This evaluator checks is an Amalgamation of three components:
- Bootlint: Default Bootstrap Linting
- HtmlHint: Uses the following configuration
{ 'tagname-lowercase': true, 'attr-lowercase': true, 'attr-value-double-quotes': true, 'attr-value-not-empty': true, 'attr-no-duplication': true, 'doctype-first': true, 'tag-pair': true, 'empty-tag-not-self-closed': true, 'spec-char-escape': true, 'id-unique': true, 'src-not-empty': true, 'title-require': true, 'alt-require': true, 'doctype-html5': true, 'style-disabled': true, 'inline-style-disabled': true, 'inline-script-disabled': true, 'space-tab-mixed-disabled': 'space', 'id-class-ad-disabled': false, 'href-abs-or-rel': false, 'attr-unsafe-chars': true, 'head-script-disabled': true }
- Lighthouse: Audits on the following parameters
[ 'image-alt', 'document-title', 'duplicate-id', 'meta-viewport', 'meta-description', 'errors-in-console', 'button-name', 'link-name' ]
All the project files is expected to go inside the src/
# Installs all the dependencies
yarn install
# Runs the test case
yarn test
Note: The parameters of the linting and audits are chosen based on the concepts taught.