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Docker Projects for Network Optix VMS Products

This is a project to build and publish docker images for various Network Optix VMS products.


Licensed under the MIT License.
License Shield

Build Status

Last Commit
Workflow Status
Last Build

Release Notes

  • Version 2.5:
    • Added NxGo builds, a version of Nx Witness targeted at the transportation sector, PR by @kinnairdclan, thank you.
  • Version 2.4:
    • Added Hanwha Vision Wisenet WAVE VMS builds, another US OEM whitelabel version Nx Witness.
    • Using the CreateMatrix utility instead of M4 to create Docker and Compose files for all product variants.
  • Version 2.3:
    • Added unit test project to verify the release and upgrade control logic.
    • Switched from Newtonsoft.Json to .NET native Text.Json.
    • Modified builds to account for v6 Beta installers requiring the file package but not listing it in DEB Depends, see #142.
  • Version 2.2:
    • Simplified Dockerfile creation by using shell scripts instead of a Makefile.
  • Version 2.1:
    • Added ARM64 images per user request.
      • Note that testing was limited to verifying that the containers run on a Raspberry Pi 5.
    • Updated build scripts to use docker compose (vs. docker-compose) and docker buildx (vs. docker build) per current Docker/Moby v25+ release.
    • Updated CreateMatrix tooling to use the newest version for the latest tag when multiple versions are available.
  • Version 2.0:
    • Added a build release version, this version is independent of Nx release versions, and only identifies the version of the build environment, and is used in the image label.
    • Nx released v5.1 across all product brands, v5.1 supports Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 LTS, and all base images have been updated to Jammy.
    • Due to the Jammy dependency versions older than v5.1 are no longer being built.
    • Build scripts removed support for old v4 variants.
    • Added a link from /root/.config/nx_ini to /config/ini for additional INI configuration files.


The project supports the following product variants:


Images are published on Docker Hub:

  • NxWitness: docker pull
  • NxWitness-LSIO: docker pull
  • NxMeta: docker pull
  • NxMeta-LSIO: docker pull
  • NxGo: docker pull
  • NxGo-LSIO: docker pull
  • DWSpectrum: docker pull
  • DWSpectrum-LSIO: docker pull
  • WisenetWAVE: docker pull
  • WisenetWAVE-LSIO: docker pull

Images are tagged as follows:

  • latest: Latest published version, e.g. docker pull
  • stable: Latest released version, e.g. docker pull
  • rc: Latest RC version, e.g. docker pull
  • beta: Latest Beta version, e.g. docker pull
  • develop: Builds created from the develop branch, e.g. docker pull
  • [version]: Release version number, e.g. docker pull


  • latest and stable may be the same version if all builds are released builds.
  • rc and beta tags are only built when RC and Beta builds are published by Nx, and may be older than current latest or stable builds.
  • Images are updated weekly, picking up the latest upstream Ubuntu updates and newly released Nx product versions.
  • See Build Process for more details.

NxWitness Stable NxWitness Latest NxWitness RC NxWitness Beta

NxWitness-LSIO Stable NxWitness-LSIO Latest NxWitness-LSIO RC NxWitness-LSIO Beta

NxMeta Stable NxMeta Latest NxMeta RC NxMeta Beta

NxMeta-LSIO Stable NxMeta-LSIO Latest NxMeta-LSIO RC NxMeta-LSIO Beta

NxGo Stable NxGo Latest NxGo RC NxGo Beta

NxGo-LSIO Stable NxGo-LSIO Latest NxGo-LSIO RC NxGo-LSIO Beta

DWSpectrum Stable DWSpectrum Latest DWSpectrum RC DWSpectrum Beta

DWSpectrum-LSIO Stable DWSpectrum-LSIO Latest DWSpectrum-LSIO RC DWSpectrum-LSIO Beta

WisenetWAVE Stable WisenetWAVE Latest WisenetWAVE RC WisenetWAVE Beta

WisenetWAVE-LSIO Stable WisenetWAVE-LSIO Latest WisenetWAVE-LSIO RC WisenetWAVE-LSIO Beta



I ran DW Spectrum in my home lab on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine, and was looking for a way to run it in Docker. At the time Network Optix provided no support for Docker, but I did find the The Home Repot NxWitness project, that inspired me to create this project.
I started with individual repositories for Nx Witness, Nx Meta, and DW Spectrum, but that soon became cumbersome with lots of duplication, and I combined all product flavors into this one project.

