A modular graph neural network framework implemented in pytorch. The framework handles all of the GNN's communication and aggregation operations, allowing the user to focus on a simple interface. An entire GNN architecture can be defined by simply implementing a set of submodules. The framework has a very general architecture, so most GNNs from existing literature can be represented as special cases. The framework itself is an instance of a torch.nn.Module, so it may be saved/trained/evaluated just like any other torch module. Once implemented, the GNN may be evaluated either in a centralised setting (which simultaneously evaluates a batch of joint states) or a decentralised setting (which performs operations for a single agent at a single timestep, and requires the user to manually implement communication).
python3 -m pip install https://github.com/Acciorocketships/ModGNN
from ModGNN import GNN, GNNnode
import torch
from torch import nn
class GNNnodeCustom(GNNnode):
def __init__(self, K=1, **kwargs):
# Run GNNnode constructor
super().__init__(K=K, **kwargs)
# Define networks
self.finput_net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(6, 6), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(6,4), nn.ReLU())
self.fpre_net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 6), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(6,8), nn.ReLU())
self.fmid_net = [nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(8, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8,6), nn.ReLU()) for k in range(K+1)]
self.ffinal_net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(6, 6), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(6,3))
# Register parameters
self.register_params(self.fmid_net, "fmid") # modules defined in lists/dicts must be registered (added to the GNNnode's list of params) in order to be learnable
def finput(self, X, *layer_outputs):
# X: the joint state with shape [(batch*N*(K+1)) x Dobs]
# layer_outputs: a list of outputs from previous layers in the GNN, each with shape [batch x N x Dobs]
# output: the encoded observation to be communicated, with shape [batch*N*(K+1) x Dinput]
return self.finput_net(X)
def fcom(self, A, X):
# A: the adjacency matrix with shape [batch x N x N]
# X: the joint state with shape [batch x N x Dinput]
# output: the incoming data (dim=2) for each agent (dim=1), with shape [batch x N x N x Dinput]
return A[:,:,:,None] * X[:,None,:,:]
def fpre(self, X):
# X: the joint state with shape [(batch*N*N) x (K+1) x Dinput]
# output: the processed inputs of shape [(batch*N*N) x (K+1) x Dpre]
batchxNxN, K, Dinput = X.shape; K-=1
Xr = X.view(batchxNxN * (K+1), Dinput)
output = self.fpre_net(Xr) # applies the same fpre to all neighbourhoods
return output.view(batchxNxN, K+1, -1)
def fmid(self, X):
# X: the joint state with shape [(batch*N) x (K+1) x Dpre]
# output: the processed aggregated neighbourhoods of shape [(batch*N) x (K+1) x Dmid]
return torch.stack([self.fmid_net[k](X[:,k,:]) for k in range(X.shape[1])], dim=1) # applies a different fmid to each neighbourhood
def ffinal(self, X):
# X: the joint state with shape [(batch*N) x Dmid]
# output: the processed aggregated neighbourhoods of shape [(batch*N) x Dout]
return self.ffinal_net(X)
K = 2
N = 100
gnn = GNN(K=K, layers=[GNNnodeCustom(K=K)]) # GNN is another torch.nn.Module which wraps our local operations in GNNnode, allowing centralised evaluation
A = (torch.rand(1, K+1, N, N) > 0.5).float() # A : batch x K+1 x N x N, a random adjacency for K+1 consecutive timesteps
X = torch.randn(1, K+1, N, 6) # X : batch x K+1 x N x Dobs, a random joint state for K+1 consecutive timesteps
Y = gnn(A, X) # Y : batch x N x Dout
For more examples, see the ModGNN/examples folder.
The ModGNN.GNNnode
class implements local GNN operations, while the ModGNN.GNN
class acts as a wrapper for GNNnode, allowing centralised evaluation and training. For detailed documentation about these classes and their methods, use python's help function (ex: help(ModGNN.GNNnode)
, help(ModGNN.GNNnode.input)
If you use ModGNN in your work, please cite:
title = {ModGNN: Expert Policy Approximation in Multi-Agent Systems with a Modular Graph Neural Network Architecture},
author = {Ryan Kortvelesy and Amanda Prorok},
journal = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}
year = {2021},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2103.13446},
primaryClass = {cs.LG}