This dashboard provides insights into Adidas's sales performance across various regions and retailers.
💻 Dashboard Link: Streamlit Cloud
Sales at a Glance Quickly see total sales figures for overall performance and how sales are distributed across different retailers.
Monthly Trends Track sales trends over time to identify seasonal patterns or shifts in buying behavior.
Geographic Deep Dive Explore units sold by individual state within each region using a tree map for a clear visual representation.
- Python 3
- Streamlit
- Plotly
- Pandas
$ pip install pandas
$ pip install streamlit
$ pip install plotly==5.22.0
1. Ensure you have the required dependencies installed (refer to Dependencies section).
2. Run the script using streamlit run (replace with your actual file name).
3. The dashboard will launch in your web browser.
You can further customize the dashboard to include additional functionalities and visualizations based on your specific needs.