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1091 lines (767 loc) · 42.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1091 lines (767 loc) · 42.1 KB


July 08 2024


  • Fix issue because of which wrong request timeout has been used.
  • Fix issue with PNSubscribeCursorData which should have an optional region to handle user timetoken in received real-time messages.


June 27 2024


  • Decoder to map server response directly to the data models.
  • Configurable request objects require less convenience methods to interact with PubNub REST API.
  • Network layer rewritten as module.


June 12 2024


  • Adjusting to FCM HTTP v1 API.


April 30 2024


  • Match include folder content to the import in source code.


April 16 2024


  • Adding PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy.


December 19 2023


  • Add the ability to set automatic request retry configuration in PNConfiguration.


October 30 2023


  • Update license information.


October 16 2023


  • Add a crypto module with a set of implemented cryptors.


  • Mark uuid as deprecated configuration property.
  • Fix warnings after project settings update.


December 13 2022


  • Serialise access to previously created session configuration objects from different threads.


December 09 2022


  • Fix issue because of which message de-duplication code leaked memory.


September 06 2022


  • Fix the issue because of which PNFilesManager leaked each time when PubNub client was created.


March 11 2022


  • Make it possible to use PubNub Objective-C SDK using SPM.


January 12 2022


  • BREAKING CHANGES: Disable automated uuid generation and make it mandatory to specify during PNConfiguration instance creation.


September 22 2021


  • Add method which allow to set or parse auth token.

June 9 2021

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  • Add download error checks in Files API integration tests to have ability investigate random test failure with data download on Travis.
  • Add arm64 architecture to pre-compiled PubNub SDK Framework bundles for their usage on Apple M1 enabled computers.


  • Fix issue because of which null-able completion block wasn't properly verified and caused application crash.
  • Fix compiler warnings on type mismatch.

March 16 2021

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  • Replace os_unfair_lock with pthread_mutex to avoid cases when os_unfair_lock_lock called from same thread more than once.

March 9 2021


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Add randomized initialization vector usage by default for data encryption / decryption in publish / subscribe / history API calls.

February 6 2021

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  • Add heartbeat to subscribe REST API call when managePresenceListManually is set to YES.

February 6 2021

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  • Fix copyWithConfiguration:completion: which sometime stuck because of long-poll subscribe.

February 4 2021


  • Make PNBasePublishRequest header publicly visible. Addresses the following PRs from @dymv: #424.
  • Fix issue because of which subscriber reset heartbeat timer while in manual presence management mode.

November 16 2020

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  • Add new parameters to Here Now builder-based API to get presence information for list of channels or channel groups.

October 3 2020

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  • Add timetoken from file information publish call into PNSendFileStatus object.

September 26 2020

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  • Fix issue because of which PNPublishSequence metrics data migration caused application crash.
  • Fix subscription loop issue caused by broken bytes array with null-byte in it.

September 18 2020

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  • Increase default number of messages returned by History v3, when single channel passed, to 100 messages per single call.

September 10 2020

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  • Update code to ensure that persistent and in-memory storage accessed in thread-safe way.


  • Fix issue because of which migrated data didn't placed at proper place.

August 13 2020

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  • Add include_message_type option to fetch messages and history with message actions APIs.
  • Add include_uuid option to fetch messages and history with message actions APIs.


  • Replace content type, which is returned by server during upload url generation, using system capabilities to detect MIME type by file extension.
  • Split current Keychain helper to two separate storage options: in-memory and Keychain. Keychain will be used when possible and in-memory for cases when Keychain not available and macOS.


  • After Keychain reorganization publish sequence manager has been restructured to use dispatch queue instead of SpinLock.

August 1 2020

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  • Add same set of query parameters to download URL as any regular operation to PubNub service.
  • Fix issue with files larger than 32 kilobytes.

July 28 2020

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  • Fix default issues after migration to publish requests objects usage because of which replicate and store has been reset to false.

July 27 2020

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  • Add send file API support which allow encrypt (if configured) and upload file to channel.
  • Add download file API support which allow download file from channel and decrypt (if configured).
  • Add list files API support which allow retrieve information about files sent to channel.
  • Add delete file API support to permanently remove file from channel.
  • Add file message publish API which allow notify about new file upload completion (should be used to recover from internal publish error).
  • Add new subscribe events listener to handle new files events.
  • Add new methods to PNAES which allow to encrypt / decrypt file at local file system.
  • Add new option for PubNub client configuration and PNAES methods to use random initialization vector instead of hard-coded when files / data is encrypted / decrypted.

