This project is a part of software development course. I hope to help my juniors 3rd understand about web application, web service and socket io. I create a example code by using Nodejs and another packages (you can see in pakage.json).
Most projects i used to develop on Linux. But, In this installation. I try to write installation base on Windows. However, Between Windows & Linux has only Nodejs installation differently. You can still use another basic installation commands to both OS.
follow this link. it'll redirect you to go to Nodejs homepage. Download Nodejs package and install it by "Next Installation" (joke!) on your Windows.
- Nodejs Home page :
follow this commands. On linux, Nodejs doesn't provide npm package when frist installstion like Windows. You must install npm package bt your self. I recommend to use stable version from default repositories.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
After clone this project. following commands
npm install
After installation. following commands
node app.js