Cypress plugin and custom commands for testing Firebase projects
0 dependency plugin which adds custom cypress commands for interactions with Firebase:
- cy.createUserWithClaims
- cy.login
- cy.loginWithEmailAndPassword
- cy.logout
- cy.deleteAllAuthUsers
- cy.callRtdb
- cy.callFirestore
- cy.[authFunction]
If you are interested in what drove the need for this checkout the why section
- If you do not already have it installed, install Cypress and add it to your package file:
npm i --save-dev cypress
oryarn add -D cypress
- Make sure you have a
folder containing Cypress tests
- Make Google Cloud project name available to cypress-firebase to pass to firebase-admin on initialization by doing one of the following:
- suggested Set
environment variable to match the Google Project you would like to use. This needs to be on the process running cypress, so it should be beforecypress open
orcypress run
in npm scripts. cross-env is a helpful way to do this to support multiple platforms and is how it is done in examples. - Pass
options when initializing (see comment in next step)
- suggested Set
- Generate and download a service account as described in the firebase-admin setup documentation. Save this to a local file within the project which you confirm is within your
- often./serviceAccount.json
. Make sure YOU DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE - it is sensitive and will give others admin access to your project.- Note: When running tests locally, ensure the
is in your environment variables. I.E.SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(cat ./serviceAccount.json) cypress open
- Note: When running tests locally, ensure the
- Set the following config in your
With Firebase Web SDK versions up to 8
import admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { plugin as cypressFirebasePlugin } from 'cypress-firebase';
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
// NOTE: Add "supportFile" setting if separate location is used
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// e2e testing node events setup code
return cypressFirebasePlugin(on, config, admin, {
// Here is where you can pass special options.
// If you have not set the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable, give the projectId here, like so:
// projectId: 'some-project',
// if your databaseURL is not just your projectId plus "", then you _must_ give it here, like so:
// databaseURL: '',
or if you are not using TS, then within cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
const cypressFirebasePlugin = require('cypress-firebase').plugin;
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
// NOTE: Make supportFile exists if separate location is provided
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// e2e testing node events setup code
return cypressFirebasePlugin(on, config, admin, {
// Here is where you can pass special options.
// If you have not set the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable, give the projectId here, like so:
// projectId: 'some-project',
// if your databaseURL is not just your projectId plus "", then you _must_ give it here, like so:
// databaseURL: '',
Add the following your custom commands file (
):import firebase from 'firebase/app'; import 'firebase/auth'; import 'firebase/database'; import 'firebase/firestore'; import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase'; const fbConfig = { // Your config from Firebase Console }; firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig); attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase });
With Firebase Web SDK version 9
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app'; import 'firebase/compat/auth'; import 'firebase/compat/database'; import 'firebase/compat/firestore'; import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase'; const fbConfig = { // Your config from Firebase Console }; firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig); attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase });
To confirm things are working, create a new test file (
) adding a test that uses the cypress-firebase custom command (cy.callFirestore
):describe('Some Test', () => { it('Adds document to test_hello_world collection of Firestore', () => { cy.callFirestore('add', 'test_hello_world', { some: 'value' }); }); });
From the root of your project, start Cypress with the command
$(npm bin)/cypress open
. In the Cypress window, click your new test (test_hello_world.js
) to run it. -
Look in your Firestore instance and see the
collection to confirm that a document was added. -
Pat yourself on the back, you are all setup to access Firebase/Firestore from within your tests!
Go to Authentication page of the Firebase Console and select an existing user to use as the testing account or create a new user. This will be the account which you use to login while running tests.
Get the UID of the account you have selected, we will call this UID
Set the UID of the user you created earlier to the Cypress environment. You can do this using a number of methods:
to a.env
file which is gitignored -
(make sure you place this within your.gitignore
) -
Adding as part of your npm script to run tests with a tool such as
here:"test": "cross-env CYPRESS_TEST_UID=your-uid cypress open"
with thebefore
sections of your tests
- Start your local dev server (usually
npm start
) - for faster alternative checkout the test built version section - Open cypress test running by running
npm run test:open
in another terminal window
Add the following environment variables in your CI:
- UID of your test userSERVICE_ACCOUNT
- service account object
When using a custom app name or running more than one firebase instance in your app:
const namedApp = firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig, 'app_name');
attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase, app: namedApp });
- cy.createUserWithClaims
- cy.login
- cy.loginWithEmailAndPassword
- cy.logout
- cy.deleteAllAuthUsers
- cy.callRtdb
- cy.callFirestore
- cy.[authFunction]
Command to create a user and give the user custom claims in one command.
