This repository contains the openmrs-owa-chemo.ordering OpenMRS Open Web App.
Add a description of what your app does here.
For further documentation about OpenMRS Open Web Apps see the wiki page.
You will need NodeJS 6+ installed to do this. See the install instructions here.
Once you have NodeJS installed, install the dependencies (first time only):
npm install
Build the distributable using Webpack as follows:
npm run build:prod
This will create a file called
file in the dist
which can be uploaded to the OpenMRS Open Web Apps module.
To deploy directly to your local Open Web Apps directory, run:
npm run build:deploy
This will build and deploy the app to the /Users/pravesh/openmrs/openmrs-platform/owa
directory. To change the deploy directory, edit the LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER
entry in
. If this file does not exists, create one in the root directory
that looks like:
"LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER": "/Users/pravesh/openmrs/openmrs-platform/owa"
To use Browersync to watch your files and reload
the page, inject CSS or synchronize user actions across browser instances, you
will need the APP_ENTRY_POINT
entry in your config.json
"LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER": "/Users/pravesh/openmrs/openmrs-platform/owa",
"APP_ENTRY_POINT": "http://localhost:8080/openmrs/owa/openmrs-owa-chemo.ordering/index.html"
Run Browsersync as follows:
npm run watch
Install npm packages dependencies as follows:
npm install --save <package>
To use the installed package, import it as follows:
//import and assign to variable
import variableName from 'package';
To contain package in vendor bundle, remember to add it to vendor entry point array, eg.:
entry: {
app : `${__dirname}/app/js/owa.js`,
css: `${__dirname}/app/css/owa.css`,
vendor : [
...//other packages in vendor bundle
Any files that you add manually must be added in the app
You may experience problems due to the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header not
being set by OpenMRS. To fix this you'll need to enable Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing in Tomcat.