June 19 2020

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  • Make device push tokens added to excluded_devices lowercase.

June 6 2020

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  • By default, all requests which is able to return multiple objects, will return their total count (corresponding includeFields flag is set).


  • Renamed group of methods which is responsible for channel members management / audit.

May 29 2020

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  • Add simplified Objects API support with UUID and Channel metadata / membership management.


  • Deprecate and replace old PNObjectEventListener protocol with new one PNEventsListener.
  • Update tests which has been used for previous Objects API version to test simplified Objects.

May 18 2020

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  • Update .pubnub.yml features matrix with missing features.


  • Don't create lowercase string when FCM device registration token provided to PubNub notifications API.

March 26 2020

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  • Remove line breaks which affect change log generator. Addresses the following PRs from @samiahmedsiddiqui: #423.


  • Remove Fabric components from PubNub.podspec because they have been removed from SDK with latest release.

March 9 2020

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  • Add additional functionality which allow to filter out received Objects (memberships, members, spaces or users) by specified criteria.
  • Add new parameters which allow specify criteria (list of field names with sort direction :asc / :desc for each) order in which objects appear in response.
  • Add scripts which is responsible for SDK release roll out from tag in private repository.


  • Presence state should set / fetch fail w/o actual request to server when list of channels / groups and uuid is missing.
  • Increase covered up to 85% with integration tests on all functionality (75%) and unit tests on builder-pattern / request interface.


  • Fix issue because of which connected interface didn't called completion block when managePresenceListManually is set to NO.
  • Fix issue because of which includeMetadata and includeMessageActions flags has been swapped.
  • Fix issue because of which actual retry never happened in case if subscription failed because PAM reported that client with current authKey doesn't have access rights to channels / groups.
  • Fix issue which didn't reset subscribe time-token when keepTimeTokenOnListChange is set to NO and tryCatchUpOnSubscriptionRestore is set to YES.
  • Remove 'macOS' from supported platforms in iOS Framework targets and rely on command-line specified flags to build Framework with Catalyst support.

December 5 2019

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  • Add support for new endpoint which allow register and use devices with APNS2.
  • Add new interfaces (builder-based API also has been modified) which allow pass device push token / identifier (not only NSData) using specific push service type.
  • Add class which simplify basic notifications composition for multiple platforms / providers at once.


  • Expose utility class which allow to manage data in Keychain (iOS).


  • Fix non-JSON response handling from History v2 endpoints when storage add-on not enabled for used keys.

November 25 2019

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  • Add proper Catalyst framework support with separate build target XCFramework (Catalyst) which is bundled with binaries which allow it to be used for: device / simulator and macOS.


  • Change build scripts which now produce XCFrameworks with separate slices for device and simulator instead of fat binaries created with lipo.


  • Fix headers visibility in frameworks project.

October 8 2019

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  • Add Message Actions API support which allow to: add, remove and fetch previously added actions.
  • Add new method to simple interface and argument to builder pattern interface which allow to fetch previously added actions and message metadata.
  • Add new argument to history builder pattern to fetch message metadata.
  • Add new callback to PNObjectEventListener to track message actions events.


  • Enhance publish sequence manager performance by making save only if any change has been done.

August 30 2019

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  • Add missing import of Objects API interface to frameworks umbrella header.

August 27 2019

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  • Add support for Space Objects API.
  • Add support for User Objects API.
  • Add support for Membership / Member Objects API.
  • Add new callback to PNObjectEventListener to track space events.
  • Add new callback to PNObjectEventListener to track user events.
  • Add new callback to PNObjectEventListener to track membership events.

August 8 2019

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  • Add support for Signal API.
  • Add new callback to PNObjectEventListener to track signal events.


  • Remove deprecated stripMobilePayload configuration option from SDK along with code, which used it.
  • Disable pipelining for requests.


  • Fix crash which is caused by attempt to de-duplicate message which PubNub client wasn't able to decrypt with configured cipherKey.

July 15 2019

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  • Add macOS support for iOS frameworks.

June 27 2019

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  • Update outdated configuration object inline help documentation.


  • Fix subscribe request timeout missing reconnect event.
  • Fix empty heartbeat value set to minimum on configuration copy.

June 17 2019

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  • Add ability to specify FCM token for APNS API.


  • Fix system version parsing when OS language set to Japanese.

May 16 2019

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  • Add value wrapping around heartbeat 'value'.
  • Separate tests project from main workspace.


  • Fix universal Frameworks build script.