CreateRequest The properties of the new usercustomClaims
object | null Optional custom claims to be set, or null to remove custom claimstenantId
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
const uid = '123SomeUid';
const claims = { role: 'Admin' };
cy.createUserWithClaims(uid, claims);
Login to Firebase using custom auth token.
To specify a tenant ID, either pass the ID as a parameter to cy.login
, or set it as environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
. Read more about Firebase multi-tenancy.
string UID of user to login as. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_UIDcustomClaims
string Optional custom claims to attach to the custom tokentenantId
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
Loading TEST_UID
automatically from Cypress env
Passing a UID
const uid = '123SomeUid';
Passing a tenant ID
const uid = '123SomeUid';
const tenantId = '123SomeTenantId';
cy.login(uid, undefined, tenantId);
Login to Firebase using an email and password account.
string Email of user to login as. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_EMAILpassword
string Password of user to login as. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_PASSWORDextraInfo
CreateRequest Optional additional CreateRequest parameters except for email and passwordtenantId
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
automatically from Cypress env
Passing an email and password
const email = '[email protected]';
const psswd = 'password123';
cy.loginWithEmailAndPassword(email, psswd);
Passing a tenant ID
const email = '[email protected]';
const psswd = 'password123';
const tenantId = '123SomeTenantId';
cy.loginWithEmailAndPassword(email, psswd, undefined, tenantId);
Log out of Firebase instance
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
Passing a tenant ID
const tenantId = '123SomeTenantId';
Command to recursively delete all firebase auth users. The firebase deleteUsers function (cy.authDeleteUsers) can only remove a maximum amount of users at a time. This command calls the deleteUsers function recursively for every pageToken returned by the previous iteration.
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
Passing a tenant ID
const tenantId = '123SomeTenantId';
Call Real Time Database path with some specified action such as set
, update
and remove
string The action type to call with (set, push, update, remove)actionPath
string Path within RTDB that action should be appliedoptions
object Optionsoptions.limitToFirst
number|boolean Limit to the first<num>
results. If true is passed than query is limited to last 1 item.options.limitToLast
number|boolean Limit to the last<num>
results. If true is passed than query is limited to last 1 item.options.orderByKey
boolean Order by key nameoptions.orderByValue
boolean Order by primitive valueoptions.orderByChild
string Select a child key by which to order resultsoptions.equalTo
string Restrict results to<val>
(based on specified ordering)options.startAt
string Start results at<val>
(based on specified ordering)options.endAt
string End results at<val>
(based on specified ordering)
Set data
const fakeProject = { some: 'data' };
cy.callRtdb('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject);
Set Data With Meta
const fakeProject = { some: 'data' };
// Adds createdAt and createdBy (current user's uid) on data
cy.callRtdb('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject, { withMeta: true });
Set Data With Timestamps
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/database';
const fakeProject = {
some: 'data',
createdAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
cy.callRtdb('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject);
With Firebase Web SDK version 9
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/database';
const fakeProject = {
some: 'data',
createdAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
cy.callRtdb('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject);
Delete Data
// Delete document
cy.callRtdb('delete', 'projects/ABC123');
// Delete filtered collection
cy.callRtdb('delete', 'projects', { where: ['name', '==', 'Test Project'] });
// Delete whole collection - BE CAREFUL!!
cy.callRtdb('delete', 'projectsToDelete');
Get/Verify Data
cy.callRtdb('get', 'projects/ABC123').then((project) => {
// Confirm new data has users uid
cy.wrap(project).its('createdBy').should('equal', Cypress.env('TEST_UID'));
Other Args
const opts = { args: ['-d'] };
const fakeProject = { some: 'data' };
cy.callRtdb('update', 'project/test-project', fakeProject, opts);
Call Firestore instance with some specified action. Authentication is through serviceAccount.json since it is at the base level.
