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Merge pull request #54 from primal100/fix_methods
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Fix methods
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primal100 authored May 23, 2023
2 parents a1a7209 + 00f7827 commit 0c26175
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Showing 11 changed files with 167 additions and 63 deletions.
79 changes: 68 additions & 11 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -487,32 +487,93 @@ The arguments are the private key of the sender, the receiver's address and the

* privtopub : (privkey) -> pubkey
* pubtoaddr : (pubkey) -> address
* privtoaddr : (privkey) -> address
* privtoaddr : (privkey) -> Convert a wif encoded private key to correct address, if not wif encoded then p2pkh
* privtop2pkh : (privkey) -> p2pkh address
* encode_privkey : (privkey, format, script_type="p2pkh") -> privkey
* sign : (txobj, i, privkey) -> create digital signature of tx with privkey and add to input i
* signall : (txobj, privkey) -> create digital signature of tx with privkey for all inputs
* history : (address, merkle_proof=False) -> tx history and balance of an address
* history : (address, merkle_proof=False) -> tx history of an address
* get_histories : (*addresses, merkle_proof=False) -> tx histories of an address
* unspent : (address, merkle_proof=False) -> unspent outputs for an addresses
* pushtx : (hex or bin tx) -> push a transaction to the blockchain
* get_tx : (txhash) -> fetch a tx from the blockchain
* get_unspents : (addresses, merkle_proof=False) -> unspent outputs for multiple addresses
* pushtx : (hex or tx object) -> push a transaction to the blockchain
* get_raw_tx : (txid) -> Get the raw hex of a transaction id
* get_tx : (txid) -> fetch a tx from the blockchain
* get_verbose_tx : (txid) -> Transaction details verbose output
* get_txs : (*txids) -> Fetch multiple transaction details
* calculate_fee : (Tx) -> Calculate the fee of a transaction
* send : (privkey, frm, to, value, change_addr=None, fee=None, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6) -> create and a push a simple transaction to send coins to an address and return change to the change address or sender
* send_to_multiple_receivers_tx : (privkey, addr outs:value pairs, change_addr=None,fee=10000,, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6) -> create and a push a transaction to send coins to multiple addresses and return change to the change address or sender
* preparetx : (frm, to, value, fee, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6,change_addr=None): -> create unsigned txobj with change output
* preparemultitx : (frm, outs:value pairs, change_addr=None, fee=None, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6): -> create unsigned txobj with multiple outputs and additional change output
* preparesignedtx : (privkey, frm, to, value, change_addr=None, fee=10000, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6) -> create signed txobj with change output
* preparesignedmultirecipienttx : (privkey, frm, outs: value pairs, change_addr=None, fee=10000, estimate_fee_blocks: int = 6) -> create signed txobj with multiple outputs and additional change output
* mktx : (inputs, outputs, locktime=0, sequence=0xFFFFFFFF) -> create unsigned txobj
* mktx : (inputs, outputs, locktifme=0, sequence=0xFFFFFFFF) -> create unsigned txobj
* mktx_with_change : (inputs, outputs, change_addr=None, fee=None, estimate_fee_blocks=6, locktime=0, sequence=0xFFFFFFFF) -> create unsigned txobj
* mk_multisig_address : (pubkeys, M) -> Returns both M-of-N multsig script and address pubkeys
* mk_multisig_address : (pubkeys, M) -> Returns both M-of-N multisig script and address
* multisign : (txobj, i, script, privkey) -> signature
* apply_multisignatures: (txobj, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs
* mk_multsig_segwit_address : (pubkeys, M)- Returns both M-of-N multisig script and native segwit address
* mk_multsig_cash_address: (pubkeys, M)- Returns both M-of-N multisig script and Bitcoin Cash address
* pubtop2w : (pub) -> pay to witness script hash (segwit address)
* privtop2w : (priv) -> pay to witness script hash (segwit address)
* pubtop2wpkh_p2sh : (pub) -> Convert a public key to a segwit address encoded in a p2sh script
* privtop2wpkh_p2sh : (priv) -> Convert a private key to a segwit address encoded in a p2sh script
* hash_to_segwit_addr : (hash) -. Convert a public key hash to a native segwit address
* scripthash_to_segwit_addr: (hash) -> Convert the hash of a p2sh script to a native segwit address
* is_address : (addr) -> true if addr is a valid address for this network
