Starter kit for creating and publishing new Ember addons with all batteries included.
ember install ember-addon-starterkit
In order to use the installed YUIDoc ember theme we need to update the yuidoc.json with the following new options:
Add the following to the options section
"enabledEnvironments": ["development","production"],
"themedir": "node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme",
"helpers": ["node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme/helpers/helpers.js"]
If you want to keep your documentation/demo updated you need to automate that part using the ember-cli-release config.
Add the following to the config/release.js file created by the addon.
/* jshint node:true */
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
// For details on each option run `ember help release`
module.exports = {
publish: true,
afterPublish: function(project, versions) {
// Publish dummy app with docs to gh-pages
runCommand('ember github-pages:commit --message "Released ' + + '"');
runCommand('git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages');
function runCommand(command) {
console.log('running: ' + command); // eslint-disable-line
var output = execSync(command, { encoding: 'utf8' });
console.log(output); // eslint-disable-line
Once you have your addon code ready to be published with all the documentation added, You just have to issue only one command:
ember release
For accepting all commands with an yes
ember release --yes
- Release Automation
- npm Package Publishing
- Documentation
- Demo Application
- Test helpers
- Code coverage
Ember CLI addon that defines a release command for bumping the version of your app or addon. It's a streamlined alternative to the npm version command, with a number of additional advantages. ember-cli-release
Easily manage gh-pages of your ember-cli addon ember-cli-github-pages
This is an ember-cli addon for generate html documentation from YUIDoc comments in the source code. ember-cli-yuidoc
An EmberJS based YUIDoc theme yuidoc-ember-theme
Code coverage for ember apps using Istanbul Find more info here
Test helpers for your integration tests that fire native events Find more info here support. Get the great coverage reporting of and add a cool coverage button ( like the one above ) to your README. Find more info here
The demo application for this addon is published into gh-pages from the dummy app inside and is available here
ember serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
npm test
(Runsember try:each
to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit