Because we know how to create the best UI components for the web;
Because we believe that VR will be one of the key aspects of future web development;
A complete UI suite that would considerably speed-up WebVR development is yet not available on the market;
VR poses a number of serious questions about UX, which can be also answered based on the considerable knowledge we have on traditional web development;
We have carefully examined the current state of WebVR and we decided to base our proof of concept on the most popular frameworks at this time - A-Frame and three.js
We decided to explore the possibilities to develop fully featured components using the above platforms;
We have proved that development of VR components for the web is absolutely feasible;
We have created a Grid, featuring data paging, sorting and templates;
we have developed a Bubble chart visualizing 4 values for each of its data points and a complete navigation functionality;
We have implemented a fully featured DropDownList;
We have explored and offered a Switch functionality, also embedded in another component (Grid);