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This is a provider for VMPooler allows using GCE to create instances, disks, snapshots, or destroy instances for specific pools.


Include this gem in the same Gemfile that you use to install VMPooler itself and then define one or more pools with the provider key set to gce. VMPooler will take care of the rest. See what configuration is needed for this provider in the example file.

Examples of deploying VMPooler with extra providers can be found in the puppetlabs/vmpooler-deployment repository.

GCE authorization is handled via a service account (or personal account) private key (json format) and can be configured via

  1. GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable eg GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/my/home/directory/my_account_key.json

Migrating to v1

Starting with the v1.x release, management of DNS records has been extracted from this compute provider and implemented as DNS plugins, similar to compute providers. This means each pool configuration should be pointing to a configuration object in :dns_config to determine it's method of record management.

For those using DNS management via this provider, the DNS related options should be moved under :dns_configs:<INSERT_YOUR_OWN_SYMBOL> with the value for dns_class.

For example, the following keys in a v0.x GCE provider config:

    dns_zone_resource_name: vmpooler-example-com

Would be moved to:

    dns_class: gcp-clouddns
    project: jake-vmpooler-dev
    zone_name: vmpooler-example-com

Then any pools that should have records created via the dns config above should now reference the named dns config in the dns_plugin key:

  - name: 'debian-11-x86_64'
    dns_plugin: 'example'

For complete examples on how to use the GCP DNS plugin see vmpooler-dns-gcp.


DNS is integrated via Google's CloudDNS service. To enable, a CloudDNS zone name must be provided in the config (see the example yaml file dns_zone_resource_name)

An A record is then created in that zone upon instance creation with the VM's internal IP, and deleted when the instance is destroyed.


This provider adds labels to all resources that are managed

resource labels note
instance vm=$vm_name, pool=$pool_name for example vm=foo-bar, pool=pool1
disk vm=$vm_name, pool=$pool_name for example vm=foo-bar and pool=pool1
snapshot snapshot_name=$snapshot_name, vm=$vm_name, pool=$pool_name for example snapshot_name=snap1, vm=foo-bar, pool=pool1

Also see the usage of vmpooler's optional purge_unconfigured_resources, which is used to delete any resource found that do not have the pool label, and can be configured to allow a specific list of unconfigured pool names.


  • A service account needs to be created and a private json key generated (see usage section)
  • The service account needs to be given permissions to the project (broad permissions would be compute v1 admin and dns admin). A yaml file is provided that lists the least-privilege permissions needed
  • if using DNS, a DNS zone needs to be created in CloudDNS, and configured in the provider's config section with the name of that zone (dns_zone_resource_name). When not specified, the DNS setup and teardown is skipped.

Update the Gemfile Lock

To update the Gemfile.lock run ./update-gemfile-lock.

Verify, and update if needed, that the docker tag in the script and GitHub action workflows matches what is used in the vmpooler-deployment Dockerfile.


Follow these steps to publish a new GitHub release, and build and push the gem to

  1. Bump the "VERSION" in lib/vmpooler-provider-gce/version.rb appropriately based on changes in since the last release.
  2. Run ./release-prep to update Gemfile.lock and
  3. Commit and push changes to a new branch, then open a pull request against main and be sure to add the "maintenance" label.
  4. After the pull request is approved and merged, then navigate to Actions --> Release Gem --> run workflow --> Branch: main --> Run workflow.


vmpooler-provider-gce is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.