This is a discord bot for running the PyCon APAC 2022 gather town games.
Here is the step-by-step, hand-by-hand tutorial for how to setting up the bot.
Go to Discord Developer portal, create application, and generate the token for the bot.
Click the New Application beside your avatar icon.
Give your application a name and confirm.
On the left, navigate to the Bot section, and on the right click Add Bot.
To generate or reset the token, click Reset Token.
IMPORTANT!! The token will only show up once, so make sure you have copied and saved the token somewhere.
Scroll down to the Privileged Gateway Intents section, turn on the privileges, and save the changes.
Go to discord and open the app. On the left hand side, click the '+' icon to create a new server for the game.
Name the server and create. The server (guild) ID can be seen from the URL. This ID will be used in the later step.
Go back to the developer portal choose the application you've just created. On the left, navigate to OAuth2 -> URL Generator. Then on the right, first click bot in the scope section, then the below Bot Permissions section will show up. Click Administrator to give the bot admin permissions.
Then scroll down, you'll see a generated url. Open a new tab and go to that url.
First choose the server you want the bot to join. In our case, choose the server you've just created. After selection, click continue.
Confirm the invitation.
git clone
# Enter the cloned folder
cd pybot22
Modify credentials recorded in env.var
You also have to modify the value of MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
in docker-compose.yml
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<the_same_password_as_in_env_var>
At the first time running, the bot will automatically create all channels, roles, and custom emojis to the guild (the server), which are necessary for the booth game.
# Create the tmp folder for underlying services. Only need to do once.
mkdir /tmp/pybot22/mysqld
# Start MySQL database and run the bot.
docker-compose up
# Setup database tables and data. Only need to do once.
After the services' running, go to the discord server and send private message !init_game
to the bot. This will initialize channels with welcome message and start receiving events. You can play the booth game now!
If you find the bot doesn't respond to your emoji reactions, send private massage !init_game
to the bot again to re-initialize the messages.
To stop the services, run docker-compose stop
To restart the services, run docker-compose start
It's recommened to use the third-party software to connect to the running database. Here the recommened software is TablePlus. It's available on all platforms, including Linux distributions.