string The action type to call with (set, push, update, delete)actionPath
string Path within Firestore that action should be applieddataOrOptions
string|object Data for write actions or options for get actionoptions
object Optionsoptions.withMeta
boolean Whether or not to includecreatedAt
boolean Merge data during setoptions.batchSize
number Size of batch to use while deletingoptions.where
array Filter documents by the specified field and the value should satisfy
- the relation constraint provided
string|array Order documentsoptions.limit
number Limit to n number of documentsoptions.limitToLast
number Limit to last n number of documentsoptions.statics
admin.firestore Firestore statics (i.e.admin.firestore
). This should only be needed during testing due to @firebase/testing not containing statics
cy.callFirestore('set', 'project/test-project', 'fakeProject.json');
Set Data With Server Timestamps
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
const fakeProject = {
some: 'data',
// Use new in place of serverTimestamp()
// Or use fromDate if you would like to specify a date
// createdAt: firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date())
cy.callFirestore('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject);
With Firebase Web SDK version 9
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/firestore';
const fakeProject = {
some: 'data',
// Use new in place of serverTimestamp()
// Or use fromDate if you would like to specify a date
// createdAt: firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date())
cy.callFirestore('set', 'projects/ABC123', fakeProject);
describe('Test firestore', () => {
const TEST_UID = Cypress.env('TEST_UID');
const mockAge = 8;
beforeEach(() => {
cy.callFirestore('delete', 'testCollection');
it('read/write test', () => {
cy.log('Starting test');
cy.callFirestore('set', `testCollection/${TEST_UID}`, {
name: 'axa',
age: 8,
cy.callFirestore('get', `testCollection/${TEST_UID}`).then((r) => {
cy.log('get returned: ', r);
cy.wrap(r).its('data.age').should('equal', mockAge);
cy.log('Ended test');
Use any of the firebase admin auth methods:
The parameters (and return type) depend on the function used. They are the same as for the firebase api function it refers to, with addition of an optional tenantId
parameter as last parameter:
string Optional ID of tenant used for multi-tenancy. Can also be set with environment variable TEST_TENANT_ID
const uid = '123SomeUid';
const email = '[email protected]';
cy.authCreateUser({ uid });
cy.authUpdateUser(uid, { displayName: 'Test User', email });
cy.authSetCustomUserClaims(uid, { role: 'admin' });
cy.authGetUserByEmail(email).then((user) => {
console.log(user?.displayName); // Test User
console.log(user?.customClaims?.['role']); // admin
Plugin attaches cypress tasks, which are called by custom commands, and initializes firebase-admin instance. By default cypress-firebase internally initializes firebase-admin using GCLOUD_PROJECT
environment variable for project identification and application-default credentials (set by providing path to service account in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
environment variable) matching Google documentation. This default functionality can be overriden by passing a forth argument to the plugin - this argument is passed directly into the firebase-admin instance as AppOptions on init which means any other config such as databaseURL
, credential
, or databaseAuthVariableOverride
can be included.
import admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { plugin as cypressFirebasePlugin } from 'cypress-firebase';
const cypressConfig = defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
// NOTE: Make supportFile exists if separate location is provided
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// e2e testing node events setup code
return cypressFirebasePlugin(on, config, admin);
// NOTE: If not setting GCLOUD_PROJECT env variable, project can be set like so:
// return cypressFirebasePlugin(on, config, admin, { projectId: 'some-project' });
export default cypressConfig;
A fifth argument is used for further configuration of the plugin.
The plugin tries to detect whether or not the firebase emulators are running, based on the respective environment variables being set or not. When the an emulator isn't running, production could be targeted instead which might be dangerous. The protectProduction
key configures the behaviour when the emulator for a specific firebase service hasn't been detected. The options for the behaviour when an emalator is not running are:
(default) no protection is granted in this case, nor will a warning be output to the console. Production could be targeted.'warn'
a warning will be output to the console, but no further protection is granted. Production could be targeted.'error'
an error is thrown, preventing cypress starting alltogether. This makes sure your production cannot be targeted for this service.
import admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { plugin as cypressFirebasePlugin } from 'cypress-firebase';
const cypressConfig = defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
return cypressFirebasePlugin(
{}, // AppOptions override
protectProduction: {
// when rtdb emulator isn't detected, a console warning will appear
rtdb: 'warn',
// plugin will be indifferent to the firestore emulator running or not
firestore: 'none',
// when auth emulator isn't detected, an error is thrown halting cypress
auth: 'error',
export default cypressConfig;
Install cross-env for cross system environment variable support:
npm i --save-dev cross-env
Add the following to the
section of yourpackage.json
:"emulators": "firebase emulators:start --only database,firestore", "test": "cypress run", "test:open": "cypress open", "test:emulate": "cross-env FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST=\"localhost:$(cat firebase.json | jq .emulators.auth.port)\" FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST=\"localhost:$(cat firebase.json | jq .emulators.database.port)\" FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=\"localhost:$(cat firebase.json | jq .emulators.firestore.port)\" yarn test:open"
If not already set by
firebase init
, add emulator ports tofirebase.json
:"emulators": { "database": { "port": 9000 }, "firestore": { "port": 8080 }, "auth": { "port": 9099 } }
Modify your application code to connect to the emulators (where your code calls
), updating the localhost ports as appropriate from theemulators
values in the previous step:const shouldUseEmulator = window.location.hostname === 'localhost'; // or other logic to determine when to use // Emulate RTDB if (shouldUseEmulator) { fbConfig.databaseURL = `http://localhost:9000?ns=${fbConfig.projectId}`; // from node v17 use instad of localhost console.debug(`Using RTDB emulator: ${fbConfig.databaseURL}`); } // Initialize Firebase instance firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig); const firestoreSettings = {}; // Pass long polling setting to Firestore when running in Cypress if (window.Cypress) { // Needed for Firestore support in Cypress (see firestoreSettings.experimentalForceLongPolling = true; } // Emulate Firestore if (shouldUseEmulator) { = 'localhost:8080'; firestoreSettings.ssl = false; console.debug(`Using Firestore emulator: ${}`); firebase.firestore().settings(firestoreSettings); } // Emulate Auth if (shouldUseEmulator) { firebase.auth().useEmulator(`http://localhost:9099/`); console.debug(`Using Auth emulator: http://localhost:9099/`); }
Make sure you also have init logic in
With Firebase Web SDK versions up to 8
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/auth';
import 'firebase/database';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase';
const fbConfig = {
// Your Firebase Config
// Emulate RTDB if Env variable is passed
const rtdbEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (rtdbEmulatorHost) {
fbConfig.databaseURL = `http://${rtdbEmulatorHost}?ns=${fbConfig.projectId}`;
// Emulate Firestore if Env variable is passed
const firestoreEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (firestoreEmulatorHost) {
host: firestoreEmulatorHost,
ssl: false,
const authEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (authEmulatorHost) {
console.debug(`Using Auth emulator: http://${authEmulatorHost}/`);
attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase });
With Firebase Web SDK version 9 in compat mode (same API as v8 with different import)
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/auth';
import 'firebase/compat/database';
import 'firebase/compat/firestore';
import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase';
const fbConfig = {
// Your Firebase Config
// Emulate RTDB if Env variable is passed
const rtdbEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (rtdbEmulatorHost) {
fbConfig.databaseURL = `http://${rtdbEmulatorHost}?ns=${fbConfig.projectId}`;
// Emulate Firestore if Env variable is passed
const firestoreEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (firestoreEmulatorHost) {
host: firestoreEmulatorHost,
ssl: false,
const authEmulatorHost = Cypress.env('FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST');
if (authEmulatorHost) {
console.debug(`Using Auth emulator: http://${authEmulatorHost}/`);
attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase });
- Start emulators:
npm run emulators
- In another terminal window, start the application:
npm start
- In another terminal window, open test runner with emulator settings:
npm run test:emulate
NOTE: If you are using react-scripts
(from create-react-app) or other environment management, you can use environment variables to pass settings into your app:
const {
} = process.env;
// Emulate RTDB if REACT_APP_FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST exists in environment
console.debug(`Using RTDB emulator: ${fbConfig.databaseURL}`);
fbConfig.databaseURL = `http://${REACT_APP_FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST}?ns=${fbConfig.projectId}`;
// Initialize Firebase instance
const firestoreSettings = {};
if (window.Cypress) {
// Needed for Firestore support in Cypress (see
firestoreSettings.experimentalForceLongPolling = true;
// Emulate RTDB if REACT_APP_FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST exists in environment
firestoreSettings.ssl = false;
console.debug(`Using Firestore emulator: ${}`);
Firebase instance config can be overriden by passing another argument to the cypress-firebase plugin. We can use this to override the databaseURL
Setup the config within plugin (
):const admin = require('firebase-admin'); const cypressFirebasePlugin = require('cypress-firebase').plugin; module.exports = (on, config) => { const overrideFirebaseConfig = { databaseURL: 'http://localhost:9000?ns=my-other-namespace', }; const extendedConfig = cypressFirebasePlugin( on, config, admin, overrideFirebaseConfig, ); // Add other plugins/tasks such as code coverage here return extendedConfig; };
Make sure you use the same
when initializing the firebase instance within cypress (cypress/support/index.js
) -
Make sure you use the same
when initializing the firebase instance within your app code
It is often required to run tests against the built version of your app instead of your dev version (with hot module reloading and other dev tools). You can do that by running a build script before spinning up the:
- Adding the following npm script:
"start:dist": "npm run build && firebase emulators:start --only hosting",
- Add the emulator port to
:"emulators": { "hosting": { "port": 3000 } }
- Run
npm run start:dist
to build your app and serve it with firebase - In another terminal window, run a test command such as
npm run test:open
NOTE: You can also use firebase serve
"start:dist": "npm run build && firebase serve --only hosting -p 3000",
Pass commandNames
in the options
object to attachCustomCommands
const options = {
// Key is current command name, value is new command name
commandNames: {
login: 'newNameForLogin',
logout: 'newNameForLogout',
callRtdb: 'newNameForCallRtdb',
callFirestore: 'newNameForCallFirestore',
getAuthUser: 'newNameForGetAuthUser',
attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase }, options);
For more information about this feature, please see the original feature request.
If you are using a file preprocessor which is building for the browser environment, such as Webpack, you will need to make sure usage of fs
is handled since it is used within the cypress-firebase plugin. To do this with webpack, add the following to your config:
node: {
fs: 'empty';
See #120 for more info
Separate Install
name: Test Build
on: [pull_request]
name: UI Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Cypress action manages installing/caching npm dependencies and Cypress binary.
- name: Cypress Run
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v2
group: 'E2E Tests'
# pass the Dashboard record key as an environment variable
# UID of User to login as during tests
# Service Account (used for creating custom auth tokens)
# Branch settings
GITHUB_HEAD_REF: ${{ github.head_ref }}
GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}
Using Start For Local
name: Test
on: [pull_request]
name: UI Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Cypress action manages installing/caching npm dependencies and Cypress binary
- name: Cypress Run
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v2
group: 'E2E Tests'
start: npm start
wait-on: http://localhost:3000
# pass the Dashboard record key as an environment variable
# UID of User to login as during tests
# Service Account (used for creating custom auth tokens)
# Branch settings
GITHUB_HEAD_REF: ${{ github.head_ref }}
GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}
When testing, tests should have admin read/write access to the database for seeding/verifying data. It isn't currently possible to use Firebase's firebase-admin
SDK directly within Cypress tests due to dependencies not being able to be loaded into the Browser environment. Since the admin SDK is necessary to generate custom tokens and interact with Real Time Database and Firestore with admin privileges, this library provides convenience methods (cy.callRtdb
, cy.callFirestore
, cy.login
, etc...) which call custom tasks which have access to the node environment.
- - A Firebase project management tool (here is the source)
- - App for connecting volunteers with at-health-risk population during the coronavirus pandemic. (here is the source)
- An error is coming from cypress mentioning "Error converting circular structure to JSON"
The issue is most likely due to a circular object, such as a timestamp, being included in data you are attempting to write to Firestore. Instead of using firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
you should instead use
or you would like to specify a certain date firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date('01/01/18'))
This comes from the fact that cypress stringifies values as it is passing them from the browser environment to the node environment through cy.task
- An error is causing tests to fail mentioning " blocked by CORS policy"
This has to do with the Firebase JS SDK having problems calling a Google API - this issue has mostly been seen with older versions of Firebase SDK (pre v8) when being tested on Firebase Hosting (as opposed to a local server).
The following should help prevent the issue from failing tests:
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err) => {
// Prevent test failure from errors from firebase installations API
return err.message.includes('');
If you experience this with an SDK version newer than v7 please create a new issue.
- firebase-admin v10 module support
- Drop support for service account file in favor of application default credentails env variable (path to file set in
) - Support for Auth emulators (this will become the suggested method instead of needing a service account)