This is an assignment given in "JavaScript Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp" by iNeuron, built using HTML5, CSS3 and Tailwind CSS.
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- I joined a bootcamp "JavaScript Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp" by iNeuron. Check🚀 (Not Sponsered)
- This project is given to us as an assignment.
- After completing paytm clone for about 16 hours started developing this shopify clone.
- It took me about 15 hours to complete this project.
- During this 15 hours process learned about the new CSS framework i.e. Tailwind CSS.
👉 Learn how to code for long hours.
👉 learn about a lot of design patterns like z-pattern.
👉 Learn an arrow animation and apply it to the button.
👉 Learn mobile-first design using CSS.
👉 How to develop full fledge landing page.
👉 Learn to plan such a huge project.
👉 Learn how to build fluid layouts using FlexBox.
- LinkedIn - Prakash Naikwadi
- Twitter - @PrakashNaikwad6
- Course Instructor - Hitesh Choudhary
- Icons Used For Tech Stack Section -
- This ReadMe File Inspired From - Jigar Sable