* is_p2pkh : (address) -> Return true if an address is in p2pkh format
* is_p2sh : (addr) -> true if addr is a pay to script hash for this network
* is_segwit : (priv, addr) -> true if priv-addr pair represent a pay to witness script hash
* is_cash_or_legacy_p2pkh_address : (address) -> Returns true if an address is a legacy p2pkh address or a Bitcoin Cash formatted p2pkh address
* is_native_segwit : (address) -> Returns true if an address is of native segwit type
* is_cash_address : (address) -> Returns true if an address is of Bitcoin Cash address format
* maybe_legacy_segwit : (address) -> Returns true if address is likely a legacy segwit p2sh address
* is_p2wsh : (address) -> Returns true is address is a Pay To Witness Script Address
* is_segwit_or_p2sh : (address) -> Returns true if an address is a Pay to Witness or Pay to Script address
* current_block_height : () -> Latest block height
* block_height : (txhash) -> Block height containing the txhash
* inspect : (tx_hex) -> Deserialize a transaction and decode and ins and outs
* merkle_prove : (txhash) -> Proves a transaction is valid and returns txhash, merkle siblings and block header.
* estimate_fee_per_kb : (numblocks) -> Get estimated fee kb to get transaction confirmed within numblocks number of blocks
* tx_size : (tx) -> Estimate final transaction size of an unsigned transaction
* estimate_fee : (tx, numblocks=6) -> Estimate required fee of an unsigned transaction
* raw_block_header : (height) -> Get the raw data of a block header
* block_header : (height) -> Get the decoded details of a block header
* block_headers : (*heights) -> Get a list of decoded block headers
* subscribe_to_block_headers: (callback(height, raw_header, decoded_header)) -> Run a callback whenever a new block is added to the blockchain
* unsubscribe_from_block_headers: () -> Remove all subscriptions to block headers
* confirmations : (height) -> Number of confirmations a transaction at this height has
* subscribe_to_address : (callback(addr, status), addr) -> Run a callback every time there is an activity on an address
* subscribe_to_address_transactions : (callback(address: str, txs, newly_confirmed, history, unspent, confirmed, unconfirmed, proven), addr) -> Run a callback every time there is an activity on an address with details transaction and balance information already retrieved
* unsubscribe_from_address: (addr) -> Remove all subscriptions for this address
* get_balance : (addr) -> Get the balance, confirmed and unconfirmed, for an address
* get_balances : (*addrs) -> Get the balance, confirmed and unconfirmed, for multiple addresses
* get_merkle : (tx) -> Get the merkle root of a transaction
* merkle_prove : (tx) -> Prove a transaction is valid
* merkle_prove_by_txid : (txid) -> Prove a transaction id is valid
* balance_merkle_proven : (addr) -> Get the merkle proven balance for an address
* balance_merkle_proven : (*addrs) -> Get the merkle proven balance for multiple addresses
* get_address_variations: (addr) -> Return alternative formats for an address (e.g. Standard + Bitcoin Cash address)
* pub_is_for_p2pkh_addr : (pub, addr) -> Returns true if the p2pkh address for pub is addr
* wiftoaddr : (priv) -> Convert a private key in WIF format to the correct address type
* electrum_address : (masterkey, n, for_change) -> Electrum Address (for old Electrum seeds)
* encode_privkey : (privkey, format, script_type) -> Convert a private key to a different format or script types
* output_script_to_address : (script) -> Convert an output script to an address
* scripttoaddr : (script) -> Convert an input script to an address
* addrtoscript : (address) -> Convert an address to an output script
* addrtoscripthash : (address) -> Convert an address to scripthash as required by ElectrumX servers
* p2sh_scriptaddr : (script) -> Convert an output P2SH script to a P2SH address
* p2sh_segwit_addr : (script) -> Convert an output P2SH script to a native segwit P2WSH address
* pubtosegwitaddress : (pub) -> Convert a public key to a native segwit address
* privtosegwitaddress : (priv) -> Convert a private key to a native segwit address
* scripthash_to_cash_addr: (scripthash) -> Convert a scripthash to a Bitcoin Cash address
* pubtocashaddress : (pub) -> Convert a public key to a Bitcoin Cash address
* privtocashaddress : (priv) -> Convert a private key to a Bitcoin Cash address
* p2sh_cash_addr : (script) -> Convert an script to a Bitcoin Cash address
* hash_to_cash_addr : (hash) -> Convert the hash of a p2sh script to a Bitcoin Cash address
* legacy_addr_to_cash_address: (addr) -> Convert a legacy P2PKH address to a Bitcoin Cash address
* cash_address_to_legacy_addr: (addr) -> Convert a Bitcoin Cash address to a legalcy P2PKH address

