To make the life of developers easier! If you have tips, suggestions or something else, feel free to open up an issue!
There are so many great tools out there, this is just a selection of those I worked with in the past.
Some tools to help managing stuff on your local computer.
Node version manager, to easily manage multiple node/npm versions.
Pyenv: Python version managment, to easily have multiple python versions available.
virtualenvwrapper: Helps managing virtualenvs.
oh-my-bash (ref: 177864fc5c2428c1c636f075299cd705727cee06)
- Patch with
for some nicer coloring. - see
for current plugins/completions
- Patch with
There are various tools around that can help you keeping track of your project dependencies.
I'm personally not a big fan of poetry, it does 'too much' and its dependency resolvement can be very slow.
In the past (unconfirmed in latest versions) it was also impossible to upgrade a single dependency without causing the entire tree to be rebuild.
So if we wanted to upgrade black
, we also upgrade sqlalchemy
due to our requirement being 'greater then'.
(pip-sync, pip-compile) did was expected, kept my local environment clean and up-to-date without too much hassle.
Two great tools which can help you keeping your code (more) secure.
- pip-audit
pip-audit is a tool for scanning Python environments for packages with known vulnerabilities.
- bandit
Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.
One of the downside of the various tools, is that there is no SINGLE configuration file that works for all.
Some support setup.cfg
, others also support pyproject.toml
. And others have their own..
Example config for Black and isort via pyproject.toml
line-length = 160
target-version = ['py38']
preview = true
profile = "black"
py_version = 38
line_length = 160
case_sensitive = false
combine_as_imports = true
force_sort_within_sections = true
lines_after_imports = 2
order_by_type = false
known_first_party=["xs2event_common", "test"]
Example config for flake8 via .flake8
(there are other ways to config this obviously):
max-line-length = 160
ignore = E121, E123, E126, E133, E226, E241, E242, E402, E70, E501, E722, W504, E127, E128, E131, W503
exclude =
Having tool help you format your code and enforce security or coding styles is nice. But people might forget them.
Or use --no-verify
to bypass them (hopefully with a valid reason ;) ). Having it setup in your CI is important to ensure that the code going to our main branch is up to par.
Pre-commit for good pre-commit hooks
Example .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: local
- id: flake8
name: Run flake8
language: python
pass_filenames: false
entry: flake8
types: [file,python]
- id: bandit
name: Run bandit
language: python
pass_filenames: false
entry: bandit . -ll
types: [file,python]
- id: black
name: Run black
language: python
entry: black
types: [file,python]
- id: isort
name: Run isort
language: python
entry: isort
types: [file,python]
And in your .gitlab-ci.yml
you run it against all the files:
stage: quality
- pre-commit run --all-files
Writing test is very important, especially when fixing bugs. Having a regression test prevents you from making the same mistakes twice. Visualsing what part of your code is hit by your tests, helps you write better tests.
- Pytest
- Fixtures
- Factory boy
- Coverage
- Gitlab pipelines (CD)
- Kubernetes
- Helm charts
You can host it yourself (using helm charts), but it can be quite a pain in the ass and resource consumption is relatively high. Benefit is that you do have your data on-premise.
And when working locally, there are also some great tools (suggestions welcome!):
- Jira - project management
- Sentry - error reporting
- Prometheus - metric gathering
- Grafana - visualizing metrics