Today Network Optix supports Docker, and they publish build scripts, but they do not publish container images.

Base Images

The project creates two variants of each product using different base images:

Note that smaller base images like Alpine are not supported by the mediaserver.


The LinuxServer (LSIO) base images provide valuable container functionality:

  • The LSIO images are based on s6-overlay, are updated weekly, and LSIO produces containers for many popular open source applications.
  • LSIO allows us to specify the user account to use when running the mediaserver, while still running the root-tool as root (required for license enforcement).
  • Running as non-root is a best practice, and required if we need user specific permissions when accessing mapped volumes.
  • The nxvms-docker project takes a different approach running a compose stack that runs the mediaserver in one instance under the ${COMPANY_NAME} account, and the root-tool in a second instance under the root account, using a shared /tmp volume for socket IPC between the mediaserver and root-tool, but the user account ${COMPANY_NAME} does not readily map to a user on the host system.


User accounts and directory names are based on the product variant exposed by the ${COMPANY_NAME} variable:

  • NxWitness: networkoptix
  • DWSpectrum: digitalwatchdog
  • NxMeta: networkoptix-metavms
  • WisenetWAVE: hanwha

LSIO Volumes

The LSIO images re-link various internal paths to /config.

  • /config : Configuration files:
    • /opt/${COMPANY_NAME}/mediaserver/etc links to /config/etc : Configuration.
    • /root/.config/nx_ini links to /config/ini : Additional configuration.
    • /opt/${COMPANY_NAME}/mediaserver/var links to /config/var : State and logs.
  • /media : Recording files.

Non-LSIO Volumes

The non-LSIO images must be mapped directly to the installed paths, refer to the nxvms-docker page for details.

  • /opt/${COMPANY_NAME}/mediaserver/etc : Configuration.
  • /home/${COMPANY_NAME}/.config/nx_ini : Additional configuration.
  • /opt/${COMPANY_NAME}/mediaserver/var : State and logs.
  • /media : Recording files.


  • 7001 : Default server port.

Environment Variables

  • PUID : User Id, LSIO only, optional.
  • PGID : Group Id, LSIO only, optional.
  • TZ : Timezone, e.g. America/Los_Angeles.

See LSIO docs for usage of PUID and PGID that allow the mediaserver to run under a user account and the root-tool to run as root.

Network Mode

Any network mode can be used, but due to the hardware bound licensing, host mode is recommended.


LSIO Docker Create

docker create \
  --name=nxwitness-lsio-test-container \
  --hostname=nxwitness-lsio-test-host \ \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  --network=host \
  --env TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
  --volume /mnt/nxwitness/config:/config:rw \
  --volume /mnt/nxwitness/media:/media:rw \

docker start nxwitness-lsio-test-container

LSIO Docker Compose

version: "3.7"

    container_name: nxwitness-lsio-test-container
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
      # - PUID=65534 # id $user
      # - PGID=65534 # id $group
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
      - /mnt/nxwitness/config:/config
      - /mnt/nxwitness/media:/media

Non-LSIO Docker Compose

version: "3.7"

    container_name: nxwitness-test-container
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
      - /mnt/nxwitness/config/etc:/opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc
      - /mnt/nxwitness/config/nx_ini:/home/networkoptix/.config/nx_ini
      - /mnt/nxwitness/config/var:/opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/var
      - /mnt/nxwitness/media:/media

Unraid Template

  • Add the template URL to the "Template Repositories" section, at the bottom of the "Docker" configuration tab, and click "Save".
  • Create a new container by clicking the "Add Container" button, select the desired product template from the dropdown.
  • If using Unassigned Devices for media storage, use RW/Slave access mode.
  • Use nobody and users identifiers, PUID=99 and PGID=100.
  • Register the Unraid filesystems in the additionalLocalFsTypes advanced settings, see the Missing Storage section for help.