### Listing of main non-coin specific commands:

Expand All @@ -538,11 +599,7 @@ The arguments are the private key of the sender, the receiver's address and the

* deserialize : (hex or bin transaction) -> JSON tx
* serialize : (JSON tx) -> hex or bin tx
* multisign : (txobj, i, script, privkey) -> signature
* apply_multisignatures: (txobj, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs
* scriptaddr : (script) -> P2SH address
* mk_multisig_script : (pubkeys, M) -> M-of-N multisig script from pubkeys
* verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False
s* verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False
* tx_hash : (hex or bin tx) -> hash

* access : (json list/object, prop) -> desired property of that json object
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crypto_scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def main():
address = coin.pubtoaddr(public_key)
print(f'P2PKH Address: {address}')
elif script_type == "p2wpkh" and coin.segwit_supported:
native_segwit_address = coin.pub_to_segwit_address(public_key)
native_segwit_address = coin.pubtosegwitaddress(public_key)
print(f'P2WPKH Native Segwit address: {native_segwit_address}')
elif script_type == "p2wpkh-p2sh" and coin.segwit_supported:
p2pkhw_p2sh = coin.pubtop2wpkh_p2sh(public_key)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crypto_scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ async def input_belongs_to_address(coin: BaseCoin, inp: Dict[str, Any], address:
elif coin.is_segwit_or_p2sh(address):
if is_pubkey(pubkey_or_script):
return any(addr == address for addr in ( # P2W
return False
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crypto_scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ def main():

assert native_segwit_address == native_segwit_compressed_address

native_segwit_address2 = coin.pub_to_segwit_address(public_key)
native_segwit_compressed_address2 = coin.pub_to_segwit_address(compressed_public_key)
native_segwit_address2 = coin.pubtosegwitaddress(public_key)
native_segwit_compressed_address2 = coin.pubtosegwitaddress(compressed_public_key)

assert native_segwit_address2 == native_segwit_compressed_address2

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69 changes: 54 additions & 15 deletions cryptos/coins/
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Expand Up @@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ def close(self):
self._request_queue.sync_q.put((fut, "close", (), {}))

def tx_size(self, txobj: Tx) -> float:
return self._async_coin.tx_size(txobj)

def estimate_fee_per_kb(self, numblocks: int = 6) -> float:
return self._run_async("estimate_fee_per_kb", numblocks=numblocks)

def tx_size(self, txobj: Tx) -> float:
return self._async_coin.tx_size(txobj)

def estimate_fee(self, txobj: Tx, numblocks: int = 6) -> int:
return self._run_async("estimate_fee", txobj, numblocks=numblocks)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ def get_histories(self, *args: str, merkle_proof: bool = False) -> List[Electrum
def get_raw_tx(self, tx_hash: str) -> str:
return self._run_async("get_raw_tx", tx_hash)

def get_tx(self, tx_hash: str) -> Tx:
return self._run_async("get_tx", tx_hash)
def get_tx(self, txid: str) -> Tx:
return self._run_async("get_tx", txid)

def get_verbose_tx(self, tx_hash: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Make TypedDict
return self._run_async("get_verbose_tx", tx_hash)
def get_verbose_tx(self, txid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Make TypedDict
return self._run_async("get_verbose_tx", txid)

def get_txs(self, *args: str) -> List[Tx]:
return self._run_async("get_txs", *args)
Expand All @@ -190,6 +190,15 @@ def pubtoaddr(self, pubkey: PubKeyType) -> str:
def privtoaddr(self, privkey: PrivkeyType) -> str:
return self._async_coin.privtoaddr(privkey)

def privtop2pkh(self, privkey: PrivkeyType) -> str:
return self._async_coin.privtop2pkh(privkey)

def pub_is_for_p2pkh_addr(self, pubkey: PubKeyType, address: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.pub_is_for_p2pkh_addr(pubkey, address)

def wiftoaddr(self, privkey: PrivkeyType) -> str:
return self._async_coin.wiftoaddr(privkey)

def electrum_address(self, masterkey: AnyStr, n: int, for_change: int = 0) -> str:
return self._async_coin.electrum_address(masterkey, n, for_change=for_change)

Expand All @@ -208,9 +217,18 @@ def is_native_segwit(self, addr: str) -> bool:
def is_address(self, addr: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.is_address(addr)

def is_legacy_segwit_or_multisig(self, addr: str) -> bool:
def is_cash_or_legacy_p2pkh_address(self, addr: str)-> bool:
return self._async_coin.is_cash_or_legacy_p2pkh_address(addr)

def maybe_legacy_segwit(self, addr: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.maybe_legacy_segwit(addr)

def is_p2wsh(self, addr: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.is_p2wsh(addr)

def is_segwit_or_p2sh(self, addr: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.is_segwit_or_p2sh(addr)

def is_segwit_or_multisig(self, addr: str) -> bool:
return self._async_coin.is_segwit_or_p2sh(addr)

Expand All @@ -223,26 +241,38 @@ def scripttoaddr(self, script: str) -> str:
def p2sh_scriptaddr(self, script: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.p2sh_scriptaddr(script)

def p2sh_segwit_addr(self, script: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.p2sh_segwit_addr(script)

def addrtoscript(self, addr: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.addrtoscript(addr)

def addrtoscripthash(self, addr: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.addrtoscripthash(addr)

def pubtop2w(self, pub: str) -> str:
def pubtop2wpkh_p2sh(self, pub: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.pubtop2wpkh_p2sh(pub)

def privtop2wpkh_p2sh(self, priv: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.privtop2wpkh_p2sh(priv)

def hash_to_segwit_addr(self, pub_hash: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.hash_to_segwit_addr(pub_hash)

def pub_to_segwit_address(self, pubkey) -> str:
return self._async_coin.pub_to_segwit_address(pubkey)
def scripthash_to_segwit_addr(self, script_hash: AnyStr) -> str:
return self._async_coin.scripthash_to_segwit_addr(script_hash)

def pubtosegwitaddress(self, pubkey) -> str:
return self._async_coin.pubtosegwitaddress(pubkey)

def script_to_p2wsh(self, script) -> str:
return self._async_coin.script_to_p2wsh(script)

def mk_multsig_address(self, *args: str, num_required: int = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return self._async_coin.mk_multsig_address(*args, num_required=num_required)
def mk_multisig_address(self, *args: str, num_required: int = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return self._async_coin.mk_multisig_address(*args, num_required=num_required)

def mk_multsig_segwit_address(self, *args: str, num_required: int = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return self._async_coin.mk_multsig_segwit_address(*args, num_required=num_required)

def sign(self, txobj: Union[Tx, AnyStr], i: int, priv: PrivkeyType) -> Tx:
return self._async_coin.sign(txobj, i, priv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,11 +363,14 @@ def is_cash_address(self, addr: str) -> bool:
def scripthash_to_cash_addr(self, scripthash: bytes) -> str:
return self._async_coin.scripthash_to_cash_addr(scripthash)

def p2sh_cash_addr(self, script: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.p2sh_cash_addr(script)

def hash_to_cash_addr(self, pub_hash: AnyStr) -> str:
return self._async_coin.hash_to_cash_addr(pub_hash)

def pub_to_cash_address(self, pubkey: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.pub_to_cash_address(pubkey)
def pubtocashaddress(self, pubkey: str) -> str:
return self._async_coin.pubtocashaddress(pubkey)

def privtocashaddress(self, privkey: PrivkeyType) -> str:
return self._async_coin.privtocashaddress(privkey)
Expand All @@ -351,5 +384,11 @@ def cash_address_to_legacy_addr(self, addr: str) -> str:
def mk_multsig_cash_address(self, *args: str, num_required: int = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return self._async_coin.mk_multsig_cash_address(*args, num_required=num_required)

def apply_multisignatures(self, txobj: Tx, i: int, script, *args):
return self._async_coin.apply_multisignatures(txobj, i, script, *args)

def calculate_fee(self, tx: Tx) -> int:
return self._run_async("calculate_fee", tx)

def privtosegwitaddress(self, privkey: PrivkeyType) -> str:
return self._async_coin.privtosegwitaddress(privkey)

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