March 28 2019

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  • Resolve project warnings, which caused issues with Carthage framework build.

March 26 2019

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  • Fix builder API interface visibility for frameworks.

March 16 2019

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  • Move Keychain records update calls to secondary queue (sometime Keychain take too much time to update and block main queue).


  • Fix message count result object header file visibility for frameworks.

March 11 2019

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  • Add ability to retrieve number of messages in specified channels using timetoken as reference date.


  • Remove channel names sorting from utility class (because of which new API wasn't able to work properly).

November 13 2018

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  • Add ability to get / set presence state for multiple channel / groups (at once).

November 7 2018

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  • Add ability to set arbitrary query parameters during API call.

June 21 2018

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  • Change client's data storage on macOS from Keychain to file-based.

June 19 2018

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  • Add methods which allow to manually manage presence.
  • Add client configuration option to enable manual presence list management.


  • Fix implicit self retain in block warnings.

May 7 2018

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  • Silence implicit self usage in blocks.
  • Move listeners collection access serialization on queue to prevent access to property during non-atomic store.

February 14 2018

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  • Fix issue because of which channel(s) and/or group(s) wasn't able to maintain user's presence with heartbeat.
  • Fix log file attributes to prevent their backup locally or to iCloud.

February 1 2018

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  • Fix issue because of which new connected presence API wasn't able to disconnect user.
  • Fix behavior during unsubscribe - connect event won't fire after user disconnect, because there is no new channels about which listeners should be notified.

December 16 2017

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  • Add ability to change client's presence without actual subscription to channels/groups (based on heartbeat and presence leave API).


  • Fix Xcode warnings about partly API availability.
  • Fix race of conditions for logger.
  • Fix pre-compile macro usage to send metrics when code is running on device with pre-iOS 10 version.

November 15 2017

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  • Add ability to completely disable PubNub's client logger with PUBNUB_DISABLE_LOGGER build configuration macro.

October 31 2017

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  • Add suppressLeaveEvents parameter to PNConfiguration which allow to suppress presence leave API call on unsubscription.


  • Fix issue because of which there was a chance to create second subscribe request while subscription loop has been restarted with new timetoken.

October 16 2017

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  • Add new method to unsubscribe from all channels and groups with completion block.


  • Remove receiver-is-weak clang warning suppression since it has been deprecated.


  • Fix issue because of which unsubscribe requests didn't terminated previous long-poll subscribe request.

September 15 2017

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  • Fix telemetry shared data access issues.

August 28 2017

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  • Add delete message functionality.


  • Remove deprecated flag from stripMobilePayload so it will only print out deprecation warning in console w/o actual warning in Xcode.
  • Adjust telemetry cache clean up interval.


  • Fix issue with wildcard subscription and presence events which treated as messages.
  • Fix issue with copyWithConfiguration method which removed client itself from state change observers.
  • Fix de-duplication messages cache size issue.
  • Fix issue because of which requests metrics gathered only if metrics log level has been enabled.

August 21 2017

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  • Fix bug with channel group subscription from previous release.

July 19 2017

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  • Add ability to gather service performance information.
  • Add new error category PNRequestURITooLongCategory to properly handle and report issues to callbacks and completion blocks.


  • Remove unsubscribe request cancellation by sequential call to subscribe API.
  • Reorganize code which is responsible for subscribe requests cancellation.


  • Fix issue with macOS Keychain access in multi-user environment when none authorized.
  • Fix inline documentation.

April 26 2017

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  • Fix dependency analysis warnings for Fabric integration via CocoaPods.

March 31 2017

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  • Add support for presence deltas.

March 15 2017

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  • Add pn- prefix for client-provided unique user identifiers.
  • Add OSSpinLock and os_unfair_lock switch.


  • Change pre-compile macro for URLSession metrics gathering delegate usage.
  • Persistent UUID storage and tests deprecated API silenced.

March 8 2017

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  • Fix uuid and auth keys encoding in query string.

March 3 2017

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  • Add TCP metrics output to PubNub logs (added corresponding logger level).
  • Add information about stripMobilePayload deprecation to Xcode console with guide what can be done next.


  • Deprecate stripMobilePayload property.

January 5 2017

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  • Change default origin.

December 16 2016

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  • Revert default origin reverted back to

December 16 2016

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  • Change object which is stored in cache which is used for de-duplication.
  • Change default origin.

November 26 2016

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  • Fix cached messages identifier list clean up.

