica, 2024, submitted
Contribution and merge requests by the community are welcome!
Qseek was written by Marius Paul Isken and is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.