This is a simple stopwatch class written in C++ using the std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
ChronoStopwatch csw;
csw.start(); //starts a timer
//... do stuff ...
std::cout << csw.stop(); //stop returns the last started timer
//... do stuff ...
//... do other stuff ...
csw.stop(); //stops B
csw.stop(); //stops A
size_t a = csw.start();//A
//... do stuff ...
size_t b = csw.start();//B
//... do other stuff ...
csw.stop();//stops B
//... do other stuff ...
csw.stop(a); //stops A
csw.stop(); //stops C
ChronoStopwatch::getFormatDuration(csw.getDuration(b)) //returns the duration of B in the HH:MM:SS.mmmm format