With this tool we will demonstrate how to export data from a space via serializing it to a file. We can then re-import the data back into the space. The tool executes distributed tasks in 'preprocess' mode, which reads the serialization files and returns a de-duplicated list of the classes only.
[How to setup XAP maven plugin](http://wiki.gigaspaces.com/wiki/display/XAP9/Maven+Plugin)
Modify `` within the `pom.xml` to include the right XAP release - below example having XAP 10.1.1 (10.1.1-12800-RELEASE) as the `` value:
##### Step 3: Build the project
cd <project_root>
mvn clean install
##### Step 4: Deploy a space and write some data
If you do not have an already deployed space with data, you will need to deploy a new space and write some dummy data to it.
##### Step 5: Run the tool to export the objects
cd target
java -classpath /home/adminuser/gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.1.1-ga/lib/required/*:/home/adminuser/gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.1.1-ga/lib/platform/benchmark/*:export-import-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:../lib/* com.gigaspaces.tools.importexport.SpaceDataImportExportMain -e -n 2 -s space -l -d /tmp/gs
In this case we are using a simple MessagePOJO from XAP benchmark.
Make sure that classes of the POJOs are set in the classpath before running.
2015-07-14 17:47:08,432 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : found 1 classes
2015-07-14 17:47:08,449 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : starting export to file /tmp/gs/com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO.1.1.ser.gz
2015-07-14 17:47:08,449 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : starting export thread for com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO
2015-07-14 17:47:08,449 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : starting export to file /tmp/gs/com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO.1.2.ser.gz
2015-07-14 17:47:08,450 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : starting export thread for com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO
2015-07-14 17:47:08,450 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : waiting for 2 import operations to complete-complete
2015-07-14 17:47:08,450 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : reading space class : com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO
2015-07-14 17:47:08,451 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : space partition contains 5000 objects
2015-07-14 17:47:08,451 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : writing to file : /tmp/gs/com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO.1.1.ser.gz
2015-07-14 17:47:08,461 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : read 5000 objects from space partition
2015-07-14 17:47:08,461 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : export operation took 24 millis
2015-07-14 17:47:08,462 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : reading space class : com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO
2015-07-14 17:47:08,462 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : space partition contains 5000 objects
2015-07-14 17:47:08,462 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : writing to file : /tmp/gs/com.j_spaces.examples.benchmark.messages.MessagePOJO.1.2.ser.gz
2015-07-14 17:47:08,463 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : read 5000 objects from space partition
2015-07-14 17:47:08,463 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-938) : export operation took 22 millis
2015-07-14 17:47:08,465 INFO [com.gigaspaces.common] - (tid-821) : finished writing 1 classes
For each exported space class data `/tmp/gs`(or any other directory you specify) will have the `n` zip files(n - number of partitions in the target grid) with the class instances content.
##### Step 6: Run the tool to import the objects back into a space<br/>
Once you restart the data grid you can reload your data back. This will reload the data from the zip files into the space:
cd target
java -classpath /home/adminuser/gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.1.1-ga/lib/required/*:/home/adminuser/gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.1.1-ga/lib/platform/benchmark/*:export-import-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:../lib/* com.gigaspaces.tools.importexport.SpaceDataImportExportMain -i -s space -l -d /tmp/gs
A space read call for each class is executed before trying to perform any import.
## Options
The tool supports the following arguments:
| Short Name | Long Name | Optional/required | Default value | Description|
| -e | --export | optional | NA | Performs space class export |
| -i | --import | optional | NA | Performs space class import |
| -l | --locators | optional | NA | Comma separated list of lookup locators (ex., |
| -g | --groups | optional | NA | Comma separated list of lookup groups (ex. skyler,xap97). |
| -s | --space | required | NA | The name of the space |
| -c | --classes | optional | NA | The classes whose objects to import/export - comma separated |
| -b | --batch | optional | 1000 | The batch size |
| -p | --partitions | optional | NA | The partition(s) to restore - comma separated |
| -n | --number | optional | NA | Number of partitions to export. Fro instance: now space has 4 partitions, but you wanto export all the data to space with 3 partitions, then "-n 3" has to be specified |
| -d | --directory | required | NA | Read-from/write-to directory |
| -u | --username | optional | NA | The username when connecting to a secured space. |
| -p | --password | optional | NA | The password when connecting to a secured space. |
If you want to build tool with running tests use
mvn clean install -DskipTests=false
>PREREQUISITES for running tests:
* run gs-agent.sh/bat
* lookup group has to be set to `test`
* make sure that there is no PUs with name "space" or "space1" deployed already