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Updating for new EVE expansions

Anton Vorobyov edited this page Mar 11, 2014 · 26 revisions

Note: this document is meant for developers. If you have no interest in pyfa development, then this doesn't offer you much

Each time EVE is updated, pyfa may need to be updated too. This document covers only the most basic activities. Please remember that sometimes more work is needed to update pyfa properly.

Extract data from the client

Launch EVE client, make sure it is updated. Log in, open market window, tab with market tree to cache it. Use Phobos for actual data extraction:

$ python --eve="/.wine_eve/drive_c/Program Files/CCP/EVE/" --cache="/.wine_eve/drive_c/users/"$USER"/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/c_program_files_ccp_eve_tranquility/" --json=~/Desktop/phobos_dump_tq --tables="dgmattribs|dgmeffects|dgmtypeattribs|dgmtypeeffects|dgmunits|icons|invcategories|invgroups|invmetagroups|invmetatypes|invtypes|marketProxy()_GetMarketGroups()"

For now, additional step is needed to extract traits data:

$ python --eve="/.wine_eve/drive_c/Program Files/CCP/EVE/" --cache="/.wine_eve/drive_c/users/"$USER"/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/c_program_files_ccp_eve_tranquility/" --json=~/Desktop/phobos_dump_tq

Convert data to sqlite database

Using eos/utils/scripts/ script, convert data into suitable to pyfa format:

$ python --json=~/Desktop/phobos_dump_tq/ --db=sqlite:////home/$USER/Desktop/eve.db

Find out what has been changed

Usingeos/utils/scripts/ script, compare existing and new databases:

$ python3 --old=../../../staticdata/eve.db --new=~/Desktop/eve.db > ~/Desktop/diff

If output file is empty, then pyfa update is not needed at all. Else, use output file as your guidance for updating pyfa.

Actual pyfa update