Remove stopwords and perform stemming
OpenBLAS: It is pretty easy to build an own optimized version of openBLAS. First you need get the code and compile it as usually. Then setup the environment and indicate to distribute to build numpy with the openblas library. See here for more info:
Lapack: Because clean_text is based on nltk, you need install blas and lapack libraries. It is recommeded to install an optimized version of both. This libraries can be found on the package management tools of the linux distribution. (debian: liblapack-dev). If you think is worthy, you can build your own optimized version of the library. This tutorial explain exacltly the necessary steps to do so.
It is recomendable to use virtualenv to avoid package conflicts
- virtualenv /SOME/PATH -p python3
- source /SOME/PATH/bin/activate
pip install git+
Manually install:
git clone CLEAN_TEXT_URL
cd clean_text; python setup install
Numpy over Openblas
- go to the virtualenv folder
- add
source /opt/env/c++/openblas_default
to the bin/activate file - source /virtualenv/folder/bin/activate
mkdir download
mkdir build
pip install -d download numpy
tar -xvf download/numpy*.tar.gz
- mv download/numpy* build/
- create file build/numpy*/site.cfg. Add the following data: ` [default] library_dirs = /opt/usr/local/openblas/lib
[openblas] libraries = openblas library_dirs = /opt/usr/local/openblas/lib include_dirs = /opt/usr/local/openblas/include
[atlas] atlas_libs = openblas library_dirs = /opt/usr/local/openblas/lib
[lapack] lapack_libs = openblas library_dirs = /opt/usr/local/openblas/lib `
- python build/install
- nltk
- numpy
- t2db_objects
- sphinx
- pyyaml
You need to install NLTK data.
python -m nltk.downloader all
To configure this project, pleae see the configuration example file (etc/example.config)
Just do
- CONFIG_FILE The path to the configure file
- OUTPUT_FILE The path to the output file (if it doesn't exist, it will be created)
- INPUT_FILE The path to the input file
cd docs; make html