November 25 2016

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  • Add new configuration property maximumMessagesCacheSize which allow to enable (when non-zero value passed) messages de-duplication logic.

November 20 2016

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  • Add additional service response check and wrap (in case if still somehow non-dictionary reached data objects).
  • Add APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY flag to PubNub.podspec and Framework targets.


  • Remove PNClass and added manual service response parsers registration (in attempt to solve third-party classes initialization at run-time).


  • Fix issue because of which reverse flag had same value as include timetokens.

November 16 2016

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  • Add multi-channel history request API to API call builder interface.
  • Add ability to subscribe / unsubscribe to/from channels and/or groups with single API call.
  • Add ability to receive message sender identifier.
  • Add verbose logs around subscription loop timetoken usage.


  • Deprecate restoreSubscription property.

November 2 2016

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  • Add ability to specify for how long published message should be stored in channel's storage (added into API call builder interface)


  • Fix instanceID which is placed inside of PNConfiguration - if it require to setup new client it will have same instanceID. Now instanceID is set per PubNub client instance.

October 27 2016

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  • Add application extension environment support (applicationExtensionSharedGroupIdentifier PNConfiguration property).
  • Add fire and replicate options to publish API call builder.
  • Add messages count threshold configuration property (requestMessageCountThreshold) which allow to specify how many messages client can receive without PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategory status object sending (to -client:didReceiveStatus: observer callback).
  • Add instanceid query property to simplify multi client debug.
  • Add requestid query property for each request to force proxy servers to not cache responses and debug purposes.
  • Add builder pattern for API calls.


  • Updated Fastlane configuration to speed test stage up.


  • Fix issue with shared auto-updating user calendar which is used with logger (calendar instance created every time when timestamp information is required).

September 26 2016

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  • Add NS_SWIFT_NAME with Swift equivalent specified in it to all public API. This allow to prevent Swift function signature generator from changing it between Swift releases.

September 13 2016

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  • Add published message sequence number to publish API call (this information arrive as message envelope and used for issues debugging).
  • Add logger method which will allow to use it from Swift.
  • Add automatic heartbeat interval using formula and heartbeat value for calculated value.
  • Add channel and subscription properties to represent channel from which event arrived and actual data stream name which is used by PubNub client for subscription.


  • Deprecate actualChannel and subscribedChannel in favor of channel and subscription (properties still available, but will be eventually will be completely removed).

September 2 2016

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  • Change default logs directory which should be used for tvOS client.

August 31 2016

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  • Add ability to complete issued API calls before application will be suspended (happens by default for iOS).
  • Add PNConfiguration property called completeRequestsBeforeSuspension which allow to change default behavior (for iOS).
  • Add ability to disable message stripping (removing data which has been added by client during publish with mobile payload) which is enabled by default
  • Add Carthage support.


  • Framework targets build bundle with bitcode enabled by default.
  • Remove dependency against CocoaLumberjack and replaced with own logger.

July 8 2016

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  • Add tests to cover fixed issue.


  • Fix timeout issue which caused by recently added shared NSURLSessionConfiguration configuration.

July 8 2016

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  • Add ability provide limited customization of NSURLSessionConfiguration.
  • Add bitcode support for frameworks.

May 17 2016

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  • Fix podspec dependency version format compatibiliyty with CocoaPods 0.39.

May 13 2016

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  • Add original message (in case of decryption error) will be passed into associatedObject of PNStatus error instance.


  • Fix issue for case when client doesn't use encryption and message has been received w/o mobile payload to clean up.

May 12 2016

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  • pn_other key has been removed and original object will be returned in delegate callback (this field used with message encryption and/or mobile push payload).
  • Mobile push payload removed from received message.


  • Fix issue with PNNumber on 32bit system, when passed NSNumber instance created from unix-timestamp multiplied on 10000000.
  • Fix message content descryption in case if it has been sent along with mobile push payload.

May 3 2016

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  • Add Pub/Sub V2 API support.
  • Add message filtering basing on published message metadata.
  • Add ability to publish message with additional metadata for filtering purposes.
  • Add generics to collection properties and arguments.
  • Add nulability annotations.


  • Update inline documentation formatting.
  • Update tests.


  • Fix occupancy value storage for state-change (it will be set if available).
  • Fix issue with presence here now request where 'nil' passed as channel / group.
  • Fix script responsible for module map update in built frameworks.
  • Fix Universal Startic Frameork (iOS) to use correct platform.
  • Add missing files to Mac Framework.

