Filters & Language switcher
Version 2.6.0
- implemented language switcher with page reload #171
- implemented client-side filtering with UI buttons #204
- added predefined filters in the config file for client-side filtering, thanks @Saso222 #205
- updated NodeJs connector: new response format, support for most API methods, thanks @forestlake #209
- updates and customizations for LazyLoad plugin to support IE9 & IE10 #214
- added refresh folder items / item preview UI button #215
- clipboard UI buttons are disabled when no actions are available #220
- rearranged header UI buttons
- updated DE translations
- updated ZN-CN translations, thanks @toolgood #208
- bugfix: wrong URL viewer, thanks @abnerjacobsen #213
- bugfix: Lazy Loading for thumbs doesn't work for new/moved/copied images #214
- bugfix: selected files are not taken properly when using the copy button in the toolbar #219
Backward incompatible changes:
- "options.culture" configuration option is moved to "language.default" option
- "options.defaultViewMode" configuration option is moved to "manager.defaultView" option
- removed obsolete "showFullPath" and "localizeGUI" configuration options #216
- removed "flat-oil" and "flat-turquoise" themes