fountain is a JavaScript based parser for the screenplay format Fountain.
The full Fountain syntax is supported.
Currently fountain supports a limited range of key-value pairs for title pages -
- Title, Credit, Author/s, Source, Notes, Draft date, Date, Contact, Copyright
fountain accepts a string value to it's parse function, therefore opening or retrieving files is down to you - open the file, retrieve it's string contents and pass it to fountain.
fountain.parse(string, function (output) {
// do something
If you want access to the tokens that fountain generates, simply attach a true parameter to your parse calls.
fountain.parse(string, true, function (output) {
// output.title - 'Big Fish'
// output.html.title_page - '<h1>Big Fish</h1><p class="author">...'
// output.html.script - '<h2><span class="bold">FADE IN:</span></h2>...'
// output.tokens - [ ... { type: 'transition'. text: '<span class="bold">FADE IN:</span>' } ... ]
The tokens would look as follows (just a small sample):
{ type="scene_heading", text="EXT. BRICK'S PATIO - DAY", scene_number="1"},
{ type="action", text="A gorgeous day. The su...emplating -- something."},
{ type="action", text="The SCREEN DOOR slides with two cold beers."},
{ type="dialogue_begin"},
{ type="character", text="STEEL"},
{ type="dialogue", text="Beer's ready!"},
{ type="dialogue_end"},
{ type="dialogue_begin"},
{ type="character", text="BRICK"},
{ type="dialogue", text="Are they cold?"},
{ type="dialogue_end"},
{ type="page_break"},
{ type="dialogue_begin"},
{ type="character", text="STEEL"},
{ type="dialogue", text="Does a bear crap in the woods?"},
{ type="dialogue_end"},
{ type="action", text="Steel sits. They laugh at the dumb joke."},
{ type="dialogue_begin"},
{ type="character", text="STEEL"},
{ type="parenthetical", text="(beer raised)"},
{ type="dialogue", text="To retirement."},
{ type="dialogue_end"},
{ type="dialogue_begin"},
{ type="character", text="BRICK"},
{ type="dialogue", text="To retirement."},
{ type="dialogue_end"}
As you can see fountain attaches some extra tokens, such as 'dialogue_begin' and 'dialogue_end'. These are used to block together sections, in the case of dialogue it allows fountain to attach a dual dialogue property to blocks of dialogue.
Credit for the creation of this parser goes to Matt Daly.