A simple project based on SpringBoot and RabbitMQ meant to showcase manual tracing and
context propagation continuation on the consumer end.
It is based on the following project:
Some additional changes were also introduced to fix decoration issues. It is used along with the RabbitMQ Spring API (RabbitTemplate/RabbitListener)
If you have already RabbitMQ installed, you may skip this section and go straight to the DD agent section
Install RabbitMQ on mac OSX (tested on High Sierra)
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ brew install rabbitmq
Start RabbitMQ
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ brew services start rabbitmq
Another option is to use the official docker image and run it locally. Below an example of docker-compose file.
image: rabbitmq:management
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
Spin up the container
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ docker-compose up -d
Start RabbitMQ
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ brew services start rabbitmq
Stop RabbitMQ
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ brew services stop rabbitmq
RabbitMQ UI
docker run -d --name datadog_agent -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /proc/:/host/proc/:ro -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -p -e DD_API_KEY=<Your API key> -e DD_APM_ENABLED=true -e DD_APM_IGNORE_RESOURCES="GET /api/random" datadog/agent:latest
The project is structured as a main gradle project with two submodules (one for the consumer, the other for the producer)
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ git clone https://github.com/ptabasso2/prodconsrbmq.git
COMP10619:RabbitMQ pejman.tabassomi$ cd prodconsrbmq
COMP10619:prodconsrbmq pejman.tabassomi$ ./gradlew build
Open three terminal windows, one for the producer. The second for the consumer and the third for testing.
COMP10619:prodconsrmq pejman.tabassomi$ java -Ddd.trace.global.tags=env:datadoghq.com -jar consumer/build/libs/consumer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8082
and then
COMP10619:prodconsrmq pejman.tabassomi$ java -Ddd.trace.http.client.split-by-domain=true -Ddd.trace.global.tags=env:datadoghq.com -jar producer/build/libs/producer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081
Note: Run the following command several times
COMP10619:prodconsrbmq pejman.tabassomi$ curl localhost:8081/test