Template for an Azure SQL Server VM from a SQL-WS image offer, with a data drive for SQL data and logs, and TempDB on the D: drive These parameters are not included in the accompanying parameters file, but can be added - default value shown:
- imageOffer sql2019-ws2019
- adminUsername <VirtualMachineName>-admin
- dataDiskCaching None
- storageWorkloadType General
- sqlDataDisksCount 1
- dataPath F:\SQLData
- location (Extracted from Resource Group)
These settings can only be changed in the azuredeploy.json file
- Names of resources
- tempDbPath D:\SQLTemp
- StandardSSD_LRS OS disk
- Image version latest
- Eastern Standard Time time zone
- Enable automatic updates
- Provision VM Agent
- sqlManagement Full
- sqlServerLicenseType PAYG