Project-Origin is an open source collaboration that aims to create a public federated network where everyone can validate the origin of their electricity. The long-term goal is to create the domain-specific framework in a way that allows easy adoption in other industries. By being able to do so, we can create value in a broader scope, and support and accelerate the green transition. By creating an open source platform for collaboration, we can pool resources and accelerate the development of critical digital infrastructure.
While developing the necessary digital infrastructure, we additionally work to set up this source platform with decision- and work structures, to achieve effective asynchronous collaboration through transparent, accessible software, and by using decision-making processes driven by doing.
There is currently an implementation effort on creating the registry and wallet Go to the documentation to learn more about the project.
If you want to start collaborating with us, we are currently updating the Documentation to include guides on all the information you may need to start contributing to the project. If there is some information you would have liked that isn't there, we will recommend you to Create an Issue, where you can make a suggestion.
You can check out our discussion forums to see ongoing and previous discussions, to ask questions, or to make suggestions. Any discussions related to the currently ongoing implementation can be found at the Discussion Channels.
The project has been founded as a partnership including Energinet, Mjølner Informatics, Concordium and Alexandra Instituttet.
@MartinSchmidt is one of the foundings members of the project and is a Trusted Committer.