This is a go web microframework for web artisans willing to create amazing go web applications with ease.
- Server configuration in a single file
- A blazing fast router (
- Simplified request / response API
- MVC architecture
- Middlewares
- Automatic headers for different responses
- Automatic TLS (SSL) certificate using openssl cli
- Automatic server creation using HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2
- Database Configuration + ORM
- Emails
You first need to get the package:
go get
IMPORTANT: Check the official example here:
Then you'll need to create some server configuration (server.toml
for example):
# Server stores all the settings releated
# to the HTTP / HTTP server itself.
# Host determines the IP or name of the
# HTTP server.
host = ""
# Port specifies the port that is going to
# be used to run the HTTP server.
port = "8080"
# Development specifies if the server is going
# to run in development mode, allowing some output
# in the terminal while the application runs giving
# help and insight of what's going on.
development = true
# HTTPS stores all the settings releated
# to the TLS (SSL) settings used to ensure
# encrypted connections.
# Enables or disables the HTTPs server.
# Please notice that this should always be
# enabled. HTTPs should always be used.
# Only a HTTP or HTTPs server can be fired
# so if enabled, no HTTP server will be provided.
enabled = true
# Certificate file that the HTTPs
# server will use to encrypt connections.
# Auto generated if no cert_file and key_file
# exists in the path provided.
cert_file = "./server.cert"
# Key file that the HTTPs
# server will use to encrypt connections.
# Auto generated if no cert_file and key_file
# exists in the path provided.
key_file = "./server.key"
# Views stores all the settings releated
# to the views stored in the application
# used when delivering responses from
# the web server.
# Path represents the relative or absolute
# path where the views will come from.
# It acts as a path prefix when returning views
path = "./views"
# Database stores all the settings releated
# to the database connection that the ORM
# will use in order to provide it's functionality
# Determines the driver to use
# Possible options are:
# 'mysql', 'postgres', 'sqlite3'.
driver = "mysql"
# Database represents the database name
# to use or the database path in case of
# using sqlite3 driver. If driver is sqlire3
# the value ':memory:' can also be used to create
# a temp database stored in memory.
database = "sample"
# Host represents the database host where
# it will connect to. Unused if using
# the sqlite3 driver.
host = "localhost"
# Port represents the database port where
# it will connect to. Unused if using
# the sqlite3 driver.
port = "3306"
# User represents the user used to establish
# the database connection. Unused if using
# the sqlite3 driver.
user = "sample"
# Password represents the password used to establish
# the database connection. Unused if using
# the sqlite3 driver.
password = "secret"
# Auto migrate is used to migrate the database shema
# using the provided models. It will ONLY create tables,
# missing columns and missing indexes, and WON’T change
# existing column’s type or delete unused columns
# to protect your data.
auto_migrate = true
# Mail stores all the information about
# SMTP mailing to send any form of email.
# Host determines the SMTP host that
# is going to be used.
host = ""
# Port determines the SMTP port that
# is going to be used.
port = "465"
# Identity determines how the auth is
# pretended to act as. Usually this
# should be an empty string.
identity = ""
# Username used to authenticate when connecting
# to the host. Part of the credentials.
username = ""
# Password used to authenticate when connecting
# to the host. Part of the credentials.
password = ""
# From determines who the mail is going to be sent
# from. This setting is the default from address used.
from = "[email protected]"
Then create a main file (server.go
for example):
package main
import (
type sample struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
func index(req *request.HTTP) response.HTTP {
return response.Text("Sample index response")
func user(req *request.HTTP) response.HTTP {
return response.Text("User id: " + req.Params.ByName("id"))
func about(req *request.HTTP) response.HTTP {
return response.JSON(sample{Name: "Erik", Age: 22})
func sampleMiddleware(next router.Handler) router.Handler {
return router.Handler(func(req *request.HTTP) response.HTTP {
log.Println("Before route middleware")
r := next(req)
log.Println("After route middleware")
return r
func main() {
// Get the settings from the configuration files.
// Set the application routes.
Get("/", index).
Get("/user/:id", user).
Group(&router.Options{Prefix: "/sample", Middleware: sampleMiddleware}, func(routes *router.Router) {
routes.Get("/about", about)
// Serve the HTTP server.
- Pulsar:
- Config:
- Router:
- Request:
- Response: