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Melloware edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 72 revisions


Maven users

No extra repositories are needed to be configured in pom.xml. PrimeFaces Extensions project is available in the Maven Central repository. The last released version can be determined by searching in the Maven Central repository. Add this dependency to your pom.xml.


Dependency to the PrimeFaces is defined as a transitive dependency, so that there isn't need to include it explicitly. But make sure that you have the PrimeFaces repository in your pom.xml as described here if you use an old version of PrimeFaces.

It is also possible to exclude the transitive dependency to the PrimeFaces core project and use another version than version defined by this transitive dependency. This can be done with dependencyManagement tag. Example:


To see current project's dependency tree, execute this Maven command in the project's root folder.

mvn dependency:tree

If you plan to use MonacoEditor component, add necessary dependencies to MonacoEditor's resources please.


Such resources are placed in separate JAR files because they are really big and optional. We have decided to keep the core JAR file for PrimeFaces Extensions lightweight.

For the InputPhone component, the following additional dependencies are required.


Other users

New snapshots and releases are uploaded to the public Sonatype's repository so that everybody can download them from there. Maven users should configure this repository in a project's pom.xml to be able to use SNAPSHOTs.


Build from source


  • Install Git as described in the Pro Git book.
  • Install Maven 2 or 3 if you don't have it as this project is a Maven based project.

Clone and run it

All available repositories with sub-projects are listed on the start page. Open your console / terminal window and clone one or many repositories you need with

git clone git://

Open your console / terminal window, go to the root folder of a project you need and type the following command

mvn install

If you have built before and the Monaco editor's dependencies have changed, you need to clear generated files first by running

git clean -xfd

Showcase is prepared to run with Jetty server. To run it with JSF Mojarra implementation, go to the /showcase subfolder and type in the console / terminal window

mvn jetty:run

To run it with JSF MyFaces implementation, type

mvn jetty:run -Pmyfaces

This starts Jetty server and the showcase is available under the following URL in a web browser:


Jetty will continue to run until you stop it with a <Ctrl+C> in the console / terminal window where it is running.

Using in facelets

Add the following namespace to your facelets pages.


You are done. You can use PrimeFaces Extensions as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<f:view contentType="text/html" locale="en">
    <pe:head title="PrimeFaces Extensions - ShowCase">
        <f:facet name="first">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
            <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/>
            <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/>
            <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/>
        <pe:layout options="#{layoutController.layoutOptions}">
            <pe:layoutPane position="north">
                <ui:insert name="header"/>
                <ui:insert name="center"/>
                <pe:layoutPane position="south">
                    <ui:insert name="footer"/>


Compressed vs. uncompressed resources

Before 3.2.0 release

Resources (CSS, JavaScript files) in the delivered JAR files are compressed and uncompressed. PrimeFaces Extensions streams down compressed resources for the JSF ProjectStage "Production" and it streams down uncompressed resources for the ProjectStage "Development". This allows to debug resources and report issues more efficient. JSF ProjectStage can be configured in web.xml by context parameter javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE. It's also possible to use compressed resources with the ProjectStage "Development". In this case you need to have a special configuration parameter in web.xml.


Default value of the parameter org.primefaces.extensions.DELIVER_UNCOMPRESSED_RESOURCES is true.

Release 3.2.0 or higher

Uncompressed resources are not delivered within the JAR file anymore. We use the source map approach for debug purpose described on this page.