Product Information

Release Information

Advanced Configuration

  • mediaserver.conf Configuration: https://[hostname]:[port]/#/server-documentation
  • nx_vms_server.ini Configuration: https://[hostname]:[port]/api/iniConfig/
  • Advanced Server Configuration: https://[hostname]:[port]/#/settings/advanced
  • Storage Reporting: https://[hostname]:[port]/#/health/storages

Build Process

Build overview:

  • CreateMatrix is used to update available product versions, and to create Docker files for all product permutations.
  • Version.json is updated using the mediaserver Releases JSON API and Packages API.
  • The logic follows the same pattern as used by the Nx Open desktop client logic.
  • The "released" status of a build follows the same method as Nx uses in isBuildPublished() where release_date and release_delivery_days from the Releases JSON API must be greater than 0
  • Matrix.json is created from the Version.json file and is used during pipeline builds using a Matrix strategy.
  • Automated builds are done using GitHub Actions and the BuildPublishPipeline.yml pipeline.
  • Version history is maintained and used by CreateMatrix such that generic tags, e.g. latest, will never result in a lesser version number, i.e. break-fix-forward only, see Issue #62 for details on Nx re-publishing "released" builds using an older version breaking already upgraded systems.

Local testing:

  • Run cd ./Make and ./, the following will be executed:
    • Create Dockerfile's and update the latest version information using CreateMatrix.
    • Builds the Dockerfile's using docker buildx build.
    • Launch a docker compose stack Test.yaml to run all product variants.
  • Ctrl-Click on the links to launch the web UI for each of the product variants.
  • Run to shutdown the compose stack and cleanup images.

Known Issues

  • Licensing:
    • Camera recording license keys are activated and bound to hardware attributes of the host server collected by the root-tool that is required to run as root.
    • Requiring the root-tool to run as root overly complicates running the mediaserver as a non-root user, and requires the container to run using host networking to not break the hardware license checks.
    • Docker containers are supposed to be portable, and moving containers between hosts will break license activation.
    • Nx to fix: Associate licenses with the Cloud Account not the local hardware.
  • Storage Management:
    • The mediaserver attempts to automatically decide what storage to use.
    • Filesystem types are filtered out if not on the supported list.
    • Mounted volumes are ignored if backed by the same physical storage, even if logically separate.
    • Unwanted Nx MetaVMS Media directories are created on any discoverable writable storage.
    • Nx to fix: Eliminate the elaborate filesystem filter logic and use only the admin specified storage locations.
  • Configuration Files:
    • .conf configuration files are located in a static mediaserver/etc location while .ini configuration files are in a user-account dependent location, e.g. /home/networkoptix/.config/nx_ini or /root/.config/nx_ini.
    • There is no value in having a server use per-user configuration directories, and it is inconsistent to mix configuration file locations.
    • Nx to fix: Store all configuration files in mediaserver/etc.
  • External Plugins:
    • Custom or Marketplace plugins are installed in the mediaserver/bin/plugins directory.
    • The mediaserver/bin/plugins directory is already pre-populated with Nx installed plugins.
    • It is not possible to use external plugins from a mounted volume as the directory is already in-use.
    • Nx to fix: Load plugins from mediaserver/var/plugins or from sub-directories mounted below mediaserver/bin/plugins, e.g. mediaserver/bin/plugins/external
  • Lifetime Upgrades:
    • Nx is a cloud product, free to view, free upgrades, comes with ongoing costs of hosting, maintenance, and support, it is unfeasible to sustain a business with ongoing costs using perpetual one-off licenses.
    • My personal experience with Digital Watchdog and their Lifetime Upgrades and No Annual Agreements is an inflexible policy of three activations per license and you have to buy a new license, thus the "license lifetime" is a multiplier of the "hardware lifetime".
    • Nx to fix: Yearly camera license renewals covering the cost of support and upgrades.
  • Archiving:
    • Nx makes no distinction between recording and archiving storage, archive is basically just a recording mirror without any capacity or retention benefit.
    • Recording storage is typically high speed low latency high cost low capacity SSD/NVMe arrays, while archival playback storage is very high capacity low cost magnetic media arrays.
    • Nx to fix: Implement something akin to archiving in Milestone XProtect VMS where recording storage is separate from long term archival storage.
  • Image Publication:
    • Nx relies on end-users or projects like this one to create and publish docker images.
    • Nx to fix: Publish up-to-date images for all product variants and release channels.
  • Break-Fix-Version-Forward:
    • Nx product versions published via their releases API occasionally go backwards, e.g. release: v4.3 -> v5.0 -> v4.3.
    • Nx supports forward-only in-place upgrades, e.g. v4.3 to v5.0, but not v5.0 to v4.3.
    • Publishing generic tags, e.g. latest, using a version that regresses, e.g. v4.3 -> v5.0 -> v4.3 breaks deployments, see Issue #62 for details.
    • CreateMatrix tooling keeps track of published versions, and prevents version regression of generic latest, rc and beta tags.
    • Nx to fix: Release break-fix-version-forward only via release API's.


