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Pronamic WordPress Documentor

Pronamic WordPress Documentor

Pronamic WordPress Documentor is a tool to automatically extract data about the actions and filters of your WordPress theme or plugin.

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Table of contents

Getting Started


To start documenting your WordPress filters and actions, require Pronamic WordPress Documentor in Composer:

composer require pronamic/wp-documentor --dev

First Run

To let Pronamic WordPress Documentor analyse your codebase, you have to use the parse command and point it to the right directory:

vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse src

Command Line Usage


The format in which you want to export the hooks.

Format Description
default Symfony console table.
hookster Hookster JSON.
markdown Markdown.
phpdocumentor-rst RestructuredText for phpDocumentor.

Example: --format=markdown


Custom PHP template, see for examples the templates folder.

Example: --template=templates/markdown.php


Specify whether you want to export actions or filters.

Example: --type=actions or --type=filters


Write output to file.

Example: --output=docs/


Specifies the memory limit in the same format php.ini accepts.

Example: --memory-limit=-1


Exclude the specified folders/files.

Example: --exclude=vendor --exclude=wordpress


If the search directory contains a .gitignore file, you can reuse those rules to exclude files and directories from the results with this option.

Example: --ignore-vcs-ignored


Only parse hooks starting with the specified prefixes.

Example: --prefix=my_theme --prefix=my_plugin


vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source
vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source --format=hookster --type=actions --output=tests/docs/hookster-actions.json
vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source --format=hookster --type=filters --output=tests/docs/hookster-filters.json
vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source --format=markdown --output=tests/docs/
vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source --format=phpdocumentor-rst --type=actions --output=tests/docs/phpdocumentor-actions.rst
vendor/bin/wp-documentor parse ./tests/source --format=phpdocumentor-rst --type=filters --output=tests/docs/phpdocumentor-filters.rst

Ouput Examples


Here is a list of alternatives that we found. However, none of these satisfied our requirements.

If you know other similar projects, feel free to edit this section!

Inspiration from


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