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Shadowsocks Helm Chart


A Helm Chart for Shadowsocks.


A Kubernetes cluster and Helm CLI installed on your laptop.


Add repository

helm repo add predatorray

See helm repo for more information.

Install the chart

helm install $RELEASE_NAME predatorray/shadowsocks

Or, use the command below upgrade an existing release if it has been installed.

helm upgrade --install $RELEASE_NAME predatorray/shadowsocks

After that, all shadowsocks components will be ready on your K8S cluster.


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of Shadowsocks pods 1
image.repository Image repository of the Shadowsocks shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the Shadowsocks IfNotPresent
image.tag Image tag of the Shadowsocks v3.3.5
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets
fullnameOverride Override the fullname of K8S manifests {{ .Release.Name }}
serviceAccount.create Create ServiceAccount true
serviceAccount.annotations ServiceAccount annotations Name of ServiceAccount The fullname of the release
podAnnotations Annotations of the Shadowsocks pods
podSecurityContext Security context of the Shadowsocks pods
securityContext Security context of the Shadowsocks container
service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
service.loadBalancerIP If the service is a LoadBalancer, you can define its external IP address
service.port Port where the service (shadowsocks) is exposed 8388
service.annotations Annotations of the service
service.udpLoadBalancer.enabled If the service is a LoadBalancer, since we cannot create one with mix protocols, a seperate UDP-dedicated LoadBalancer will be created if enabled. false
service.udpLoadBalancer.serviceName Service name of the UDP LoadBalancer {{ .Release.Name }}-udp
service.udpLoadBalancer.annotations Annotations of the UDP LoadBalancer
shadowsocks.method Encryption method the Shadowsocks (See: -m <encrypt_method> in the Usage ) aes-256-gcm
shadowsocks.password.plainText Password of the Shadowsocks (See: -k <password> in the Usage) passw0rd
shadowsocks.password.existingSecret.secretName Read password from Secret instead of plain text
shadowsocks.password.existingSecret.passwordKey Secret key name for the password password
shadowsocks.dnsServers DNS servers of the Shadowsocks ["", ""]
shadowsocks.timeout Timeout of the Shadowsocks (See: -t <timeout> in the Usage) 300
kcptun.enabled Enabled Shadowsocks over Kcptun false
kcptun.port Port of the Kcptun 29900
kcptun.crypt The crypt of the Kcptun (See: --crypt value option in the Usage)
kcptun.key.plainText Key (password) of the Kcptun it's a secret (See: --key value option in the Usage
kcptun.key.existingSecret.secretName Read key from Secret instead of plain text
kcptun.key.existingSecret.passwordKey Secret key name for the key
kcptun.image.repository Image repository of the Kcptun xtaci/kcptun
kcptun.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the Kcptun IfNotPresent
kcptun.image.tag Image tag of the Kcptun v20210103
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
tolerations Tolerations []
affinity Affinity {}


Shadowsocks with LoadBalancer

helm upgrade --install shadowsocks predatorray/shadowsocks \
    --set service.type=LoadBalancer

Shadowsocks over Kcptun with LoadBalancer

helm upgrade --install shadowsocks predatorray/shadowsocks \
    --set service.type=LoadBalancer \
    --set kcptun.enabled=true \
    --set service.udpLoadBalancer.enabled=true