This app is a front-end of a chatbot that uses Watson Conversation. Please do the following steps:
- Create a account on;
- Go to Bluemix catalog and create a Watson Conversation service;
- Create a conversation as the guidance -->>
- Back to Bluemix catalog and create Continuous Delivery service and follwoing steps -->>
- Change the file config/bot.js with your credentials of Watson Conversation and WOrkspace id create, in lines 26, 27 and 32, as the following: username = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx"; password = "xxxxxxxx"; conversationWorkspace = "xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx";
- [Instalar Node.js][]
cd no diret'roio raiz do projeto
npm install
para instalar as dependências do app -
Altere o aquivo config/bot.js e coloque as credenciais e workspace_id do conversation nas lilnhas à seguir: username = ""; password = ""; conversationWorkspace = "<workspace_id>";
npm start
para o iniciar o app -
Acesse a aplicação no browser no link http://localhost:6001