This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 11, 2020. It is now read-only.
v3.3 may be the final version
Note: Please delete all cached files in /storage/framework/views
after upgrading, clean your browser cache and CDN cache to ensure the new style works well.
- [New] Ajax pagiantion, filter and instant search for skinlib and closet page
- [New] Option of "Clear Filters" at skinlib
- [New] Select which type to be cleared when clearing player's texture
- [New] Modify player name at admin page
- [New] Show the total count of players owned by the user at admin page
- [New] Navigate between users and players manage page
- [New] Add link to admin page on the user menu (expaned when clicking the avatar)
- [New] Add option of customizing which method to used for detecting user's IP address
- [New] Check for write permission of
directory - [New] Chinese translation of exception when using low version of PHP or dependencies uninstalled
- [New] Throw exception when two plugins use the same name difinition
- [New] Add test for JavaScript files (Great thanks to @g-plane)
- [New] The plugin "Config Generator" now supports CustomSkinLoader's ExtraList
- [New] Add new plugins: "Profile File Cache", "Texture Report", "Yggdrasil API" etc.
- [Improved] Update input value automatically after new file are selected when uploading textures
- [Improved] Delete invalid textures (deleted or set as private) from closets automatically
- [Improved] Clicking the gear icon of one closet item will not update the preview now
- [Improved] The input will lose focus automatically after setting new score at admin page
- [Improved] The performance of users, players and plugins list at admin page
- [Improved] The notice of modifying player name is more particular now
- [Improved] Use pretty
instead of native alerts - [Improved] Display the corresponding nickname instantly when transfering the player via UID
- [Improved] The original name will be filled automatically when changing texture name
- [Improved] The noticing text about returning scores depends on the option now
- [Improved] Admin can not operate players of other admins or super admins now
- [Improved] Redirect to the last url that tried to access after logged in
- [Improved] The year in copyright on the page foot will be automatically generated
- [Improved] Add place holder for homepage background image
- [Improved] Add detection for HD skins
- [Improved] The stability of "Data Integration" plugin
- [Improved] Adjust the style of login page
- [Improved] User experience of skinlib page
- [Improved] Combine "User Center" and "Players" to one page when data integration is on
- [Improved] Deprecate Bower & Laravel Elixir, use Yarn instead, add ESLint syntax check
- [Improved] Refactor and modulize JavaScript files using ES6
- [Improved] Update AdminLTE, jQuery and other dependencies to the latest version
- [Fixed] XSS when searching skinlib
- [Fixed] Typo in language files
- [Fixed] Not redirecting after updating profiles
- [Fixed] The original filters won't be cleared after changing language now
- [Fixed] Not checking new email to be occupied when changing email
- [Fixed] 3D preview still displays cape after clicking a player whose cape is empty
- [Fixed] The wrong link of texture preview on "Player Manage" page
- [Fixed] The own private textures of the user don't exist in skinlib
- [Fixed] The minimal password length requirement change to 6 except when changing password
- [Fixed] The minimal password lenght of super admin change to 8 when installing
- [Fixed] Password encryption when integrating to CrazyLogin
- [Fixed] Problem occurred when user's score is less then score rate