I am not affiliated with Network Optix, I cannot provide support for their products, please contact Network Optix Support for product support issues.
If there are issues with the docker build scripts used in this project, please create a GitHub Issue.
Note that I only test and run nxmeta-lsio:stable in my home lab, other images get very little to no testing, please test accordingly.

Missing Storage

The following section will help troubleshoot common problems with missing storage.
If this does not help, please contact Network Optix Support.
Please do not open a GitHub issue unless you are positive the issue is with the Dockerfile.

Confirm that all the mounted volumes are listed in the available storage locations in the web admin portal.

Enable debug logging in the mediaserver:
Edit mediaserver.conf, set logLevel=verbose, restart the server.
Look for clues in /config/var/log/log_file.log.


VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: shfs /media fuse.shfs - duplicate
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: /dev/sdb8 /media btrfs - duplicate
DEBUG QnStorageSpaceRestHandler(0x7f85043b0b00): Return 0 storages and 1 protocols

Get a list of the mapped volume mounts in the running container, and verify that /config and /media are listed in the Mounts section:

docker ps --no-trunc
docker container inspect [containername]

Launch a shell in the running container and get a list of filesystems mounts:

docker ps --no-trunc
docker exec --interactive --tty [containername] /bin/bash
cat /proc/mounts

Example output for ZFS (note that ZFS support was added in v5.0):

ssdpool/appdata /config zfs rw,noatime,xattr,posixacl 0 0
nvrpool/nvr /media zfs rw,noatime,xattr,posixacl 0 0
ssdpool/docker /archive zfs rw,noatime,xattr,posixacl 0 0

Mount /config is on device ssdpool/appdata and filesystem is zfs.
Mount /media is on device nvrpool/nvr and filesystem is zfs.
Mount /archive is on device ssdpool/docker and filesystem is zfs.

In this case the devices are unique and will not be filtered, but zfs is not supported and needs to be registered.

Example output for UnRaid FUSE:

shfs /config fuse.shfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other 0 0
shfs /media fuse.shfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other 0 0
shfs /archive fuse.shfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other 0 0

In this case there are two issues, the device is /shfs for all three mounts and will be filtered, and the filesystem type is fuse.shfs that is not supported and needs to be registered.

Log file output for Unraid FUSE:

VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: shfs /config fuse.shfs - added
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: shfs /media fuse.shfs - added
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: shfs /archive fuse.shfs - duplicate

The /archive mount is classified as a duplicate and ignored, map just /media, do not map /archive.
Alternative use the "Unassigned Devices" plugin and dedicate e.g. a XFS formatted SSD drive to /media and/or /config.

Example output for Unraid BTRFS:

/dev/sdb8 /test btrfs rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/test 0 0
/dev/sdb8 /config btrfs rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/config 0 0
/dev/sdb8 /media btrfs rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/media 0 0
/dev/sdb8 /archive btrfs rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/archive 0 0
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: /dev/sdb8 /test btrfs - added
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: /dev/sdb8 /config btrfs - duplicate
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: /dev/sdb8 /media btrfs - duplicate
VERBOSE nx::vms::server::fs: /dev/sdb8 /archive btrfs - duplicate

In this example the /test volume was accepted, but all other volumes on /dev/sdb8 was ignored as duplicates.

Add the required filesystem types in the advanced configuration menu. Edit the additionalLocalFsTypes option and add the required filesystem types, e.g. fuse.shfs,btrfs,zfs, restart the server.

Alternatively call the configuration API directly:
wget --no-check-certificate --user=[username] --password=[password] https://[hostname]:[port]/api/systemSettings?additionalLocalFsTypes=fuse.shfs,btrfs,zfs.

To my knowledge there is no solution to duplicate devices being filtered, please contact Network Optix Support and ask them to stop filtering filesystem types and devices.