OCWA (pronounced "aqua")
README The forum API is a nodejs api providing topics (with subtopics), comments and permissions for them. Api docs are available using the OpenApi v3 specification by running the API and visiting /v1/api-docs. The Forum API also provides a websocket interface for being notified when new topics/comments are created that are relevant to the user.
README The policy API is a python api providing a policy. A policy consists of multiple rules rules define source to execute in python on a file. Policy/Rules are specified using the HCL language. Api docs are available using the OpenApi v3 specification by running the API and visiting /v1/api-docs.
README The validate API is a python api providing a validation. The validation api uses validates files from the storage api Api docs are available using the OpenApi v3 specification by running the API and visiting /v1/api-docs. Note that the Validation API is not intended to be forward facing and is intended to be accessed only by other apis with an api key/secret.
README The request API is a nodejs api providing the business logic behind OCWA. It uses the forum api to provide permissions by making a topic with a 1-1 request correlation. Api docs are available using the OpenApi v3 specification by running the API and visiting /v1/api-docs.
README The storage API is a combination of open source existing products. Minio is used to treat any underlying storage as though it was S3 so that only one backend needs to be supported even if the backend is GCP/Azure/Local Disk or actually S3. TUSD is used to support large file uploads so that they can be resumed if interrupted due to a connection drop or whatever reason.
README The front end is written using ReactJs. It implements the apis.
There is a helm chart in this top level. It deploys all of OCWA in one convenient package. For both below helm commands make a copy of values.yaml within the helm/ocwa directory and modify it to contain the values specific for your deployment.
helm dep up ./helm/ocwa helm install --name ocwa --namespace ocwa ./helm/ocwa -f ./helm/ocwa/config.yaml
helm dep up ./helm/ocwa helm upgrade --name ocwa ./helm/ocwa -f ./helm/ocwa/config.yaml
Openshift is a bit of a different deployment as helm is not supported by the test deployment area. Additionally due to the way Openshift runs containers as a random UID many of the images that work for Kubernetes/Docker and are standard do not work on OpenShift. As a result the following changes are required.
Mongo Image (forum-api: mongoImage: repository: ) registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mongodb-34-rhel7 Because the mongo image is different the below must also change
persistence: /var/lib/mongodb/data
addAdminPassEnv: true
initDb: false
If you update apis that changes the signature at all, it is required to be under a new release (ie /v2 instead of /v1). The APIs are written specifically to make this easy. You must pass the travis ci builds to be able to submit a pull request that is pullable.
Forum Api: 3000
Forum WS: 3001
Request Api: 3002
Validate Api: 3003
Policy Api: 3004
Storage Api (Minio): 9000
Storage Api (Tusd): 1080
Front end: 8000