Node CLI to concatenate multiple files, with their sourcemaps and optionally stdin, a banner and a footer.
$ npm i -g|-D ncat
$ ncat [<FILES ...>] [OPTIONS] [-o|--output <OUTPUT_FILE>]
The arguments may be a list of files:
$ ncat file_1.js file_2.js -o dist/bundle.js
or a list of globs:
$ ncat 'src/**/*.js !**/rainbow.js' src/**/{cake,unicorn}.css -o dist/bundle.js
If file is a single dash (-
) ncat reads from the standard input:
$ echo 'Insert between file_1.js and file_2.js' | ncat file_1.js - file_2.js -o dist/bundle.js
If -o|--output
is omitted ncat writes to the standard input:
$ ncat file_1.js file_2.js | uglifyjs > dist/bundle.min.js
Name | Type | Default | Description |
-o, --output |
{String} |
undefined |
Output File |
-m, --map |
{Boolean} |
false |
Create an external sourcemap (including the sourcemaps of existing files) |
-e, --map-embed |
{Boolean} |
false |
Embed the code in the sourcemap (only apply to code without an existing sourcemap) |
-b, --banner |
{Boolean|String} |
false |
Add a banner built with the package.json file. Optionally pass the path to a .js file containing custom banner that can be called with require() |
-f, --footer |
{String} |
undefined |
The path to .js file containing custom footer that can be called with require() |
-h, --help |
{Boolean} |
false |
CLI Help |
-v, --version |
{Boolean} |
false |
CLI Version |
---------- file_1.min.js ----------
< First part of JS code (minified) ... >
---------- file_2.js ----------
<Second part of JS code ... >
$ uglifyjs file_2.js | ncat file_1.min.js - --output dist/bundle.js
---------- dist/bundle.js ----------
< First part of JS code (minified) ... >
< Second part of JS code (minified) ... >
---------- file_1.js ----------
< First part of JS code ... >
/*# */
---------- ----------
{"version": 3,"file": "file_1.js", ... }
---------- file_2.js ----------
< Second part of JS code ... >
/*# */
---------- ----------
{"version": 3,"file": "file_2.js", ... }
$ ncat file_1.js file_2.js --map --output dist/bundle.js
---------- dist/bundle.js ----------
< First part of JS code ... >
< Second part of JS code ... >
/*# */
---------- ----------
{"version": 3,"file": "bundle.js", ... }
---------- bootstrap.js ----------
< JS code ... >
$ ncat bootstrap.js --banner --output dist/bundle.js
---------- dist/bundle.js ----------
* Bootstrap v4.0.0
* Copyright 2017 The Bootstrap Authors (
* Licensed under MIT license
< JS code ... >
---------- bootstrap.js ----------
< JS code ... >
---------- build/banner.js ----------
const pkg = require('read-pkg-up').sync().pkg;
module.exports =
* ${} v${pkg.version} (${pkg.homepage})
* Copyright (c) 2011-${new Date().getFullYear()} ${}
* Licensed under the ${pkg.license} license */
(function () {`;
---------- build/footer.js ----------
module.exports = `
$ ncat bootstrap.js --banner build/banner.js --footer build/footer.js --output dist/bundle.js
---------- dist/bundle.js ----------
* Bootstrap v4.0.0 (
* Copyright (c) 2011-2017 The Bootstrap Authors (
* Licensed under the MIT license */
(function () {
< JS code ... >