[2.0a11] - 2024-08-09
Added Lattice.copy
, Lattice.__copy__
, Lattice.__deepcopy__
, Lattice.__repr__
, Lattice.to_dict
, and Lattice.from_dict
Added AtomComponent.copy
, AtomComponent.__copy__
, AtomComponent.__deepcopy__
, AtomComponent.__repr__
, AtomComponent.to_dict
, and AtomComponent.from_dict
Added Occupant.copy
, Occupant.__copy__
, Occupant.__deepcopy__
, Occupant.__repr__
, Occupant.to_dict
, and Occupant.from_dict
Added DoFSetBasis.copy
, DoFSetBasis.__copy__
, DoFSetBasis.__deepcopy__
, DoFSetBasis.__repr__
, DoFSetBasis.to_dict
, and DoFSetBasis.from_dict
Added Prim.copy
, Prim.__copy__
, Prim.__deepcopy__
, and Prim.__repr__
Added SymOp.copy
, SymOp.__copy__
, SymOp.__deepcopy__
, and SymOp.__repr__
Added Structure.copy
and Structure.__repr__
Added IntegralSiteCoordinate.copy
, IntegralSiteCoordinate.__copy__
, and IntegralSiteCoordinate.__deepcopy__
Added IntegralSiteCoordinateRep.copy
, IntegralSiteCoordinateRep.__copy__
, IntegralSiteCoordinateRep.__deepcopy__
, and IntegralSiteCoordinateRep.__repr__
Added usage documentation for Structure manipulation and input / output
Changed IntegralSiteCoordinate.__str__
to IntegralSiteCoordinate.__repr__
and changed the output from "b, i j k" to "[b, i, j, k]"
Changed xtal::make_point_group
to remove the symmetrized_with_fractional
Changed construction of factor group translations to set components very close to zero (absolute value less than tol * 1e-5) to exactly zero.
Make a user-defined CASM::xtal::SymInfo copy constructor so that member xtal::Coordinate have the correct "home" lattice
You can’t perform that action at this time.