September 2 2016

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  • Add heartbeatNotificationOptions bitfield to PNConfiguration which can set how heartbeat state reported to listeners (using PNHeartbeatNotificationOptions).


  • Remove notifyAboutFailedHeartbeatsOnly PNConfiguration property in favor of heartbeatNotificationOptions bitfield.

September 2 2016

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  • Add new property to PNConfiguration class called notifyAboutFailedHeartbeatsOnly which allow to configure client to notify not only about failed heartbeat statuses but for success as well.

January 27 2016

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  • Add private persistent storage which allow to keep crucial data safe on device.
  • Add new target to build dynamic framework for tvOS.


  • Fix issue with time token precision verification in case if non-PubNub's time token value has been passe.

January 12 2016

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  • Fix issue because of which client may not restore subscription on list of channels which has been left after previous unsubscription request.

December 20 2015

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  • Fix unsubscription issue because of which time token didn't get reset if there is no more channels on which client may continue subscription.
  • Fix issue with -unsubscribeFromAll which may issue unwanted subscribe requests in case if method call followed by subscribe method call.

December 14 2015

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  • Add ability to build static library based frameworks (universal as well).
  • Add Fabric support.

December 10 2015

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  • Fix client state cache issue because of which channel group state itself get updated even if state has been changed for one of channels from this group.

December 2 2015

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  • Add ability to set arbitrarily time token to catch up from into Subscribe API.
  • Add ability to specify time tokens not only as 17 digit, but time interval from NSDate acceptable too.
  • Add stringified representation for category and operation fields.


  • Remove client initialisation code which affected PNLogger configuration.


  • Fix Mac OSX target and scripts for dynamic framework creation.

November 24 2015

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  • Add watchOS deployment information to PubNub.podspec file.

November 20 2015

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  • Update Base64 decoding settings which will allow to decode encrypted messages from some clients which changed base64 encoding algorithms.

November 16 2015

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  • Change build configuration from Debug to Release for framework building targets.
  • Updated demo projects to correctly handle disconnection event (which happen for unsubscribe operation not for subscribe).
  • Logger will print out current verbosity level information every time when it will be changed.
  • All components (except core components) will add information about component to log output in format <PubNub::{component}>.


  • Fix listener disconnect status handling after client stumbled on network issues and reported unexpected disconnect.
  • Fix issue because of which string has been stored inside of serviceData for PNErrorStatus created from NSError.

October 22 2015

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  • Remove deprecated string encoding methods.


  • Fix memory issues with PNNetwork instance.

October 15 2015

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  • Add ability to build dynamic frameworks for iOS 8.0+.

October 14 2015

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  • Exposed heartbeat error to -client:didReceiveStatus:.


  • FIx ping triggering logic after corner case with network issues.

October 3 2015

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  • Fix issue which prevented proper -retry execution.

October 1 2015

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  • Downgrade deployment target in Podspec file from 8.0 to 7.0.
  • Update Podspec file organization.
  • Update logger macro usage.

September 20 2015

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  • Add conditional device ID specification in request constructor.
  • Add client information class.
  • Add ObjC/Swift test for crypto issue.


  • Suppress designated initializer warnings.


  • Fix issue with messages decryption in history and real-time messaging API.

September 2 2015

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  • Add additional presence events tests.


  • Fix subscriber parser issue because of which channel group name and actual channel changed their places in status object for presence event.
  • Fix non-multiplexing subscription issue.
  • Fix issue with missing presence event handling.

July 24 2015

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  • Add custom User-Agent header field.


  • Remove CocoaPods post-install script from Podfile.
  • Change test environment check.


  • Fix and change data types for few data objects (which caused crash in swift environment).
  • Fix size tests to handle updated packet size during tests.
  • Fix Podfile.

July 13 2015

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  • Add associatedObject field to PNErrorStatus (for now only for decryption error on live feed).


  • Report real-time messages decryption error to -client:didReceiveMessage:.
  • Report error if empty array of channels passed to enable push notifications.
  • Replace AFNetworking with native NSURLSession wrapper.


  • Fix issues with composed message publish (with mobile push payloads).
  • Fix inability to publish mobile gateway payloads only.
  • Fix issue with number publishing.
  • Fix code which had warnings from clang.
  • Fix logger levels manipulation.
  • Fix demo application which provided wrong logger configuration for log file size.
  • Fix podspec to suppress warnings which appeared because private headers has been exposed to public.

June 30 2015

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  • Update documentation hosted by CocoaPods.

June 30 2015

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  • The new, refactored PN 4.0 for iOS is Here!