Live site A multithread debate or chat application in real time.
By using threadchat application will be get the following features -
- User can create a thread with different settings.
User can opt for private thread , text privacy , scheduling the threads for future.
Upcoming chats can be seen as
User has a filter option for upcoming , live , save , private threads. Private threads is available only in profile section.
While creating the thread user can opt for private thread , in which they can choose the user who can be in the thread.
- While creating a thread user can categories it.
Thread is a live , real time page having interaction using websockets.
Thread has two view one is for the admin and one for the audience , admin is the on who creates the chat.
Can save the chat.
Can highlight a message.
Close the thread and delete it.
Close the thread and save it.
Make some else an admin.
Accept the requests for texting in the thread.
Admin has the control over the settings
Admin can make the chat private anytime.
User gets email invitation when they are added to private threads.
If admin leaves the thread without making someone else an admin , then the next immediate person in the thread becomes the admin
Audience view
Public thread
In public thread audience can send messages and can see the highlights.
Text restricted public thread
In this view , user needs to raise hand so that admin can allow them to chat.
Now admin can accept the request.
- As soon as any one starts typing , audience can see the typing status in list
Status can be seen in the thread audience list.
- Highlights
- Users can reply to each others chat
- Admin settings panel
- Closing or deleting the thread user gets 5 s advance alert.
- Filtter options at home page
Profile view
User can delete there thread.
- Close thread and only be viewed
Every activity is view through a popup
Users can viewed the highlights of the thread.
Users can copy the link of the thread.
Users can see the thread audience.
Admin is highlihted with red.