I am Front-end, React developer with passion and curiosity for creating and building things. Eager to help people with solutions not only working but also usable and good-looking.
I focus on developing solutions to complex problems using React and Typescript but I also follow closely Reason and Rust enviroments. I want to learn AWS in order to become a Full Stack Serverless Developer.
I write semantic and accesible HTML to make people use webapps effectively
In order to achieve code quality and benefit from typy checking I use Typescript in most of the projects
I use React from begining of my carreer along with range of libraries: state managment, animations and server-side
I have solid knowledge how to use REST API as well as graphql schemas along with testing in Jest and Cypress
I use git workflow and code reviews to achieve high standard of quality
I can make project mockups and then turn it into live using FramerX