A high-level interface to Testrail API via python
This is not a complete implementation of API methods provided by Testrail in documentation here: http://docs.gurock.com/testrail-api2/start (but it may become one some day). I was creating a library useful for scripting. Many operations should not be perform via scripts. For example managing suite structure is easier in user interface. Also bulk methods provided by API is quite useless in script, which can easily do bulk operations itself. So I did not implement some methods to keep the application simple.
Currently only latest version (4.0) of Testrail is supported.
Import and configuration:
from testrail import Testrail
Testrail(host='', port='8080',
user='[email protected]', password='somepassword')
Simple example in which I create new run and add results in it.
my_project = Testrail.get_project_by_name('My Favourite Project')
suite = my_project.get_suite_by_name('Best suite ever')
cases_to_run = suite.cases(types=['Functionality', 'UI'],
new_run = suite.add_run(name='Normal func test', assignedto='V.Spiridonov',
include_all=False, cases=cases_to_run)
for test in new_run.tests():
See examples in testrail-examples.py file.