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React Community reactjs
React website and its localizations


Bitnami bitnami
Loved by Devs, Trusted by Ops. Our mission is to make awesome software available to everyone, everywhere.

San Francisco, CA

Basecamp basecamp
HEY! It's in Basecamp!

Chicago, IL

UnJS unjs
Unified JavaScript Tools
Nuxt nuxt
The Intuitive Vue Framework


Alexander Lichter TheAlexLichter
Web Engineering Consultant β€’ Founder β€’ @nuxt team β€’ Speaker

Web Engineering Consultant (open for inquiries) Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Anthony Fu antfu
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

@Nuxt undefined

Stefan Steuble stefansteuble

Pixel Plus AG Zurich, Switzerland

Hassan El Mghari Nutlope

New York City, NY

Manoj Vivek manojVivek
Curious Engineer. Web and Open Source Enthusiast. Making @responsively-org

Coimbatore, India

Ayush Saha emAyush56
Software Engineer @TeamDukaan


JSON Resume jsonresume
A community driven open source initiative to create a JSON based standard for resumes
Graham Campbell GrahamCampbell
OSS Maintainer | Laravel | StyleCI

Graham Campbell Technology Ltd York, United Kingdom

Laravel Daily LaravelDaily
Team of Laravel developers with experience since 2014.

Laravel Daily Vilnius, Lithuania / London, UK

Jahid Anowar jahidanowar
Full Stack Developer. have an affair with Vue and Node.js.

Foxflue Network India

Server Side Up serversideup
Quality tutorials & resources. No BS.

United States of America

CA Manas Madrecha ManasMadrecha
Investor. SEBI registered Research Analyst. Founder @manasmoney. Chartered Accountant. Author. Thinker @jainism-portal

Manas Money Mumbai, India

Adam Wathan adamwathan
Creator of Tailwind CSS, author of Refactoring UI, host of Full Stack Radio.

Ontario, Canada

Kyle Simpson getify
Kyle Simpson is a Human-Centric Technologist. He's fighting for the people behind the pixels.

Getify Solutions Austin, TX

Full-Stack Developer.
Kunal Kushwaha kunal-kushwaha
Field CTO @civo. Founder @WeMakeDevs

Civo London, UK

Kailash Nadh knadh
Hobbyist developer | CTO @zerodha | Volunteer @fossunited @rainmatter-foundation @indic-archive

Zerodha Bengaluru

Alba Silvente Fuentes Dawntraoz
A Frontend Developer enthusiastic, Vue & Headless CMS lover. #GoogleDevExpert in Web & #MVP in Dev Technologies πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ #WTM & #Nuxt Ambassador.

FullStack Engineer at Storyblok Amsterdam, The Netherlands

santy santiq
Coding the future

@Software-On-The-Road Space

Rasmus rsms
Personal Software, languages, compilers, Humans & Computers, and other fun things. Past professional life at Figma, Facebook, Spotify, Dropbox, etc.

Playbit San Francisco

Ariful Alam arifszn
⚑ Senior Software Engineer | Open Source Enthusiast | PHP | Node.js | React ⚑


Rijk van Zanten rijkvanzanten
Lead Maintainer of @directus 🐰✨

@directus New York City

Mike mikenikles
Software Architect πŸ‘·. Productivity ⏱️ & Team Morale 😊. Web, Javascript, Cloud Native ☁️. Author πŸ“š and Educator πŸ§‘β€πŸ«.
Ben Haynes benhaynes
Project Lead of @directus β€” Open Data Platform 🐰

@directus Brooklyn, NY

Asabeneh Asabeneh
🌱 Educator πŸ’» Programmer 🌐 Developer πŸ”₯ Motivator πŸ“˜ Content creator πŸ“ˆ Data Analyst | I create jargon-free, easy to read and understand educational material

Helsinki, Finland

Vinayak Kulkarni vinayakkulkarni
Never stop learning, cause life never stops teaching. ❀️ FOSS

Pune, India

Alyssa X alyssaxuu
Designer, developer, & entrepreneur. Founder of Screenity + other ventures. Best woman maker of 2018 (Maker Mag) & nominated as Maker of The Year (Product Hunt)

London, UK

Cassidy Williams cassidoo
Making memes and dreams... and software

GitHub Chicago, IL

Sarah Drasner sdras
comprehension over configuration

Google All over the place

Shruti Kapoor shrutikapoor08
Staff Software Engineer

San Francisco Bay Area

Brad Frost bradfrost
Principal and design system consultant at @bigmedium, web designer, speaker, writer, musician, and artist. Author of Atomic Design.

Brad Frost Web Pittsburgh, PA