A free, open-source Blog CMS based on the "Django" and "Editorial" HTML5 theme.
- "Blog" section to create and edit a blog + Blog Category
- "Videocast" section to create and edit a videocast + Videocast Category
- "Podcast" section to create and edit a podcast + podcast Category
- "Skill" section to create and edit a skill
- "CONSTANCE" Section to manage dynamic Django settings (Blog title, Social Networks links and ...)
- Displays the list of Blog posts as paged in archive
- Displays the list of Videocast as paged in archive
- Displays the list of podcast as paged in archive
- Used "Django Admin" to manage all models
- Used "Editorial" theme by HTML5 UP
- Used "Sqlite" to create DB
- Used "CKEditor"
- Translation ready
- Auth system (login & logout and forget a password)
- Front-end forms to create new object
How to install and run (GNU/Linux and Mac)
Install git,python3, pip3, virtualenv in your operating system
Create a development environment ready by using these commands
git clone # clone the project
cd Frolic # go to the project DIR
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install project requirements in .venv
python makemigrations # Create migrations files
python migrate # Create database tables
python collectstatic # Create statics files
python runserver # Run the project
Go to to use project