Changes since last release
Last release: 12.0.1-0.2.0
- d2f0eff [RISCV/XSSR] Add pseudo/intrinsics/builtins for single instruction immediate read and write
- e005382 [CI] Add GitHub release and deploy flow
- a9d462a [CI] Build a nightly release and deploy to sourceforge
- 27f3cc1 [CI/HERO] Use pipeline result but allow failure
- 05b2fcc [CI] Trigger HERO CI on merge request
- 266efc0 [CI] Remove github deploy stage
- 1ac7c03 [CI] Specify ordering needs of jobs
- d98b5f0 [README] Extend with information on other projects
- d2c3944 [CI] Disable vanilla LLVM tests
- b754b78 [RISCV/Xsmallfloat] Add missing instruction alias for quarter fused operations
- f989123 [HERO/Clang] Print messages if HERCULES PREM passes are active